The final gentleman

Chapter 721 Ineffective Killing

William and Yi Chen have completely different methods of not thinking about "urban legends".

William directly used his epileptic brain to erase all stories related to the human body collector. He even forcibly forgot about the "deprivation of his right eye" and re-fabricated a false story to replace it, treating the woman who gradually surfaced in front of him. Be an 'evil god'.

Yi Chen is not so complicated. He just makes himself more pure, focusing only on killing and not caring about the target of the killing or its origin. As long as it is "evil", he will completely eradicate it.

When the woman in the center of the lake emerged, her eyes were still on William, to be precise, it was the "left eye" that had not yet been collected.

At the same time, the woman also took out a tool used for forced collection.

It is also her favorite tool in urban legends. It is also the "story object" that runs through the origin story of the body collector and involves her childhood growth - the spoon.

In the story, Daria Miko's childhood was lived in a completely deformed native family. She was the eldest in the family, but her parents favored her very naughty younger brother. Even if the younger brother did something very excessive, the parents would still speak for him.

In order to vent her discomfort, Daria went out to dissect small animals with a metal spoon, dug out the internal organs, and made specimens based on the knowledge she learned in biology class.

As her parents' preference became stronger, and as she was regarded as a freak day by day, she was ostracized both at school and at home.

Her mood changed, and her brother turned into a naughty monkey in her eyes.

Seeing her brother who was no longer a human being, she no longer felt any burden. She took a spoon and gutted out his whole body, making different exhibits one after another, and placed them at the door of her house for her parents to visit when they came back from work overtime.


As she took out the "spoon", the old man on the shore retreated decisively with the stick as if he had a psychological shadow.

"Be careful! The thing in her hand is a "story object", and its effect exceeds the ordinary rules. "

As soon as he finished speaking,

The spoon was already aimed at William's remaining eyeball. When she made the "dig" action, space and time froze, and the world turned into black and white.

It seemed that the eye-gouging incident was a foregone conclusion, and no matter what William wanted to do, he could not change it.


In Daria's black and white vision, the young man who should have been standing next to William, with a strange parasite wrapped around his body and a similar appearance, disappeared, and she did not notice at all how the other person disappeared.

"The murderous intention is restrained"

Yi Chen has been releasing murderous intent and emphasizing his existence.

Just now, when the woman in the lake focused her attention on William, he used Nash's murderous intent characteristics to restrain all the murderous intent.

The whole person seemed to be hidden in an instant.

When Daria was about to carve out the spoon in her hand, a hand ax filled with murderous intent and held by countless dead people had already been chopped down.


A large amount of black water splashed on the lake, and a surging deathly air spread across the lake.

The next second,

A black figure rushed out of the water curtain and fell to the shore.

Tick ​​tick tick~ black liquid drips.

"Yi Chen! Your hands!"

William, who was sitting cross-legged on the shore, stared wide-eyed because Yi Chen's right arm, which was best at holding the axe, was gone.

The wound clearly showed signs of being gouged out with a spoon.

Soon the wound stopped bleeding and was filled with a white flesh.

This is not regeneration but 'rule erasure', which means that Yi Chen was born with a one-armed deformity and has never grown a right arm.

"It's a small matter... If you want to kill this kind of existence, it's impossible without making some sacrifices.

The killing just now made me feel a little better. If I try it a few more times, I might be able to find a way to kill the story.

At that time, as long as the opponent can be restrained and does not move randomly, if I condense death to a point, I may be able to perform "conceptual decapitation".

But I only have one chance. If I fail, the other party will be very wary of me.

I'll give it another try. William, take action depending on the situation. It seems that the old guy can only provide us with support. "

At this moment, bursts of purple energy hit,

It penetrated into Yi Chen's body along his nasal cavity, completely dyeing his lungs purple. His breathing quality improved significantly, and he even felt that his body was much lighter.

"Thank you, old... senior!"

After Yi Chen expressed his gratitude, he kicked off his feet and headed towards the center of the lake again.

Hold the ax with your right foot, swing the dagger with your left arm, and coordinate with the "rhythm" to perform a perfect killing...beautiful and powerful, neat and powerful.

Dozens of sword lights flashed across the lake, waiting for dozens of guillotines to fall.

The woman holding a spoon was directly chopped into pulp, and every piece of meat was invaded by death and turned into black liquid.

