The final gentleman

Chapter 783 Missing

The dark and narrow prison room,

Nash is being imprisoned here. He has not been idle this month. He was a little uncomfortable being restrained at first, but he slowly recalled the "patience and waiting" that Yi Chen once talked about, and learned from William and Yi Chen. The most common meditation posture used by the boss is to meditate with eyes closed in the cell room.

Thinking back to the scene when I knelt down and worshiped the statue in the ocean of death,

Recalling the selfless feeling of perfectly integrating Yi Chen and fighting Art,

I don't know how much time passed, but Nash actually felt like he was really floating in the ocean. The water was still rising and flooding his body, and his head even poured into his nose.

When I suddenly opened my eyes,

Nash found that the cell he was in had really been filled with black seawater, and there was no room to breathe at all.

When a strong sense of suffocation swept through his body, Nash felt no discomfort. Instead, he had a relaxed and natural expression because he had already accepted death.

Black water continued to pour in, and the water pressure in the cell became stronger and stronger. Finally, the cell door was forced open and Nash rushed out with him.

The moment he left the cell, Nash suddenly realized something,

He never entered the cell from beginning to end, but when he was going down the stairs, something was inserted into the back of his head by the 'princess'.


The chain with the cone-head structure was completely pulled out from the back of Nash's head. At the same time, a large amount of black liquid flowed out. Death loosened the fixation and fitting of the cone-head and the brain.

Nash's eyes gradually returned to normal from a confused state. He suddenly turned his head and looked at the person behind him who was helping him take out the chain. He didn't recognize him at first sight.

"Yi...Boss Yi, it's you!"

Not seeing you for a month,

Yi Chen's temples were already gray, and he looked like a middle-aged man over fifty years old. Even the muscles all over his body were losing and degenerating, making him extremely thin.

"My jailbreak may be exposed at any time, so let's get together quickly...cough~"


After cutting off the metal prosthesis on the lower body, the parasite transformed by Nash quickly replaced it, forming two equally thin chopstick legs.

The upper body still showed the posture of a long giant insect wrapped around the waist and resting the head on the shoulder, observing the surrounding environment with Yi Chen.

"Boss Yi, what do you do with your prosthetic limb?"

"Just throw it here..."

"Then let's go deeper now?"

"No...keep waiting...when the best time comes, go to the bottom of the prison in one go."

The public square area of ​​the Monastery of Agony,

'Princess' Angelica was eating the food just brought from the kitchen with Liya's mother. As soon as the tender and juicy meat was put into her mouth, a metal-clad monk suddenly broke in.

"Princess! Two sinners are missing on the upper stairs, and there are no clues yet."

"What! Who?" The princess stood up instantly, and the golden wig on her head almost fell off.

"The two people who have been imprisoned recently, [Yi] and [Mahart J. Nash] were confirmed missing five minutes ago."

"Impossible! Their behavior has been very normal this month, and the thorn collar I left on Mr. Yi still has a restraint reaction."

“Both the collar and the restraint handcuffs were found in the cell. The handcuffs were easily broken free of. He did not appear to be expressing any symptoms and therefore was not restrained by the handcuffs.

As for the neck collar you made, Princess, it is bound by a very strange purple mist. The mist still existed when the jailer entered and condensed into the shape of the neck.

We are not moving on site for the time being, you can go over and see for yourself. "

"Has the [Sin Gate] ever been opened?"

"No, after the jailer below told us the news of the jailbreak to the Wall Walker outside, I rushed over to inform you about it as soon as possible. It can be determined that from the time when these two people were escorted in to the time when they disappeared, the Sin Gate was If it has not been opened, they must still be inside."


The princess didn't have any thoughts about eating for a moment and rushed over immediately.

Liya's mother stretched her arms, "I'll go too~ Maybe my seawater can help find that kid."

In fact, this should be the monastery's own business, but the relationship during this period of time allowed the relationship between the princess and Liya's mother to reach a commanding height.

Moreover, in the princess's view, Yi Chen's methods come from another world, and it is very likely that he can really evade the search, and may even go to the depths of the prison.

With the assistance of Liya, the ancestral body, the possibility of finding the opponent in advance will be greatly increased. Once Yi Chen is found, he can be suppressed faster. After all, the opponent can behead Art.

