The final gentleman

Chapter 791 Death Resonance

Yi Chen observed the situation in the deepest part of the Endless Prison and roughly restored what happened here in his brain.

“The warden used some means to complete the execution, dividing the body into six parts, and then sealed it with this special holy nail.

This kind of spiral-shaped nails are purer than the rebar used for patients in the "void" area, and may even be taken directly from the body of the warden.

Seal them separately at the bottom of the prison, and coordinate with the entire prison to suppress them. In theory, it is impossible to break free.

It's a pity that the warden failed to predict that the entire endless prison would eventually be invaded by death and even become the territory of the dead. "

Yi Chen stared at the skull that was pierced between the eyebrows and nailed to the wall, trying to get some kind of response, trying to communicate with the former leader.

As time passed by, I could only see some white things between my eyes.

It seemed that the former leader's consciousness was completely blocked by the holy nail between his eyebrows. If he wanted to communicate, he had to tear off the holy nail.

Yi Chen first walked up to the skull and bowed, but did not directly go up and pull it out. Then he sat in the central area and began to breathe delicately, using the airflow to collect and analyze the specific situation here.

Finally, the "sequence" of cutting the former regiment leader's body when he was executed was found.

Right hand → left foot → left hand → right foot, and finally beheading.

Yi Chen plans to follow this sequence to remove the holy nails and lift the seal.

Before he stood up, Nash swallowed back what he wanted to say. At this point, it was meaningless to say anything. Since Yi Chen gave up the original tomb and came here, he was placing all his bets on this special deceased. There is no way out now.

Even if he really quits, if the monastery doesn't hold him accountable, the gray-haired Yi Chen won't live long.

Yi Chen came to the seal on his right arm and stared at the holy nail overflowing with metallic luster. When he was thinking about how to pull it out,

Tick ​​tick tick~ strands of blood flowed out along Yi Chen's eye sockets, as if there were nails drilled into them.

And this pain is not an illusion,

Yi Chen even heard nails colliding in his eye sockets, and he suddenly dug out his eyeballs... bang bang bang ~ a large number of iron nails slipped out from the eye sockets, and hundreds of them were scattered on the ground.

"Just taking a serious look at it can have such an effect. It's really a terrible method."

Black fluid was secreted, and Yi Chen's hands formed a pair of pitch black gloves.

Huh~ After taking a deep breath, directly hold your hands on the surface of the holy nail.

The moment he touched her, before he even had time to exert any force, the bone-piercing pain reached the depths of his soul.

Gritting his teeth and looking down, he saw that the entire arm had iron nails inserted at some point, and each iron nail had a special thread structure. As time went by, these iron nails would slowly drill inward.

This kind of pain is different from the pain Yichen has experienced before.

Whether it was in the orphanage or the training in Teacher Zed's gym when he and William were still separated, everything was different.

This pain goes straight to the soul, cannot be eliminated, cannot be resisted, and can only be resisted by willpower.

However, Yi Chen's eyes remained unchanged, staring at the Holy Nail! He tried to pull it out with all his strength, but... even though Nash was providing strength, the holy nail that sealed the right arm remained motionless.

Pure power seems useless here,

In other words, Yi Chen and Nash are not specialized in strength. Even if they are added together, they are only above the average level of Silver Circle.

If Mr. Rabbit were to pull it out, he might be able to pull it out directly.

"Boss Yi! Let go first! It seems that you need to find other ways to remove this thing. If you hold it any longer, your entire right arm will be wasted."

But there was no response from Yi Chen.

The iron nails that covered his entire right arm brought him severe pain that he had never experienced before, but it also gave him a sense of "desperate situation", which was a feeling that Yi Chen liked very much.

The arrival of a desperate situation can stimulate an individual's full potential from the instinctive level, make Yi Chen think of more things, and make the black sea submerging his dark brain more turbulent.

Seven holes oozed black blood,

Yi Chen's bloodshot eyes widened,

His "focus" shifted at this moment, from the holy nail itself to the skeletal arm fixed by the holy nail.

Gazing at the skeletal right arm of the former captain, he also recalled the scene when he was invaded by white mist when he first arrived in the Endless Zone and turned into a skeleton.

To taste carefully and feel this pure white death,

Go and take a closer look at the skeleton arm sealed on the wall,


A wisp of white death air actually rose from the surface of the skeleton's arm, and Yi Chen also exhaled an equal amount of black death air from his mouth. The two blended in the air, and then acted together on the surface of the holy nail.


Gray and uneven cracks appeared on the surface of the holy nail.

at the same time,

The warden who chased to the upper layer of "emptiness" suddenly felt the tremor and pain from the holy nail in his palm, and his face was shocked.

