The final gentleman

Chapter 714 Independent Space

"It belongs to a certain kind of space passage, which is different from the space passages I have seen... However, my abyss seems to have some resonance. This kind of space passage is completely inconsistent with the style of the Hidden Village, and may not even have anything to do with the Central Territory."

Could it be that things from the outside world have really come over?

You must go in and see what exactly changed the shape of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacilli and deliberately formed such a mountain and hidden village that can attract patients from all over the world. 』

The village chief on the side has already made a gesture of invitation, and you can even feel that his facial organs are shrinking and showing great excitement. Obviously, the presence of individuals in the village who are qualified to go to the bottom of the lake is more important than the transformation into a dragon, and is even more important. times.

It's as if he is purely a salesman, and as long as he can promote talented people, he can receive a lot of money.

William also moved a step towards the edge of the lake, preparing to jump directly into it.

At this time, a voice sounded in his head, and it was Lorian's voice.


These mountains, thick fog, flying dragons, villages and special lakes are all "covers". A silver circle patient was even arranged to keep watch outside.

Everything is used to mask and insulate the area below.

Once we fall into it, we may go to another unknown space, and my relationship with the moon may be temporarily severed. With your understanding of the stars and the abyss, you should be able to see the special features of the lake bottom passage, right?

I suggest directly slaughtering the village or carrying out complete enslavement, and then using your and my abilities to knock out relevant information from the heads of the village chief or other people who have been down there, and then consider whether to go down. 』

"At least my epileptic brain cannot read the information. I have tried to search the memory area of ​​the brains of the lung dragons I taught before, but it turned out that it was shrouded in a purple mist. As long as there is a slight memory leak or external intrusion, the memory area will be completely destroyed.

It is very possible that the mountains and hidden villages are just one of the strongholds of the mysterious forces. If we directly expose our strength and massacre the villages above, the other party may even directly stop us and close the passage in front of us.

To know what's down there, we have to go down.

Moreover, there is a certain possibility that the things hidden here are 'good', and the so-called "true lungs" may also be beneficial to me and you.

At least since we set foot on the Sick Mountain until now, what we have encountered is relatively good. The sick people who come to the mountain are not said to die immediately. Those who have the ability to accept conjugative bacteria will go to the village to get more opportunities, and those who are not suitable can even return the same way.

In addition, I am one of the chiefs of the Circus of Fear, Lori Anni is the origin of the new moon, Jessica is the deputy director of the dental museum and Nash is the first executioner of our circus.

If even a combination like ours is in danger, then the world's catastrophe is really coming.

Of course, the most important point is that this whirlpool-like space channel has a certain similarity with my abyss. If we encounter danger down there, I am confident that we can move out safely.

Since we have been acting along the way, let's let nature take its course, continue acting, and explore what is underneath, and whether there will be any unexpected opportunities. 』

Regarding the analysis given by William, Lorian simply responded,

"Let's go." 』

As for the dentist Jessica, no need to ask more. She has been full of desire to explore this unrecorded lung disease ever since she saw it. Even if everyone wants to leave now, she will probably go alone.

William connected everyone's wrists with chains and jumped into it together.

Buzz! Four breaths disappeared into the world at the same time,

The moon hanging behind the clouds, because of Lorien's departure, the entire Chaos Building became restless.

As the temporary director, Dr. Fana also stood up suddenly, "The master's aura has disappeared!"

Not only that, but the nurses of the Crimson Cross Society under her also became anxious one by one, "The teacher's aura has disappeared!"

However, they quickly calmed down and immediately went to the Chaos Building on the dark side of the moon to suppress it.

Some kind of space shuttle that has never been experienced before acts on the four people, like passing through a circle of hoses or special organs with link obstacles,

Finally arrived at a completely sealed independent space.


Land firmly,

William unexpectedly landed on a road full of cracks and littered with abandoned cars. You could even see many skeletons sitting in the cars. Judging from the skeletal shape, they belonged to humans, some were large and some were small. They seemed to have experienced extreme pain during their lifetimes. , it seems that even the skin and flesh have been completely peeled off.

The road ahead corresponds to a deserted and destroyed modern city. Its level of modernization is almost equivalent to that of the world during Yi Chen's lifetime.