"If Sister Liya really wants to help, she needs to swallow this "entrustment chain" according to the rules of the monastery, so that she can be qualified to accompany me to the Stairs of Sin as a temporary helper. "


The chain, which was about half a meter long, was swallowed by Liya in one gulp. After a burst of abdominal cramps, the two of them rushed to the prison. The door only opened for a moment before the two of them stepped inside.

First, she came to "Confusion" and found the pulled out cone-headed chain. Looking at the traces of death on it, the princess gritted her teeth.

"The loophole in the cone-head chain was found at's really amazing."

In addition, the prosthetic device that Yi Chen took off was also found on the ground, which is enough to show that Yi Chen has combined with the parasite and reached its peak state.

Afterwards, the princess rushed to the "torture" without stopping. There were three jailers standing at the door of Yi Chen's cell. Their expressions were extremely ugly when they saw the princess' arrival.

The three of them are the monks who are mainly responsible for supervising Yi Chen. They are usually responsible for providing Yi Chen with torture tools, delivering meals and arranging tasks.

When the princess stepped into the cell and reached out to pick up the thorn collar on the table, the purple mist inside immediately dissipated.

"Breathing... This guy's breathing does not come from lung disease but from outside the territory. He can actually do it to such an extent that he can even hide it from my thorns.

Is there anything you three want to say? "

"Mr. Yi's performance during this period was particularly good, and his work efficiency was even higher than ours. Many crazed criminals were easily suppressed by him.

Since he behaved very well, we just brought the torture tools over early this morning and left, planning to collect them together during lunch time.

As a result, when we brought the food, there was no one inside. "


With just a look from the princess, countless thorns grew crazily from the speaking monk's body, causing him to scream in pain, which exceeded his current upper limit of pain tolerance.

The thorns continued to grow, eventually forming a spear that pierced the man at the top.

The princess looked at the other person,

"Where has Mr. Yi followed you this month? Is he familiar with the entire upper echelon?"

"It's considered familiar... Because you, Princess, have arranged many tasks for Mr. Yi privately, he is already familiar with basically every area on the upper stairs.

However, he wears an eyepatch every time he goes on a mission and does not take it off until he reaches his destination. "

"Oh? So you are partly to blame for his disappearance?"

"No..." Just when the monk thought he would grow thorns, he found that everything was fine.

The princess said with a relieved look, "It's indeed my problem, I was too careless! I didn't expect Mr. Yi to be so powerful. He waited for a full month before taking action.

It seems that he is really determined to go to the bottom. The [door] to the middle stairs has not been opened, right? "

"No! This is absolutely not the case. Moreover, we have also informed the middle-level managers about the disappearance of the criminals here, and they also attach great importance to it.

They will also be the first to know once someone goes down there. "

"This narrows the scope. Let us carefully search every corner of the upper stairs. We will definitely find Mr. Yi this time."

The princess put aside all her recent arrangements and plunged into a comprehensive search. However, she was full of confidence at the beginning and as time passed by, she could not find any clues.

The monastery even asked some usually honest sinners to join the search, but still nothing was found.

After ten days of intense searching, the princess's face showed signs of exhaustion, and she was almost on the verge of an emotional outburst several times.

She was sure that she had searched every corner more than ten times and used at least five different search methods.

During this period, the Gate of Sin was never opened, and the monitors outside did not see anyone leaving the prison. Yi Chen must be in the prison, but he could not be found.

Recalling that Yi Chen had said before that he wanted to go to the bottom to meet the former leader of the Death Plague Knights, the princess couldn't help showing an ugly expression.

"Did he use some extraterritorial means that we don't know about and have gone to a deeper area?

I will search for the last time today. If there are still no clues, go to the lower level immediately and cooperate with those guys to search for Yi Chen's traces. "

at the same moment,

Upper Stairs "Torture"

The area of ​​sewer pipes dedicated to the accumulation and disposal of criminals' excrement is also an area that Yi Chen has cleaned many times.

In the deepest part of the filth accumulation, there is an 'absolute corpse' curled up, not breathing, not moving, just quietly waiting for the opportunity.

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