The final gentleman

Chapter 756 Cancer Mountain

As the largest logistics company in the old world, Lupu is involved in the supply of materials to multiple epidemic areas. This time Lupu announced a 24-hour shutdown and there were rumors of a new moon rising, which naturally attracted the attention of many epidemic-affected areas.

Even the most conservative Cancer Palace has taken action,

The Lord who controls the entire Cancer Palace hereby sends a "Tumor Attendant" beside her to investigate.

These so-called tumor attendants are directly selected from the new recruits of the Knights. Members who are particularly good at investigation, concealment and speed, and then undergo strict internal selection to become special attendants who directly serve the Lord.

They directly obey the orders of the Lord and are responsible for monitoring all organizations of the Cancer Palace, including the [Tumor Knights], as well as external forces related to the Cancer Palace. Any information will be reported immediately, and the efficiency is amazing.

This time, things are a little weird. The rising of the new moon seems to be impossible in the Cancer Palace, but the matter happens to involve the important city of Lupu. Combined with the fact that the Duke's Chamber of Commerce stayed in Lupu some time ago,

Therefore, the Lord personally named a "Tumor Attendant" to investigate.

This person's "back tumor wings" are quite strange. They are not on the back, but on both shoulders. When the wings are spread out, two fleshy membranes will rise on both sides of the shoulders.

In addition to providing flight, these two fleshy membranes also have an important function: they are attached to the face for "perfect disguise". Even the smell of the disease can be completely changed. Outsiders cannot detect the nature of his cancer at all, so he is also regarded as Called the Cancer-Faced Man. Kamsky.

He disguised himself as an ordinary moon gazer and went to Lupu. After easily passing the preliminary selection and landing on the moon, he thought that the mission was relatively easy, but when he saw [Art], his whole body tensed up and he broke out in cold sweat.

Kamski, who was originally planning to take part in acting, gave up decisively.

Currently sitting in the fifth row on the first floor of the theater as an audience member,

Of course, he did not accept chaotic transformation. I just briefly understood the information about the transformation. But the most important thing to him was Art.

About twenty years ago,

Due to reproductive restrictions in the old world, the total population of Cancer Palace is also continuing to decline (although new individuals can be obtained through cell proliferation, most of them are relatively inferior and it is difficult for talents to emerge).

Cancer Palace, which has always been conservative in theme, has also opened up its policies, mainly in two ways.

First, start recruiting high-quality humans with cancer from the infected world,

Second, conduct a statistical and tentative recall of malignant tumor patients who have been exiled.

The first plan went very smoothly, and special talents like Jin Almeida emerged. Even the Lord valued him and invited Jin to her palace many times.

But there is a problem with the second one,

Due to the diversity and uncontrollability of cancer,

Since the development of cancer uterus, a large number of patients with malignant tumors have been born.

Most of them cannot control their malignant proliferation, and will turn into a puddle of rotten flesh tissue that accumulates wantonly and be executed shortly after birth. Only a small number of days can contain the growth of malignant tumors on their own, but they are still in a state that may get out of control at any time.

In view of the large-scale malignant proliferation events that have occurred in the Cancer Palace and the stability evaluation, these geniuses will be exiled.

When necessary, the exiles can request food or necessary living supplies from any organization related to the cancer palace, and their status as cancer patients will also be retained so that they can have a place in the old world.

This is also done considering that at a special moment, this group of people may be useful, and they can also be regarded as a group of external combat forces of Cancer Palace.

However, when Cancer Palace tried to recall this special group of patients twenty years ago, it was found that they had all lost contact, all the connections that had been secretly established were severed, and not even the bodies were left behind.

There are very few clues. Only a few traces of fighting were found in the residences of some patients with malignant tumors. It is roughly presumed that they were killed.

After a long period of investigation, the finger points all point to one most special exile.

[Art Kramer], the chief clown of the Circus of Fear.

Although there is no direct evidence of Cancer Palace, they are basically certain that Art killed all the malignant tumor exiles, or even absorbed them, leaving no one behind.

Currently, Cancer-Faced Kamsky is watching this drama as an audience, trying to collect information about Art's abilities through the battles presented in the drama.

But with the wet nurse being eliminated, the plot came to an end.

Kamski also lamented, "What a pity! If the Primarch could face Art at full strength, he could get more information.

However, the 'woman' presented in this performance is of great intelligence value. She is not a disease, a non-entity, and can actually threaten the top silver circle like the Primarch.

The last actor left now has been hiding in the underground area since the beginning of the show, and he probably doesn't have much strength himself.

The ending should be the same as the guy suffering from intestinal disease at the beginning, being completely tortured and killed.

I have to prepare to leave. I will leave immediately after the performance. Once Art discovers me, I will definitely die. "

Just when Kamsky's mind had changed from watching the show to preparing to leave, the scene brought by the skull of the show made him suddenly stunned, and the disguise wings attached to his face twitched.

His personal viewing lens is relatively close-up,

I thought that Art would directly start the final massacre mode, and the drama scene would be directly dyed in bright red.

Who would have known... there was a sound of breathing coming from the surround sound brought by the theater's skull.


Immediately afterwards, there was a flash of black light that was difficult to see clearly, and Art's head flew directly towards Kamsky's viewing lens, which scared him so much that he almost lost his skull.

"what's the situation!?"

Not just Kamsky, but other theatergoers were stunned.

As the director, William showed an unnatural smile, "Sure enough, no one can control the "Purple Lungs" better than you... Even if the body concept is missing more than 50%, you can still exert 100% of your strength.

As expected of you, Mr. Yi. "


The eldest daughter Jennifer, played by Yi Chen, has taken off her coat and trousers and put her slippers aside because her winter clothing is too thick and affects her movements.

Walking barefoot on the ground, her long, slender, white legs are completely exposed.

Wearing only black leggings and a white T-shirt,

Nash wrapped around his waist and put his head on his shoulders,

The dagger inlaid with hundreds of heads is held in the left hand, while the right hand is spinning the axe, with the center of gravity lowered by the arched back.

He stared at Art, who had been beheaded, and at the neck wound that had been given the "decapitation concept", wanting to see how the other party planned to heal.

Unexpectedly, a very exaggerated scene appeared.

Something began to squirm under Art's large, swollen clown suit,

Like a big mouth that slowly opened, something was spit out from the bottom of the clown suit, and it was stained with foul-smelling saliva.

Bang! A headless corpse spit out from the bottom,

Then Art himself was not affected by the 'decapitation' and quickly regenerated his painted head full of yellow teeth and a huge aquiline nose.

When Yi Chen saw this scene, he immediately analyzed the opponent's ability.

"Concept transfer! Transferring the concept of decapitation to another individual in the body and expelling it from the body, so that it will no longer be affected by my decapitation?

No, Art’s soul has long ceased to be human! The proliferation of malignant tumors has affected his soul. His soul has become as huge as a mountain, and there are countless human bodies embedded in it. "

At this moment,

Yi Chen saw a huge mountain that was flesh-red and full of throbbing swellings. The mountain was also full of grooves, and various living bodies were embedded in those grooves.

Including missing malignant tumor patients, internal circus employees, the previous generation of deputy clowns, and people who were targeted by Art every time he went on a mission.

"The second boss, Art, rarely kills people!" All individuals he regards as targets will eventually be sucked into his body. I have had the privilege to witness that process, which is more painful than death.

must be careful! 』

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