The final gentleman

Chapter 774 Train

Red Intestine Company has always adopted the oldest transportation method - [World Intestine].

That is to use the ancient intestines that cover the entire old world for barrier-free transportation. Although these intestines have strong ductility, corrosion resistance, etc.,

But after being buried underground for so many years, it will inevitably age or be damaged by some external factors, not to mention that it has experienced that war.

Therefore, each section of the current intestinal tract in the world will cost a lot of money to maintain. Coupled with the rise of the Black Tape Company and the decreasing population of the Old World, the Long Intestinal Company began to find it difficult to afford and abandoned 60% of the non-intestinal intestines. Necessity intestinal tract.


A brown train with over a hundred links and a shape resembling a strip-shaped worm body was moving quickly through an ancient intestine that had undergone many maintenances. Many suture marks could even be seen on the surface of the intestine.

If it weren't for the fact that this intestinal tract leads to the monastery, it would have been abolished by the Longchang Company long ago.

The train room was filled with special cargo destined for the monastery. Some were sealed through multiple layers of large intestine packages and even had a 'top secret' seal. Some conventional cargo that could be disclosed was scattered directly in the carriage.

Yi Chen and Nash crowded into a carriage filled with scrap metal.

In Yi Chen's opinion, this was simply scrap metal recovered from various civilian homes and even some slaves, and many of them were rusty and even emitted various smells.

However, in a place like the Old World, which is a semi-living structure and is blocked by rules, there are originally few metal ores, and the diseases corresponding to the monastery are related to metals, so recycling scrap metal makes sense.

Yi Chen also took out the ancient metal card he bought from the Duke and looked at it repeatedly. He could clearly feel the pain factor contained inside the card.

"The Monastery of Pain, a plague area specially authorized by the old world, functions like a [police station]. But it has greater power. As long as the old world monitors any individual that may be harmful to the development of the world or make a serious threat to the development of the world, Any behavior will be marked by the monastery and arrested.

I wonder what the police station in the old world would look like. "

Just as Yi Chen was talking to himself, Nash, who was feeling uncomfortable due to the scrap metal around him, suddenly looked over, "Boss! Where did you get this thing?"

"This? I bought it from the Duke."

"Show me...I'm not sure, but I seem to have an impression!"

Nash took the somewhat prickly metal card. Although the writing on it had been worn away by the years, Nash slowly searched for something from the depths of his memory.

"Is this... the identity card of a certain great prison monk?"

"The Great Prison Monk?"

"He is the person in charge of the monastery prison. His status is equivalent to that of the 'Seventh Marquis' who was killed by William Boss. However, he is different from the existence of 'under the king' such as the Seventh Marquis and the Knights of the High Table.

The prison monks have no right to freedom. They must guard the prison for life to ensure internal stability. Only when the monastery is seriously threatened can it emerge from the depths and quickly eliminate external threats.

Judging from its age, this identity card should belong to a certain great prison monk from ancient times. If it comes from the hands of the Duke, it is most likely a relic of the deceased in that invasion war.

Returning such an important thing to the monastery will indeed give you a certain right to visit... By the way, Boss Yi, why did you choose to go to the monastery, and why did you deliberately hide it from Boss William? "

Nash kept this doubt in his heart all the way, and now he couldn't help but asked.

"It was just the Duke's suggestion. He asked me to choose the monastery instead of the original tomb." Yi Chen simply responded, and did not directly explain why he wanted to hide William.

Nash didn't think much about it. The focus of his thinking turned to the 'destination' and he quickly realized one thing.

"The Duke suggested that Boss Yi go to the monastery to understand death... Could it be that he is planning to let you meet that person!"

Nashton's whole body tensed up, sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Do you know me?"

"I don't know... I am an individual born in the new era, and I don't know the characters of the old era! But when I was the supervisor of [J], I heard their supervisors talk about the past, the former leader of the Death Plague Knights He is also a big shot they often talk about.

It is said that among the people 'under the king' at that time, that person was called the second, and no one dared to be called the first.

The Plague Knights led by him frightened the entire old world, and even the Tumor Knights under Cancer Palace at that time did not dare to compete head-on with them.

Several epidemic areas have even signed a joint anti-death agreement. As long as they are violated by death, they will fight back together.

During the war, he was also the most courageous and skilled fighter.

It is rumored that that character led the Death Plague Knights to kill a large number of invaders and won at many important battle points, which greatly slowed down the blockade of the old world.

Anyway, according to the rumors, that man was extremely scary.

Many people even believed that the man had made further breakthroughs while being imprisoned and had reached the level of an epidemic master. The most important thing is that the man has gone completely crazy due to the influence of the secret method from outside the territory, and is quite dangerous.

That kind of existence must be imprisoned at the bottom of the monastery, under the joint supervision of many great prison monks and even the abbot of the monastery, and the will of the old world. We should not be able to contact this person. "

"Go over first and talk later."

Yi Chen never considered in advance such matters with insufficient information. Since he was already qualified to enter the monastery, he would wait until he got there.

While the two were chatting, the humidity in the workshop rose again, making Yi Chen look unhappy.


As soon as he finished speaking, a drop of salty sea water fell from his head.


Ten heads with octopus tentacles also fell. Each head corresponded to a different octopus leg, either black or white, red or green.

Some are so fat that they overflow, others are as slender as wriggling water plants,

The woman with the red mark between her eyebrows at the head has plumper crimson tentacles with each sucker big enough to hold her head.

It was Liya Roman, an old acquaintance whom I had met before.

She smiled and said: "What a coincidence! I was also planning to take my daughters on a trip to the monastery, but I didn't expect to meet here again.

Since we are so destined, why don't we form a team? "

Yi Chen simply closed his eyes and leaned back, leaning against the wall of the carriage to rest without responding at all.

"Really~ I originally planned to provide you with some convenience and help because of Mr. Yi's excellent performance and being my half daughter in the show.

I have many connections in the monastery, and some of the contemporary great prison monks know me. It is not impossible to take a look at the prisoners inside. "

Nash was moved by these words and bumped Yi Chen gently with his elbow, but the latter still did not change his expression and just said indifferently:

"There should be empty seats in other carriages. Could you please Miss Liya and take your daughters there? This place is already occupied by Nash and I. It will be very uncomfortable if it is too crowded."

"Really, don't regret it then." Liya's expression changed, she turned around and led her daughters away.

The sea water converges and the breath disappears.

Nash also looked puzzled, "Boss Yi, I always feel that this relationship can be put to use! If the other party is really willing to help, it may also be convenient for you to quickly go to the detention floor of the monastery."

“Never trust someone who is willing to do anything for you when you first meet him.”

"Ah...Boss Yi, are you talking about me?"

Soon, the intestine train stopped moving.

Passengers need to get off the bus here in advance, and then the goods will be sent directly to the interior of the monastery.

When everyone returned to the ground of the old world along the narrow passage, the 'monastery' reflected in front of them was very different from the temple corresponding to the 'monk' in Yi Chen's imagination, and was even completely different.

If he had to describe what it looked like, Yi Chen could only think of one word - [hell].

Not only that,

There is still a long queue on the road not far away. A large number of ascetics are making pilgrimages on this road, and most of them are dead.

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