The final gentleman

Chapter 738 Spoon

"When encountering an emergency, please choose a test method"

1. Sanity check - if the check is successful, you will face the unknown individual directly, and the fear value will not be deducted.

2. Agility test - If the test is successful, you can leave the stairs and return to the entrance.

3. Strength test - A successful test can destroy the current staircase and prevent the event from happening.

"It's this voice again..."

For some reason, Grip felt a little irritable from the moment he saw William.

Currently, following the character of the detective he plays, he quickly comes up with a method that is not a test method. With the attitude of giving it a try, Grip opened the whiskey and took a sip to let the alcohol hit him without responding to the reminder in his head.

He jumped up, grabbed the handrail at the edge of the second floor, and climbed up.

The intersection that should be at the corner of the stairs is directly skipped.

When I stood in the entrance hall on the second floor and looked at the stairs again, there was nothing there, and the terrible bubble sound had completely disappeared.

"Sure enough, I can definitely make a better choice... The words that sound in my head are more like a 'directional script', indicating how the individual should choose at a certain node, thus presenting a dramatic or fearful effect.

However, one should not take it lightly, just like the blonde girl encountered in the hotel. She thought she had escaped a disaster but in fact the incident was not over at all. "

At this moment, the prompt sound came again, but this time the tone of voice was no longer standard, it was more like someone talking.

"You actually don't act according to the 'narration'. This will reduce the effect of the performance. Don't be clever like this next time." 』

Grip ignored it and carefully examined the situation on the second floor.

There are four rooms in total,

a bathroom,

One is the master bedroom for the couple.

One is a study and utility room.

One is the children's room that the couple once prepared for their future child, and it is currently also used as a utility room.

Grip glanced at the situation in all the rooms.

Unexpectedly, he discovered the problem at the first glance. When he glanced at the bathroom, he found that the bathtub faucet was not closed tightly and the inside of the bathtub was already filled with water.

The most important thing is that there are still a lot of black hair floating on the water, which should be the same as those caught in the sandwich before. The tiles in the corner of the bathroom were also stained with a few blood stains that were difficult to wipe off.

"Let's look at other places first, so as not to run into any trouble of making a choice again."

Coming to the master bedroom, the spacious bedroom is simple and clean in black and white tones. Photos of the couple are hung above the bed and on the wall.

There is a relatively complicated pill box on the bedside table, most of which are neuroleptic drugs.

Grepp didn't hesitate to rummage through the wardrobe and found that there were many clothes of the same type inside, as well as a large number of masks. It seemed that Madam needed to change her masks multiple times every day.

In addition, the keen insight of the third eye also accidentally discovered that there is a secret passage leading to the attic at the top of the wardrobe, but it is completely locked and requires a key.

After leaving the master bedroom, he went to the study room.

It is also very neat. The bookcase also contains a large number of engineering books related to the owner's work, as well as some biology and medical books.

Grip then turned around and came to the desk by the window. From the freshly opened ink and the wear marks on the edges of the table corners, he could roughly judge that the owner of the house used the desk very frequently.

However, the desk drawer was also locked, and through the "third eye" perspective, it was discovered that there was a thick notebook inside, filled with notes.

Just when Grep wanted to open the drawer and take out the notebook inside.

The study door, which should have been closed easily, was opening at a constant speed without any noise. A black figure was standing at the door, eyes wide.

Grip also felt the sense of peeping behind him for the first time, and immediately reached for the revolver at his waist, preparing to draw the gun and shoot when he turned around.

Twist and turn around,

When Grip saw the dark figure at the door clearly, his palms slowly moved away from his waist.

The person standing at the door was not a ghost but the owner of the house, William. The other person also said with a friendly smile:

"Mr. 71, I forgot to tell you before. Since I quit my job, I have become very free. I spend part of every day in the study room, trying to read some books on biology and medicine so that I can better understand my wife's life. disease.

In the drawer is my study notebook, which is full of information in this field. If you need to check it, I will open it for you now. "

"No, it's just the detective's curiosity. Now that you know what's inside, there's no need to open it.

By the way, your house should have an attic space, right? "

Grip pointed to the ceiling.

William struck his left palm with his right fist, "Mr. Detective, your insight is amazing.

The house had an attic when we bought it and had been used as storage space by the original owner.

But for my wife and I, since we don’t have children, the children’s room is enough to be used as a storage room. We don’t need the attic at all, so we chose to seal it up.

If Mr. Detective feels the need to take a look, here is the key, and you should be able to find the entrance. "

As he spoke, a brass key fell into Grip's hand.

"By the way, has Mr. Gripp felt any sense of voyeurism from just now to now?"


William's eyes changed slightly, "Oh~ Okay. Then I won't disturb your investigation. If you need anything, call me anytime."

As William left, Grip looked at the key in his hand, feeling a little more confused and becoming more vigilant.

"What on earth does this guy William want to do..."

Dragging the key back to the closet in the master bedroom, the brass key perfectly matched the keyhole.

Click! When he pushed open the dark panel leading to the attic, no dust fell, which further tensed Grip's nerves.

"I clearly said that I have not used the attic, but there is not even a speck of dust on it..."

Holding the revolver in his hand, he carefully propped himself up and walked to the dark attic area. The three eyes between his eyebrows had already been opened.

The first thing that can be determined is that there is nothing in the empty attic, but some scratches left by fingernails and even teeth gnawing marks can be seen on the attic floor.

"That' iron chain?"

Grip quickly noticed the corner of the attic where the chains used for restraints were actually screwed, and when he tried to lean over.

Click! The dark panel behind him suddenly closed, and there was even the sound of locking.

He immediately returned as fast as he could, but was still a second too late. The entrance and exit were completely sealed, and the dark attic became extremely silent.

Just when Grip was about to call the owner's name, there was a completely different sense of spying behind him, and at the same time there were bursts of bubbles coming from deep in his throat.

Hey, hey, hey

Grip suddenly turned around and found that there was a black-haired woman at the iron chain in the previously empty corner of the wall.

Her wrists had red marks left by the chains,

His black hair covers his face and his appearance cannot be seen clearly.

Suddenly, she turned over her elbows and crawled wildly in an extremely twisted posture. If you look closely, you will find that all the woman's fingernails are gone.

"Calling Sanity..."

The prompt tone also came at this moment.

Grip looked directly at the twisted woman crawling towards him, but he still did not pull the trigger in his hand. Until the other person crawled in front of him, swept his hanging black hair over his nose, and faced each other at close range.

Even so, he still didn't close his eyes or shoot.

"You dared to look directly at the twisted thing in front of you and made the right decision. You did not attack the opponent or show any malice.

The malignant aggregation in front of you no longer treats you as an enemy, and the check is successful. 』

The prompt tone ends,

The woman still leaned in front of Grip and made a weird throaty sound. As something squirmed around her neck, a spoon spit out from her mouth.


When the spoon hit the floor, the woman in front of him disappeared.

This spoon was exactly what Grip saw on the stairs when he first entered the villa, and its reappearance was enough to prove the importance of this prop.

What is the purpose of the ‘snooper’ hiding in the villa insisting on displaying this object? Grip already had the answer in his heart.

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