The final gentleman

Chapter 766 Divinity

It rained heavily.

Yi Chen, who turned twenty-five years old, returned to the orphanage again and stood on the playground of the Heishan Orphanage.

Even if the heavy rain washes the ground as much as possible, it can't wash away the blood and sin here, and it can't extinguish the burning orphanage complex.

Teachers at all levels, external garrison troops, and even some orphans who were complicit in the orphanage were all killed... The corpses were piled up in the playground, forming various hills.

Yi Chen, who did all this, was not completely exhausted.

He cleared a circle in the center of the playground and danced in the heavy rain.

Not everyone died. There was an audience standing in front of Yi Chen. Due to the characteristics of the body, he did not die completely even if his head was separated.

Yi Chen placed the middle-aged woman's head on top of a pile of corpses and admired his last dance.

This head corresponds to the former head teacher. More than ten or twenty years have passed and there is no sign of aging at all.

Watching the Montenegro Orphanage being wiped out by one person in front of me, watching all the hard work go up in flames,

Director Cao should have shown an expression of absolute hatred, but there was no moment of resentment in her eyes. Instead, she was really admiring Yi Chen's dancing.

This dance vents the emotions that Yi Chen has suppressed for twenty-two years, completely forgetting himself. By the time his dance ended, police sirens could be heard from the far end.

The head of Director Cao piled on top of the corpse in front of him was already dying.

Yi Chen picked up the broken sword that had been curled on the ground, climbed onto the pile of corpses, and prepared to deliver the final blow.


Director Cao used his broken vocal cords and used the last bit of strength to utter a hoarse voice, "Yi Chen... the posture you are currently showing is the ultimate pursuit of the Black Mountain Orphanage since its establishment.

All the teachers have worked hard for many years and finally handed you this perfect answer sheet, which is even more perfect than we imagined.

We will not sleep forever due to death, but will always follow you, paying attention to this highest achievement of the Montenegro Orphanage, and appreciating my best son. "

When Yi Chen swung the broken sword in his hand, the blade stopped at Director Cao's forehead and was not cut off for a long time.

It was not out of pity or blood relationship, nor was I moved by these last words.

But Director Cao died after saying these words.

Click! The broken sword in his hand was pinched to pieces by Yi Chen, and his roar caused all the surrounding raindrops to scatter.

The roar also attracted a large number of police detectives shrouded in dark raincoats. One by one, they jumped from a high altitude to suppress Yi Chen and put on full-body restraint chains.

Breaking into [Important Institution - Montenegro Orphanage], killing a total of 117 faculty members, 500 external guards, and 31 adult orphans, and setting fire to the entire building area of ​​the orphanage, including the hidden basement.

Yi Chen, a young man, instantly made headlines in major newspapers and was hailed as the most terrifying murderer of the modern era. He was escorted to a national prison for final trial.



Director William's whole body tensed up,

He didn't understand how Yi Chen did it. At that moment, he couldn't even see the "Eye of the Evil Sun" clearly. It was too fast! It seemed that all the beheadings had been completed while Yi Chen was taking action.

That fallen head,

The kneeling body,

The gushing black water and smoke,

It's really too shocking,

As a result, there was no barrage in the movie viewing screen, and no one sent the next barrage for a long time, because everyone's eyes were on Yi Chen and they didn't want to miss any detail.

They will witness the most exciting performance showdown in the history of the old world,

Dragging a long black-ridged tail, Yi Chen maintained his basic human form, standing upright and facing the last malignant tumor that was three times taller than him and shrouded in the pusskin robes, Art Kramer.

Art couldn't help but laugh loudly as he watched his cluster of malignant tumors being instantly killed and unable to heal. He had never been forced to this extent.

"Hahaha! I admit you! Among all the opponents I have encountered so far since I became cancer, your killing power is unparalleled!"

Art's robe was completely open, and a completely different type of bone tumor was gestating in the ribs.

