The final gentleman

Chapter 703 Chaos Building

William simply doubted some of Yuyuan's motives, but he could not rule out that everything Yuyuan did was to speed up and perfect the revenge plan.

After all, the one-way passage formed by the dream is very suitable for sneak attacks.

The eyeballs scattered around the world can also be used as security monitors. If life from the outside world arrives, Yuyuan can also give the old world a warning of danger as soon as possible.

What Yuyuan thinks can only be verified by personally going to the deep sea.

"Catherine has absorbed the divinity of the Buddha Mother, her growth rate has doubled, and she will definitely go to the Arc Sea herself in the future.

Moreover, Lorian has also offended Yuyuan, so he can try to tie the two threads together and go to see Yuyuan together... However, let's consider the matter at hand first.

The work in the circus has not yet started, and the matter in the leather factory has not been resolved yet. Fortunately, the plan to win over Lorian went smoothly.

If Lorian's newly developed species can be fully utilized and added to the performance, the fear convergence efficiency should be greatly improved. "

William came out of the underground laboratory and went straight to the Silver Moon Clinic, trying to get to the important experimental site for species modification in Lorian.

But after walking around the clinic, he couldn't find a laboratory that was suspected of studying chaotic creatures, nor could he catch a trace of Lorian's aura.

I had no choice but to ask the bandage nurse passing by.

"By the way, where is Lorian conducting chaotic transformation and transplant experiments?"

"Has Mr. William been invited? [Chaos Building] is generally not open to outsiders."

"Chaos Building, the new hospital building? I should not be considered an outsider. Can you send a message to Lorian for me, saying that I am willing to assist in the experiment, and the instant noodles are also developed and produced by me. Maybe you can give me some opinions. , and even make improvements on site.”

As soon as William said these words, the nurse's facial bandage began to soak with blood, as if communicating.

"Come with me, Dean Lorien agrees for you to go."

The nurse led William into the clinic elevator and pressed the number [1]. However, when the elevator door opened, he did not step out. Instead, he turned around and faced his back.

Looking at the sterling silver structure of the elevator car wall in front of me, and then walking up... Buzz! Layers of water rippled on the wall, and the nurse pulled William along as she crossed.

Passing through the elevator car,

A long corridor with a sealed structure appeared in front of you, and the surrounding ground was lined with moonlight candles of different heights.

There is still an extremely strong atmosphere of chaos permeating the place. Even though the passage is plated with silver and suppressed by moonlight, there are still distorted faces, dense bulges, or root structures appearing around the passage.

At the end of the passage, various indescribable and bizarre sounds continued to come from, as if the throats of different races were torn out and made into flutes for playing.

"This building hidden on the dark side of the moon was built by the dean himself. It is used to confine and study chaotic beasts, and it is also used to create a new species [Moon Beast].

Various chaos-related products, including the [Brain in a Vat] you used before, are also produced here.

Please be careful, although the building is well set up, chaos does occasionally spill over and even we nurses often go missing. "

"It's okay, just follow my lead and I will ensure your safety."

the end of the passage,

Due to contacting Lorian in advance, the seal set on the door has been opened to the two of them.

When he pushed open the door of the Chaos Building, the scene in front of him made William frown. Even the nurse who had been here once had her legs trembling slightly, and the blood seeping from the facial bandage outlined a frightened expression.

Two words stood out throughout the hall, chaos.

The light bulbs that should be hung on the top or used as wall lights on both sides are densely embedded in the wall like eyes, but only a few can illuminate, and they are still flickering.

The floor no longer exists, replaced by syringes all over the floor, and even each syringe contains unknown drugs.

The only humane part may be the ventilator hose hanging from the ceiling, as well as the tubes of various detectors, which can be grasped with both hands and hung forward.

"let's go."

William stepped out directly, and a star curtain immediately formed under his feet, carrying him into the building. The bandaged nurse also tried to step onto the star curtain built by William. Although there was no physical touch, it could support her standing in the air, with a face full of shock.

