The final gentleman

Chapter 741 Lorian’s worries

【Dining room】

William, Jessica and Grip were dining here, with Golden Mask supervising as a waiter.

What was placed in front of Grep was a large grape feast. The ingredients were all from the Chamber of Commerce. He had rarely had a good meal in more than a year of independence, and he was feasting on it now.

While Grep was eating, Jessica, who was wearing a mask, would look over from time to time.

Although he has distinguished between reality and acting, he is still a little afraid, especially when he sees Jessica's big seamed mouth and the teeth embedded in the mouth through the see-through mask, he feels that the other person will eat him.

William's voice suddenly came, "As a doctor, Miss Jessica is very curious about your body. She has already done a physical examination for me and gave me good opinions. Little Putao, you can really try it."

Unexpectedly, before Little Putao could respond, Jessica said first:

"Evil Yang Carrier, your body is fused with at least four large pieces of firewood. Even if you give me a physical examination, I can't detect such a body perfectly, and it might be contaminated with curses.

Only by going to the [Dental Museum] and borrowing the ancient instruments inside can you get a complete physical examination.

Moreover, the 'base' used to store firewood is very interesting. Although it looks like 'corpse', these corpses seem to have origins, and they are all taken from special humans in the other world.

The humans corresponding to each corpse are very talented, especially in the field of [eye]. It is really good to use the eyes to carry the evil sun with a similar shape.

How amazing, William, that you actually have such a person beside you. There are probably not even five people in the old world who can carry the evil sun so smoothly. "

Hearing Jessica give such a high evaluation, Grip's inner defense against this lady relaxed a little.

Jessica chewed her teeth, "But... carrying the evil sun will not only suffer physical pressure, but also mental effects. Every piece of evil sun firewood can curse passers-by, let alone stuffing such a thing into in vivo.

Although you seem fine at the moment, if you keep collecting, your personality will be taken over sooner or later, so be careful. "

"Yeah." Grip naturally knew the meaning of the other person's words, because he had already experienced it, and even now he could hear Xie Yang's whisper in his ears.

After putting the last few grapes on the plate into his mouth, Grip also collapsed on his seat and enjoyed this rare moment of rest.

"By the way, why didn't you see this guy Lorian?"

"He is controlling the false moon and maintaining the illusion of tens of thousands of people."

"He won't be so honest and help you with things, right? Did you make any deal?"

"That's for sure. At least on the surface, this guy Lorian will never suffer. I made a deal with him. He is currently assisting my performance as an external expert. In addition, he can also select among these participants. , select some special patients who can stay on the moon for transformation and work."


"Remember the taxi driver you met during the performance? His feeling should be different from other fear factors, right? The situation on Lorian's side is probably like this, related to Garen..."

Little Putao had been exposed to Galen and the different world behind it before with William, and after some explanations, she roughly understood the situation.

"It seems that a lot of things happened during my absence. By the way, how long will this primary election game last?"

"Just follow me and take a look and you'll find out."

After the meal, everyone took the elevator inside the castle directly to the top.

A spectacle that has never been seen before in the old world is happening before our eyes.

The fake moon that looks like a human head - the "yin head" - is hanging in the sky. As the mouth opens and closes, and with each exhalation and inhalation, a large number of threads of fear float from outside the city.

The moon-gazers wearing masks sitting outside the city remained in an upright posture, with threads of fear spilling out from their seven holes.

But there are also a very small number of people who have no fear reaction throughout the whole process, and there is even one person who enjoys it.

Little Grape's eyes quickly positioned themselves, and he saw Art sitting in the tree house with Catherine, wearing a child's mask, and letting out some scary laughter from time to time.

"Chief Clown...this guy totally looks like he's having fun."

William explained, "Art is originally an extremely evil individual that is rare in the old world. His evil thoughts have little impact on him, and he can even be completely controlled by him.

It's just the right time for him to come here this time, so he can test how far this guy Art can go.