Its size has far exceeded that of the previous humanoid clown, and it is even continuing to grow, as if it is going to reach the same size as Art himself, and part of it has even slipped out of the abdomen.

Yi Chen felt through the breathing method that the thing inside would be extremely dangerous once it was gestated, and he was ready to cut off the unformed osteoma in one breath.

However, such intentions were naturally noticed by Art.

Just as he made a move to start his hand...boom!

A heavy and loud metallic sound came from inside the osteoma, like the ringing of some kind of metal bell.

Some kind of invisible shock wave spread. Although Yi Chen had clearly stabilized his lower body, he was still instantly blown away. He flew hundreds of meters before landing, and almost reached the edge of the tent.

"Did the combined effect of the shock wave and the curtain blow me away..."

Just when Yi Chen recalled the strange feeling of taking off just now, he felt a sense of discomfort! He took a deep breath suddenly and used the gas blade to cut inside his body, with Nash's inner help at the same time.


A bout of vomiting,

A large amount of cut tumor material was vomited out, and the pile was almost half a meter high.

"Without contact, just the vibration of the bell can induce malignant cancer in my body, induce airborne infection and lesions... It seems that we must fight quickly."

When Yi Chen looked up again, the huge bone tumor in Art's body had taken shape. It was not the cluster of clowns before, but a special 'weapon'.

A huge bell that contains the dual attributes of 'hammer' and 'bell', its length is equivalent to Art's current height (\u003e5m).

The handle is made of bone, and the osteoma on the surface can just form a groove for the fingers, improving the comfort of pinching and holding.

The giant bell on the top is golden in color, with raised particles arranged at equal intervals on the surface, and golden mucus continuously pours out.

The inside of the bell mouth is like the tonsil structure of the oral cavity, and the ‘bell tongue’ used for ringing is the uvula between the tonsils.

To be precise, it is a hanging, huge, malignant tumor aggregate full of particles... It is the impact and sound produced by this thing hitting the bell wall that sows seeds in the surrounding living bodies, causing the cancer to spread.

This weapon was not originally created by Art, but was transformed from a giant bell trophy he received when he participated in that war. Now it perfectly matches his final posture and can resonate with divinity.

At this moment,

Art, holding a giant golden bell, floated up under the rotation of his wings.

The cassock made of skin flutters in the wind, like a corrupt, deformed, laughing pope, with his divine appearance fully revealed.

Moreover, in order to clearly see Yi Chen's speed in the extreme state, the twelve hands on the ring-shaped wings opened their eyes in the palms of their hands.

"Is this your peak posture..."

Yi Chen took a deep breath, and his body gradually 'floated'.

Not actively floating,

If you look carefully, you will find that the dark dead are stacked with human flesh to lift Yi Chen up to face Art in the sky.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The great bell rings,

Yi Chen was not blown away because he left the curtain and the support of the deceased, but the tumor still grew.

But after experiencing the disease for the first time, Nash has already taken the initiative to ask for help: "Second boss, I am currently in a perfect state of internal parasitism. You don't need to worry about this kind of tumor disease caused by the bell... I will take care of it.

Just try not to be hit by the bell head-on, which will directly cause cancerous reactions roughly a hundred or a thousand times. If super-rapid systemic cancerous proliferation occurs, I'll probably die. "

As soon as the tumor grows in the body, Nash will cut it clean and make an incision in the abdomen to quickly remove it.

Yi Chen suddenly asked a key question,

"Nash...if he gets knocked once, can he suppress it?"

"I'm not sure! When I was on a special mission with Art, I happened to see him take out such a giant clock and just hit the other person's head. The person multiplied into a human in just a few seconds. A mountain of meat.

But... the second boss, your physique is different. Through the suppression of death and my internal processing, maybe you can barely stabilize it with one strike. "

"That's fine."

The battle plan has been formed in Yi Chen's heart, and the final showdown is next.

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