William, who was walking in front, asked, "It seems that you haven't undergone chaos transformation yet?"

"No...most nurses haven't started the transformation yet. Because the mortality rate is too high, the director is currently conducting experiments with deep-sea creatures. If the survival rate of transforming deep-sea creatures can reach more than 60%, we nurses will officially start Accept transformation.”

"Lorian, this guy is quite humane. He didn't directly use you for experiments. Instead, he specially occupied a sea area closest to the old world and conducted experiments with foreign objects."

"The dean is actually quite nice. Otherwise, I wouldn't have immediately crossed the sea to assist you just because of your request, Mr. William, even though the injury has not fully recovered."

"Lorian is indeed very nice, but he really wants to take me as his own."

"Dean, he currently has Mr. Gallon to complement him, which may be a better result."

The two of them chatted and walked into the elevator of the Chaos Building. The buttons on it were also in a mess. Various numbers were scattered in different locations in the car, and the touch was similar to the eyeballs.

"Ms. Nurse, which floor is this?"

When William asked this question, the bandage nurse suddenly trembled with fear and clamped her legs, "Mr. William, I suddenly remembered that there is no elevator in this building! I haven't been here for a long time, and I just went to chat with you. , completely forgot about it.”

"There's no elevator, which means..."


A kind of corrosive saliva fell, just landing on William's shoulder!

Sizzle! A large amount of green smoke immediately rose up, and a small hole was corroded into the gentleman's clothing that was mixed with "black leather", and even the yellow leather was frantically spreading words.


Immediately afterwards, rows of sharp fangs began to ooze out of the elevator car, and the ground where the two stood became softer, and rows of barbs on the surface of the tongue could even be seen.

Obviously, this non-existent elevator is disguised as the mouth of a certain monster.

Not only that, the concentration of chaos in the mouth was so high that even the air quickly became sticky, and the nurse's body began to decay even without contact with saliva.

Basic star magic cannot be condensed in such a chaotic area.

The moment his mouth was about to close, William grabbed the nurse and stuffed her into his arms, or rather into the abyss of his abdomen.


Teeth gnashed, the elevator disappeared, but the monster couldn't eat anything.

The extremely hungry monster roared in the hall, and the roar was like the superposition of the screams of hundreds of children.

next moment,

An abyssal black hole appeared in the hall filled with syringes, and William emerged from it with the nurse in his arms.

Due to the appearance of monsters, the space structure was disrupted, and it was difficult to form a star curtain under the feet. The only way was to grab the ventilator hose hanging from the ceiling.

In front of their eyes,

A monster with a body similar to that of a human boy and a head swollen to more than three meters was slowly crawling over. He also carried a strange-shaped conch on his back.

It is obviously a [Moon Beast] transformed by life in the deep sea.

When he saw the 'food' appearing in the hall, the boy immediately buried his swollen head into the floor full of syringes.

Buzz! Some assimilation effect occurs,

The entire hall actually began to ooze saliva, becoming the boy's mouth. All the syringes became his teeth, and the upper and lower areas began to squeeze, preparing to chew and bite the two people into pieces.

"Huh? It's not that the head is disguised, but that he can attach the concept of a head to any enclosed space! Interesting!"

Faced with the bites from the entire hall area, William made only one action,

He inserted his right hand into the abyss of his abdomen and "turned over" one arm alone.

As an arm covered with spiral patterns appeared on the dark rock formation, it hit the ceiling that was bitten off with one palm! Some kind of spiral impact directly tore the ceiling into pieces, and the entire Chaos Building shook violently.

Even the surface of the moon directly above has a spiral pit several meters wide.

The hall returned to its original state, except that the ceiling was completely torn apart.

The boy kneeling in front of him held his twisted head in his hands, struggling in pain.

William did not kill him. He knew very well that this modified moon beast was very valuable and it would be a pity to kill it. He looked at the nurse who was stunned and said softly, "Shall we go up the stairs? He shouldn't dare to catch up again."

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