The final gentleman

Chapter 768 Breakthrough

Art, who combined the divinity of heaven with malignant cancer and showed the attitude of a pope, was actually "beheaded".

The clown's head and cervical vertebrae were separated from each other, and he fell down.

It fell heavily between the curtains and quickly rotted and oozed pus on the ground. Even the golden skull beneath the flesh melted into pus,

The dissolved skull flesh was sucked and eaten by the group holding the curtain, and was recycled.

Yi Chen looked at the cervical vertebra that had finally been cut open in front of him, and at the golden bone tumor still squirming slightly on it, without any joy of victory.

"Sure enough, such a weapon is not enough to [decapitate] a being like Art, even if I just want to decapitate his divinity, it is difficult to do it.

The entire clown circus is his territory. Whether it is a tent or a curtain held between venues, they all form an invisible whole, supporting Art...

It seems I only have one path to choose. "

After a series of combos, even Yi Chen felt seriously overdrawn, and he quickly stepped into the air and landed on the surface of the curtain not far away.

Sit cross-legged, hang your hands on your Dantian, and use breathing techniques to regulate your body.

The beheaded Pope Art is still hanging in the air, and his body of more than five meters still gives people a huge sense of oppression.

Weird things also started to happen. The roulette wings behind him began to rotate counterclockwise for the first time.

Even though Yi Chen's eyeballs were burned out, his eyes were still wide open, and his breath could capture the changes.

""Reverse Regeneration", has Art reached this point? I didn't expect that this morbid world on the edge of the plane could actually give birth to such a monster. No wonder those guys on the main material plane would suppress it with a coalition force.

In this case, my chance of winning is completely equal to zero. "

As Ater's wings rotated in the opposite direction, the five arms on the ring wings were completely broken in the process.

It seems that these arms are used as a 'price' in exchange for reverse regeneration of the head.

As expected, the "decapitation" rule that Yi Chen left on Art's neck was forcibly reversed, and golden tumors immediately swarmed up.

It's just that this regeneration process is a bit strange.

There is no skull structure regenerated above the cervical vertebrae.

Instead, a special throne is formed by stacking gold tumors, and a crazy laughing clown head is carved through blood vessels on the back of the chair.

The seat continued to grow, forming the most common human-like posture of Art, sitting on the throne.

It’s just that he is not wearing a clown suit. His exposed body is like a fat old man in his seventies or eighties, with wrinkles and fat blending together.

Faces of strong men protruded from various parts of his body, including those of exiled malignant tumor patients, the Pope, and some silver circle strong men with special physiques.

However, Art on the throne showed a rare expression of hatred. It seemed that the beheading from Yi Chen had completely disgraced him, and he had lost the dominance of the performance, making Yi Chen the true [protagonist].

However, the hateful face was soon replaced by a completely torn smile.

On the throne, Art spreads his arms and stretches out his abdomen, showing the faces carved on his body.

"As you can see, these are all strong men who have been recognized by me. After they are defeated, they will be collected into my [Treasure Room] in a special form.

And you... Mr. Yi, congratulations on your qualification to enter the collection room. "

Art has no intention of performing anymore. Now he just wants to completely defeat Yi Chen. He controls the five-meter-long Pope's body through the tumor connection between the thrones.

The giant bell that was originally held in his right hand was now held in both hands.

Both the swing speed, power and accuracy are increased several times,

When Yi Chen saw this scene, he just whispered to Nash in his body: "Get ready to do what I said before."

Then Yi Chen slowly stood up and got ready to attack!

The steps reversed...instantly!

Several afterimages appeared around Art at the same time, while the real body was located in the air behind Art.

Art was pleasantly surprised on the throne, "Aha! Mr. Yi's speed is much slower than before. I can see clearly... Sure enough, are you tired from the continuous performances?"

The pope's body twisted quickly, and with the turning force of his body, the giant bell held in his hands suddenly swept away behind him!

It is so powerful that it is undoubtedly the most powerful blow in this performance.

The resulting wind pressure even lifted the nearby curtains.

The giant bell has completely locked Yi Chen in the air, leaving him unable to hide! However... Yi Chen himself had no intention of evading, and he didn't even remove his joints like before.

But quietly feel this sense of power,

Feeling the swing of the giant hammer,

The moment before he was about to hit, Yi Chen suddenly turned around in the air, bent his knees and stepped firmly on the surface of the giant clock! Through the movement of the body, the knee contraction forms a buffer to minimize the damage caused by knocking.

The most important thing is actually to use force.

Yi Chen's target has long been no longer on Art, but on the circus tent!


The sound of the giant bell ringing filled the air above the circus, and the blood mist exploded... It was as if Yi Chen's body had been broken into pieces.

It's just that the noise was much smaller than expected.

In the blood mist,

A black shadow flew towards the edge of the tent super fast, so fast that even Art couldn't see clearly.

Only William, the director, could barely see Yi Chen with only half of his body left in the black shadow with the help of his eyes formed by the little grapes.

"Yi Chen actually dares to use his strength! Did he receive such a blow from the front and only his lower body was broken... He's too courageous!

If this blow is not handled well, it will be fatal. "


Yi Chen flew to the edge of the tent at an unprecedented speed,

Even though he had tried his best to unload and use force, his lower body was still shattered by the giant bell... and the wound was still growing crazily, multiplying flesh and blood at a rate of half a ton per second.

If left untreated, an exaggerated mountain of flesh might grow from Yi Chen's lower body within a minute.


The Nash in the body is rapidly cleaning up, cutting off as much as possible, and expelling these proliferating things.

With Nash helping to suppress the malignant proliferation in his body, Yi Chen didn't care about his body's condition at all, staring straight in front of him, staring at the tent he was about to hit.


No hand ax was used,

Instead, hold the dagger with both hands and pour all your strength into the tip! With the speed of being struck by the giant bell, he rushed to the edge of the tent and inserted himself into it.


The tent was torn open in an instant,

The interior is a bottomless quagmire of flesh, and the circus tent that Art built still has self-awareness. Feeling that this is being torn apart, the surrounding tents also begin to deliver flesh to this place.

However, Yi Chen's tearing speed is significantly faster than the filling speed, even several times faster.

Not only that,

The dead who had once supported and worshiped Yi Chen all gathered in front of him at this moment, struggling to bite, dig and eat the tent.

The army of death was like a black spear forcefully piercing through Art's clown circus, tearing it apart, and breaking through!


The moment I left the tent,

Yi Chen's performance as the eldest daughter Jennifer also ends here, and her consciousness returns to her original body backstage!

Inside the clown circus,

Art on the throne looked at the small hole that was penetrated, feeling the target's lost breath. His anger and malice exploded instantly and could no longer be contained.

【Old World-Lupu】

The fake moon hanging in the sky seemed to have an extremely painful expression, and then a large amount of tumor tissue overflowed from the eye sockets and nostrils of the moon crater structure, as if it was 'crying out'.

It even feels like these fluid tumors are almost swallowing up the entire vagina.

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