It's just that the city is currently shrouded in a purple barrier, and the surface of the barrier is also engraved with black symbols that William cannot understand.

It not only plays the role of stabilizing the package and the city, but also completely isolates the space where the city is located from the outside world.

All connections with the outside world were completely severed.

There are some Gu Dragon Lungers that look like village chiefs flying in the city sky, and some are even bigger, more like a real dragon.

The dentist chewed gently and said, "How strange, the concentration of tuberculosis bacteria here has actually decreased? Even where we are, there are not many bacteria... I thought there would be a real diseased lung space here.

By the way, what on earth is this place? "

William was walking in the opposite direction of the city, and he hit the edge of the purple barrier after walking less than ten meters.

Reach out and touch...hiss!

The moment his fingers touched the barrier, William's eyes widened and he decisively cut off his entire right arm with a hand axe.

The arm that fell to the ground was annihilated starting from the point where the fingers touched, and finally nothing was left.

"It's a physical barrier condensed by the ultra-high concentration of Lung Water Lake liquid, and there are also strange symbols drawn on it that I don't know about. My body will become like this just by touching it.


William looked at his belly and felt the slowly rotating abyss. "It's not completely impossible to escape. Let's first take a look at what's going on here. Why is such a barrier set up?

Do you want to imprison patients coming from outside, or do you want to imprison a certain existence in this city?

Lorian, is the moon still sensitive? "

The latter was still acting as a patient, closing his eyes and mute, only shaking his head slightly.

At this time, Nash's instinct as a parasite felt an endless sense of danger emerging from the depths of the city.

"Boss, this!

There is such a place in the human world! I thought Mr. Lorian's Moon was amazing enough.

The mountain village we passed before is just the [entrance], the real thing is down here. "

"Nash, if necessary, I need you to parasitize my brain."

"I know, boss."

During the exchange, even Huang Pi, who had always disliked speaking, became nervous. William could clearly feel the tightening of his suit, and at the same time received a text reminder on his retina.

≮My contact with the leather factory has been completely cut off, so be careful! William, don't die in such an unclear place. ≯

"Once I find something wrong, I will evacuate here. 』

William patted his suit gently to appease Huang Pi, and he became completely serious, leading everyone to formally set foot in the dilapidated and mysterious city in front of them.

Just when everyone stepped onto the city streets, the nearest Gu Dragon Lung user fell vertically.

His eyes were constantly absorbing the auras emanating from the four people, with doubts on his face.

"Coming here as a non-Gu dragon seems to have passed the village's highest test. If you only have the open source level, you will die easily.

Come with me! There happens to be a spare position under my lord's sect, and you can fill it. "

Judging from the other party's words, Lorian's illusion is still in effect.

Everyone looked at each other and decided to follow the lunger to the location of the so-called 'my lord' to see who created this independent space, cultivated the lung dragon, and formed the existence of unknown tuberculosis bacteria.

While walking through the streets,

The sights here and the breath flowing through the city made William feel uncomfortable all over.

'City Ruins' William has been to many places, the most impressive of which was the ruined city of Vinal due to Lorian's "False Moon Incident".

But they are just ruins,

The city in front of you can give people a sense of despair, with dead bones everywhere. You can even hear the last desperate screams from the mouths of the skulls, and you can even feel the details of their being cramped and boned while they were alive. picture.

I don’t know what happened to cause this city to encounter such a ‘disaster’.

Moreover, there were wisps of special aura gathering under everyone's feet toward the center of the city. William's intuition told him that the place where the auras gathered was quite dangerous.

But everyone's destination was not to go to the city center, but to a large stone temple located on a hill in the city.

The plaque is named [Lung Temple].

William and others had just stepped onto the stone steps and were about to push open the door of the Lung Temple, when a sound that caused the organs to vibrate came from deep inside.

“I came here without any sexual changes in the lungs, and even the Gu dragon I cultivated was completely deceived and could not be recognized.

In the outer plane, the undefined lower world, human beings who have evolved morbidly relying solely on biological genes can actually possess such illusion methods. It is really surprising. "

As soon as these words came out, William and others immediately took up their posture and prepared for a big battle.

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