"This guy found a way to destroy my holy nail seal so quickly..."

The princess looked at the void area where the ground was corroded by death and the white mist was constantly coming out of the space. She asked rather fearfully, "Warden, do we want to pursue him?"

"Just stay here and wait for the final result."

Boom! The Holy Nail is shattered.

The right hand sealed at the bottom of the endless prison was freed, but the skeletal arm did not fall to the ground. Instead, it turned into a mysterious white mist and was sucked into the wall.

Yi Chen didn't stop and turned to the next left foot seal.

Having had the first experience, he had a death resonance with the left leg bone in advance. The black and white lines were intertwined with each other and worked together on the holy nail. With just a little more force, the holy nail full of cracks could be destroyed, and he succeeded again.

By the resonance of death,

Yi Chen successfully lifted all the seals on his limbs and torso, and these limbs turned into white mist and merged into the wall. In the end, only the "skull" of Captain Tuyuan of the Death Plague Knight was left.

This time,

Yi Chen held the holy nail with both hands at the same time, which also resonated with the skull.

What is different from before is that the concentration of white mist overflowing from the seven holes in the skull is much higher than before.

Yi Chen even felt a white arm stretching out from the mouth of the skull to hold his hand, as if expressing gratitude.

As expected, the holy nail shattered.

The final seal was lifted and Yi Chen's hands were completely penetrated by dense iron nails, and his soul was riddled with holes and almost lost its proper functions and hung in front of him.

In front of my eyes,

The skull that was released from the seal did not turn into white mist and disappear.

Instead, bursts of white mist poured out of the wall behind the skull, and the previously missing limbs began to be combined and reconstructed around the skull.

Even long white hair grows on the top of the skull, and the white mist between the eye holes begins to condense the eyeballs.

As the whole body's limbs are restructured and the pale flesh is filled in,

A skinny man who looked like a mummy stood in front of Yi Chen. His cataract-like eyeballs seemed to reveal Yi Chen's current physical condition.

Unable to perceive,

Neither Yi Chen nor Nash can use conventional means to sense the physical condition of the person in front of them or perceive his strength, and all observations will be blocked by pure white.


The white man's mouth was clearly expressing gratitude, but his right arm was raised high, and a simple bone sword grew out of his palm without knowing when.

There was no time to react. The sword had already cut off Yi Chen's head and he used the tip of the sword to lift it up in the air and look into his eyes.

After confirming a certain characteristic, the bone sword picked up Yi Chen's head again and slashed it vigorously in the air, completely splitting the brain into two parts.

A large amount of black liquid splashed to the ground, and two split black brains fell to the ground.

twitch, squirm, and eventually die.

Nash, who was supporting his lower body, was already stunned. He could no longer feel any breath from Boss Yi, and the headless body he was carrying was already stiff.


Nash instantly remembered what Yi Chen had said before, saying that such a lunatic could be moody, which seemed to be the case at the moment.

The boss was killed,

Nash didn't have much meaning in life. When he slaughtered all his people, he planned to commit suicide. However, he accidentally met the circus and the boss's favor made him feel as if he could still do something.

But the superior boss is difficult to reach. Nash has always been helping the circus like a tool man. He doesn't have many independent ideas and simply lives for others.

It wasn't until he admired William who gave amazing performances and joined the theater that he seemed to find the value of life. The second boss in front of him was the first person to regard Nash as a 'friend'.

Unguarded, unreserved.

this moment,

Feeling the passing breath of Yi Chen,

Nash's belief collapsed instantly, and he fell into an extreme madness. The body of the giant parasite covered Yi Chen's original headless body, creating a hollow and deep face.

Showing a level beyond that of the "First Executioner of the Circus", he slashed at the white man in front of him.


The "Hundred-Headed Hunter" refined by the whole clan was actually cracked by this blow. The white man was forced to take a few steps back and leaned against the side wall with a look of surprise on his face.


When Nash wanted to make the next killing move,

Ka~ The arm holding the dagger was broken directly in the middle, and even white bone powder was scattered on the ground. The same thing happened when Nash wanted to switch to the other arm.

The white death has taken its toll on him,

Even so, Nash still showed no signs of timidity, biting the dagger with his teeth and continued to chop.


All the teeth in the mouth fell out, and the dagger that touched the opponent's neck also shattered and turned into powder.

In the end, he could only bite the opponent's neck with his toothless mouth, which had no effect at all.

At this time, the white man suddenly whispered in Nash's ear:

"Don't disturb your friend's 'deep' and be quiet."

These words instantly made the crazy Nash calm down and stopped launching any attacks, and his crazy eyes instantly became clear.

He took two steps back obediently, and instantly understood the meaning.

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