The final gentleman

Chapter 713 Bottom of the Lake

When William and others were placed directly on the top floor of the village by Lung Dragon, the scene here was uncomfortable.

A large number of villagers sat against the wall or squatted on the ground.

Their breathing pattern seems to have changed to a cough, which releases bacteria-containing mist after each inhalation, and at the same time exercises and strengthens the lungs through such coughing.

The villagers all have a common feature, that is, their chest and ribs are completely opened, or holes are directly made in the chest to expose the lungs.

It not only allows the lungs to gain more space for movement, but also allows the purple mist that permeates the hidden village, especially the lake mist floating up from the lake, to nourish the lungs.

Due to the long-term coughing, the villagers' lungs have more or less developed some lesions, or they are combined with the diseases they had before entering the village.

Some develop muscle-like patterns on the surface of the lungs.

Some are integrated with heart function, and can also serve as kinetic energy pumps to transport blood while breathing.

Some villagers have their brains directly connected to their trachea.

In addition to their daily coughing, they often hold pipes or tobacco sticks in their mouths, stuffed with a kind of comfrey collected from the cracks in the cliffs.

Seeing such a scene, William and others also slowly began to cough, but Lorian still closed his eyes and remained silent, not even coughing.

The one with the worst cough in the team was Snail Girl. She didn't even complete the source of the disease. She started coughing violently after breathing in the high-concentration mist from the Hidden Village, and blood continued to flow out from between the snail's shells.

The whole person even curled up on the ground, coughing crazily and experiencing general convulsions.

"Boss, do you need to help her?"

"No, she chose to come here on her own. Even if she relies on our help to survive, the secret will still be exposed later."

Everyone just watched quietly,

When Snail Girl was about to die, a coughing sound as loud as a firecracker suddenly spread, and the lungs in her body were coughed out from between the snail shells, and hung on her chest by the branches of the trachea.

As her lungs coughed out, her whole body seemed to be 'ventilating' without discomfort, and her coughing became gentler.

At this time,

The old man sitting aside with a homemade cigarette stick in his mouth suddenly spoke,

"With external lungs, he is gifted~ He is worthy of being an outsider sent by Lung Dragon. Ahem~ You should hurry up and go to the village chief's house for a "qualification test."

Maybe you can start transforming into a dragon in advance, and you may even get the qualification to live in the middle and lower classes, close to Lung Water Lake.

Yes, you are coming to the village for the first time, so you may not be familiar with it yet~ I will send you there. "

When the old man stood up, the skin on his back actually stuck to the rock on which he was leaning. This showed that he had been sitting like this for who knows how many years.


The skin on his back was completely torn open, and the old man looked like a zombie, leading everyone on the village bamboo path built in the sky.

In some places, there are bamboo ladders to go down.

Some places require jumping or rock climbing.

You can even use a giant suspended waterwheel to achieve a quick descent.

The village chief's house is located in the middle of the hidden village. Many people have gathered here and are waiting in line.

The old man who led the way explained, "The village chief is very busy~ because every day there are people who want to obtain the 'Gu Dragon Qualification'. Not only do they need to be reviewed, but the qualified people have to be classified according to their lung status.

Although the four of you don’t have ‘external lungs’, your coughing intensity, frequency and bacteria elimination efficiency are really high, cough cough! If you keep coughing along the way, the village chief will definitely like you very much. "

【Coughing non-stop】

William and others hardly coughed much along the way. Everyone also glanced at Lorian, who was restrained by a belt and his eyes were closed. He was the only one who could silently replace his body with illusions.

After queuing for half an hour, it was finally everyone's turn.

As soon as I stepped through the door of the village chief's house, I felt like I had passed through a barrier, but this barrier was in a pure gas state, or rather the breath exhaled from the village chief's lungs.

A powerful aura hit everyone, and Snail Girl was so frightened that she knelt on the ground.

William was slightly surprised, "Path Completer... I didn't expect that after traveling most of the Central Territory in those big cities, I couldn't find it. There was actually a silver circle patient hiding in such a mountainous village.