Judging from the current progress, the preliminary selection will take about one day, and the finalists will go directly to the theater inside the Yin Head. "

"What are you going to do for the final show, another game?"

"No, the final performance will be performed live in my theater. It does not require me to perform in person, but Yi Chen will work with one of my lieutenants to perform it. You will know when the time comes.

And I am mainly responsible for telling stories.

Well, let me take you to see the theater first. You haven't seen it yet. "


William originally wanted to grab Little Putao's arm and teleport him directly.

Who knows, a heat wave rises and the ashes float away.

The little grape flew vertically towards the lunar surface in an attitude similar to that of a burning man. The speed was incredibly fast, with a long tail of flame ash trailing at the bottom.

"A little handsome~"

The two successfully landed on the surface of the vagina and followed the 'moon crater' of the metal patch directly to the theater located at the deepest point.

When William led Xiao Putao into the theater while introducing him, he unexpectedly found that a silver-haired young man was already sitting in the first row of the audience, still fiddling with coins in his hand.

"Lorian, you didn't control the moonlight?"

"The scene is set, and everything can be left to the fake moon to run on its own. As long as no one deliberately messes with it, there will be no problems. Even if there is a problem, I can debug it immediately while sitting at the moon core.

Moreover, Brother Reagan is also helping to control the metal core inside the fake moon.

On the contrary, the arrival of 'this person' caused a temporary disorder in the magnetic field of the entire vagina. Fortunately, I controlled it in time.

Unexpectedly, such a carrier of evil yang is actually the little black ball in your body, William... How interesting. Moreover, he is also assembled from human corpses, and may be able to reincarnate Evil Yang through the rules of that world. "

Obviously the voice speaking is in the front row,

in a blink,

Lorian, with silver hair and moon eyes, was already standing in front of Little Putao, facing his scorched eyeballs, completely unaffected.

Suddenly, Lorian tilted his head and asked with a look of disgust: "William, is this what you call a measure to fill defects?"

Faced with Lorian's blunt statement, William paused for a moment, and then answered decisively: "That's right."

Lorian just shook his head, his expression showing disappointment.

However, he didn't want to meddle in other people's business. Now he was complete and his relationship with William was just a cooperative relationship.

He found a random seat and sat down, took out a list from his silver suit, and held it in the air between his fingers.

"This is the list that I estimate will pass the preliminary selection. The individuals marked in red will be admitted to my hospital after the performance, so they need to retain a little fear to prevent them all from becoming dementia. However, you can also get a few An individual who has spared his fear can be used as a sample to try.

Take a look, the final screening results shouldn't be much different from this list. "

William waved his hand, "You can make your own choice. When the time comes, before you feel that they are about to be drained, just transfer them in advance."

Lorian folded the list and put away his clothes, "One more thing... Art's clown will definitely be selected, and he even came after me.

Since we are now in a cooperative relationship, how about you cooperate with me to kill him? You and I, plus this evil sun helper, are enough to threaten his malignant tumor.

It would be better if Miss Jessica could also join in. "

William waved his hand to veto, "Internal fighting is prohibited in the circus. If I kill another chief here, the boss will regard me as an enemy.

However, if Art was the one who attacked me first, it would still be okay to kill him in self-defense. Analyze the specific situation... Maybe Art just came to the door simply because it was fun, so try not to break out into a conflict.

Focus on performance. "

at this time,

Nash, who had been preparing for the performance inside his body, came out of William's ear hole and said nervously: "Don't! Don't play with Art's ideas. I know that you are very powerful, boss, and this New Moon Origin is also very powerful... But you must not target Art.

He is very scary!

It was so terrible that even the purge department I once led could not match his efficiency.

In short, don’t even think about killing him! If he really wants to cause trouble, the show will end prematurely unless the Duke steps in to suppress it.

As long as it makes Art happy, he probably won't do anything drastic. "


While everyone was talking, Little Grape, who was not far away, looked at the parasites coming out of William's ears and couldn't help but turn his head.

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