But... the story itself has not been eliminated, the concept still exists. What Yi Chen killed was just the entity projected by the story.

Kah~gah~gah! A frightening guttural bubble sound came from the bottom of the lake.

"It turns out... you are just like my parents, and just like those people wearing special uniforms, you want to kill me and completely deny the human body exhibits I made!

People like you have no value in collecting, just kill them and put them away as garbage.

Kah~gah~gah! "

A moment of time,

Heads popped up one after another on the surface of the lake,

The urban legend story directly projects multiple entities of 'collectors' to jointly target Yi Chen, the murderer. All the women have spoons in their hands and have already made meat-digging movements.

No matter how fast Yi Chen is, no matter how superb his skills are, he can't kill them all in one go.

Just then, a loud shout came from the shore,

William raised his arms and shouted loudly through the special breathing method he had just imitated, and his voice shook the whole city.

"OK, brothers, all eyes are on me! Look at me, look at me!"

Such a loud voice not only attracts attention, but also activates the "seeds of fear" buried in Daria's body in advance.

The effect of "social phobia" was activated and expanded by these words, forcing the woman between the lakes to turn her attention to William again.

At the same time as all eyes were shifting,

William was also furious and struggled to shout out the second half of the words,

"I'm making an announcement! I'm an idiot!"

As soon as the last words were spoken,

The seeds of fear that were planted before sprouted instantly.

Even if it is an illusory "urban legend", I feel uncomfortable all over. I feel like there are ants crawling in my consciousness, and I want to stay as far away from the social terrorists on the shore as possible.

At the moment when he finished speaking the 'Declaration of Independence', William deliberately stretched out his belly, revealing the abyss on it, and gave Yi Chen a look.

The latter understood immediately,

Stepping in the air and leaping over the dragon gate! With a standard action, he rushed into the abyss in William's belly and disappeared completely. He was sent to the deepest part of space, surrounded by a large number of black tapeworms (abyss transformation).

"Parasite Abyss (Teleport)"

Behind the group of women who stayed as far away from William as possible out of fear and gathered at the other end of the lake, buzz! An abyssal hole appeared silently.

Yi Chen was teleported to a perfect blind spot behind his back.

As the group of women gathers together and the attention is on William.

Yi Chen completed all the harvesting behind them in an instant, beheading more than forty women perfectly.

The entire lake also emitted violent screams, as if this killing had damaged [the story itself] to a certain extent, and the urban legend of the human body collector was being shaken.

More importantly, every killing accumulated experience for Yi Chen, and the force and angle of each beheading were slightly adjusted, allowing him to better understand the nature of this urban legend.

Yi Chen, who was bathed in blood, slowly raised his head and muttered: "That's almost it... As long as I can do 'one-on-one', and as long as the other party doesn't move around, I might be able to really complete the 'conceptual decapitation'." "

"Yi Chen, be careful!"

Just as William's shout arrived, a spoon had already been dug out.


Even though Yi Chen reacted quickly and jumped back to the opposite lake with all his strength, trying to hide in the abyss of William's belly, he was still too slow.

Bang! A ball of flesh and blood fell over.

What fell back in front of William was a mangled upper body wrapped with parasites.

Yi Chen's entire lower body was "collected", and even some of his internal organs were dug out, and a mouthful of thick black blood spurted out.

But he was still excited, twisting his remaining left arm, "The feeling of having the lower body cut off gave me inspiration, this is it... William, the next step is up to you! As long as you can capture the humanoid body of that guy , I can kill the concept.”

"Why rely on me? Fear has already been used... Yi Chen, look at the current situation for yourself, what has become!"

Cold sweat slid down his eyebrows,

This time, the woman ‘Daria’ who is the protagonist of the story is no longer projected on the lakeside.

Instead, they walked out of the forest of the park one after another. There were more people than before, there were even a hundred of them, each one holding a spoon.

William couldn't care less about the best opportunity, and clasped his hands in the abyss of his abdomen, preparing to use the last resort.

But at this moment,

William's only remaining eye caught a glimpse of the center of the lake that was darkened by death and killing. Suddenly, a flash of silver light lit up, and the reflection of the moon appeared vaguely.

"The moon in the water?"

When William looked up, it was clearly noon.

A moon that came from nowhere actually rose above the hazy gray city, forcibly switching to night and shining moonlight on every corner of the park.

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