And this kind of posture feels a bit out of touch with Westerners.

We've come to the right place~ I don't know if Lorian's illusion can continue to be effective in the face of such a silver circle patient who is proficient in lung infections. If the secret is revealed, it will be up to me to spread fear. 』

In front of William's eyes,

The village chief, with a slender torso and a curved spine, leaned forward and sat on a bench, looking directly at the people who came in from the front.

He has no eyes, or his eyes have been replaced by tracheas,

The "main trachea" between the neck splits in the head and connects the facial features.

His eyes and ears are breathing, and he can sense everything around him by taking in the breath.

White beard hanging down to the ground,

The torso, arms, legs and feet all resemble a dragon body to a certain extent. Although there are no dragon scales, they are curved and claw-like.

The most striking feature is the special wings on the back, which are shriveled and reduced lung dragon wings. The holes on the surface have been closed, but the horizontal span is still more than five meters.

Obviously, the village chief is the surviving Gu Dragon Lung user.

Purple breath kept exhaling from his face, but he still didn't speak.

After waiting for five minutes, he finally made a move. The closed hole of the dragon wing on his right side opened slightly, and he sucked it gently! The snail girl was forcefully attracted.

"The lungs are externally placed, and there is no open source yet. What a great embryo!

You guys are pretty good too, with a high degree of piety. You have knelt down and worshiped on the ground since you entered the door without a single breath or distracting thought. Your cough frequency has also remained at an even level. "

When the village chief said these words,

Everyone, including the dentist and Nash, glanced at Lorian, who was standing at the end. The illusion was still taking effect without any flaws.

“Your quality is very high and has reached the highest standards of our village.

This lady who has not yet reached open source needs to stay in the village for special training, and you four open source patients have two choices.

The first one is to "transform into a dragon", but it is difficult to find a "gu" that can match you. If you just arrange ordinary villagers to be tied together with you to refine the poison, you will definitely be able to survive, which is meaningless.

Therefore, the waiting period will be longer. Of course, our village will provide you with long-term free accommodation.

Second, follow me to the Lung Water Lake. If your physique can withstand it, you can go deeper to meet [My Lord]. If you can get His gift, you can get "True Lungs".

At that time, pathways will be easily passed and even higher levels can be reached without pathways. "

These words made everyone, including Lorian, frown.

The village chief in front of him is already a silver circle patient, and he would be a major member of any major epidemic area, but now he calls others 'my lord'.

If this were a village in the old world, everyone would even wonder if a new plague lord was born deep in the lake.

And the last sentence of the village chief is also very interesting. There is no way to reach a higher level.

"We want to try the second one."

"Very well...come with me."

The village chief exhaled gently, and a purple cloud carried everyone to the Lung Water Lake at the bottom of the village.

Purple to black, constantly bubbling, sticky and even hot,

There are also many humanoid bones scattered on the shore, showing a state of extreme pain.

The village chief took out four stone cups from nowhere, scooped up the purple water in the lake and brought it over, "Drink it~ As long as you can withstand the pressure brought by the lake water, you are qualified to go to the depths."

Nash took the cup and drank it in one breath without thinking.

He used his extraordinary regenerative power to resist, and finally let out a huge burp before he finally digested the lake water completely. His stomach was churning, and he might have diarrhea tonight.

Unexpectedly, when he looked at the three people beside him, they just poured the lake water on the shore calmly and did not drink it at all.

Because of the influence of Lorian's illusion, no matter what is done, it will be performed according to the 'result' that the village chief is most satisfied with.

"Nash, you are very responsible~"

"As an actor, you have to persevere no matter what you encounter. Just drink something like pepper water. It's not difficult! Thank you for the compliment, boss."

The village chief on the side couldn't hear the conversation at all, and just nodded with satisfaction.

Then he began to spread his wings vigorously, stirring the lake surface,

Until a secret passage at the bottom of the lake was revealed,

"Go on, my lord will definitely like you very much! As a Gu dragon, I am not qualified to go further. I hope that one of you can completely satisfy my lord."

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