The final gentleman

Chapter 806 Tent

The Blood People were a particularly "sun-oriented" ethnic group in the old world that had not yet declined. Both the Blood Manor and the City of Atonement commanded by Emperor Pride were built close to the Evil Sun and were emitted by the Evil Sun. The sunlight can greatly activate their blood activity and make them full of energy.

Therefore, before they rushed to the leather factory, let Greedy Grid go to the Light City and directly buy an 'Underground Sun' with the wealth that the other party could not refuse, so that it could move around the [Marginal Leather Plain] , maintaining the rhythm of day and night.

Every night, the biological-like 'Underground Sun' will inhabit under the connective mountains to the west.

As night falls, many "big-assed" blood people will fly out from the top of the leather factory. Their full insect cysts will be filled with a red fluorescent liquid, providing weak illumination and acting as moonlight. The same goes for the inside of the leather factory. It's brightly lit.

The huge wealth plundered from ancient times can fully support the remaining blood people to live a noble life for a long time, not to mention that they have now found leather factories to rely on.

Only one day has passed since the mysterious man sneaked into the leather factory.

Tonight, all the earl-level nobles were invited to the Green Manor to attend the weekly upper-level gathering.

Except for Emperor Pryde,

The three marquises will also participate, and will also bring out special wines brewed in ancient times for everyone to taste. They will share and communicate in different ways so that everyone can be improved at such a gathering.

A lady wearing a white wig, holding a full glass of blood wine in her hand, was leaning on the edge of the green manor while drinking.

The countess's pupils were kaleidoscope-shaped, and she was a perceptive blood citizen. Even among the earls, her status was relatively high, and she was especially favored by the grace among the seven marquises.

She was not in a good mood today and didn't want to communicate with others, so she focused on the deserted leather factory at night.

Unexpectedly, when her gaze swept over a mountain top...a ​​touch of color that did not belong to a leather factory was introduced into her eyes, where there was actually a layer of flesh-colored reddish mist, which could even block her ordinary observation.


The kaleidoscope eyes began to rotate, focusing on the strange colors little by little, until they penetrated it and saw a black and red tent curtain.

Finally, a circus tent occupying the entire mountaintop area came into view.

Unlike the Circus of Fear tent, which is hidden between reality and reality and can only be seen if you buy a ticket, this tent can be seen by everyone and is not gray and black, but has distinctive red and black stripes.

There is even a rather strange golden clown figure carved on the top of the tent.

"Wearing a bloated clown robe, but his arms are connected to the sleeves of the suit, and he even has one hand across his chest, maintaining a gentlemanly manner.

The mouth is painted with exaggerated red lips, and the smile is almost tearing to the earlobe,

But there are no other organs above the smiling lips, and the entire face presents an inward vortex structure, which is bottomless and quite strange.

It seems that there can be sounds or something coming out of it. "


News about the possible arrival of the circus has been reported to all the blood people after the Marquis meeting. When she saw this scene, she was so frightened that the countess let go. The wine glass and the precious blood-brewed wine fell from the peak of the leather factory several thousand meters away. Down.

"There is a suspicious tent below!"

As the countess shouted loudly, the entire green manor, whether it was the sounds coming from the mouth or the body, disappeared, and there was silence.

The next second,

Each earl used their own methods to quickly reach the edge of the terrace and cast their gaze below.

The old face of Marquis Enwei was also huddled together. He didn't expect that what he was worried about would come to light so soon, and he immediately came to the open area with a cane.

"Strange... this feeling is not the circus we once attacked. At that time, I clearly remember that the tent was made of the hair of the abyss.

As for the current tent, the material cannot be judged just by observing it from a distance, but it is definitely not hair.

Unexpectedly, a tent of this size was built on the hilltop near the leather factory without anyone noticing. The diffuse fog also greatly hindered the field of view. "

At this time, Marquis Gratoni opened a path with his belly and squeezed beside Enwei.

Nast, who represents the color evil, simply ignored gravity and stepped through the air to get here.

Enwei asked, "What do you two think?"

Gratoni simply said: "It doesn't seem to be something that can be swallowed..."

Nasté had a smile on her face, "As the person with the strongest sense, if you don't know, what's the use of asking us? Just arrange for a blood citizen to come and take a look."

Let a baron go in for a look first, and then let the viscount in if he can't come back. Anyway, the most important thing we don't lack here is the nobles. "

A plain area in the old world that is relatively close to various cities.

The acrobatic troupe separated from the Circus of Fear has been performing here for several months without any move.

With its reputation, high-quality performances, physical improvement through watching performances, and the recruitment of the ‘fourth leader’, it attracts a large number of viewers every week it opens.

Even some ‘big figures’ from the epidemic area will come to observe in person.

However, this week's acrobatic troupe was given a rest label, and the huge recruitment sign for the 'Fourth Captain' was also removed.

The reason for the break has become obvious. The fourth regiment leader who has been searching so hard has finally been found, and the 'coronation ceremony' is currently going on.

On the center stage of the huge acrobatic troupe, many spotlights gather here.

Three group leaders, Mr. Rabbit, Sister Natalie and Long-legged Mosander, are gathered here. However, as the third group leader, Mosander's expression is a little unnatural.

Because the fourth regiment leader in front of him, who was personally selected by Mr. Rabbit, had an interaction with him, but it was not a good interaction.

Even in order to allow the other party to stay in the acrobatic troupe with peace of mind, Mr. Rabbit also took the initiative to provide privilege conditions, allowing this person to leave the acrobatic troupe during non-business hours, and at the same time allowing him to use his own 'manpower' to build the fourth troupe.

A rabbit doll that resembles a Lucky Cat speaks instead of Mr. Rabbit.

“We hereby hire [Hogni Zed] as the fourth leader of the acrobatic troupe under the Circus of Horror, also known as the ‘Corpse Troupe’.

At this point, the acrobatic troupe's preset leader seats have been filled, and the acrobatic troupe's [icon emblem] will be redrawn based on the characteristics of the four leaders. "

That's right.

Things on the human side of Zion have been basically settled. Zedd followed William's suggestion and came to the old world to find the mysterious Circus of Fear in order to evade the pursuit of the monastery.

Zed initially thought of contacting William, but not long after arriving in the old world, he saw a flyer for the acrobatic troupe in a neutral city.

After finding the acrobatic troupe, I immediately hit it off with Mr. Rabbit.

Even during the serious commissioning session, the sound of licking saliva could be faintly heard under Mr. Rabbit's hood.

Just after Zed's appointment was completed, an intelligence officer from the Acrobatic Troupe belonging to Sister Natalie came here and reported an important piece of information.

"It is suspected that [Theatre] and [Clown House] jointly opened a circus in front of the leather factory."

Sister Natalie looked confused, "William is really cooperating with Art? Is it because of Catherine... Impossible, William is very independent, why? If William, as a member of the human force, has enmity with the blood people, it is completely You can come to us for cooperation. After all, Boss Rabbit has sent him an invitation letter before.

Even if it doesn't work, you can also go to Jia En who has the same abyss characteristics as him and has a better relationship with him.

Why would you suddenly cooperate with someone like Art? "

Mr. Rabbit did not express his attitude, but his body seemed to feel something. The Lucky Rabbit on his shoulder made a sound:

"Zed, go ahead. After you're done with it, just come back and perform seriously."

The body with its eyes covered with black cloth disappeared from the scene instantly, and even Sister Natalie could not fully see it.

A magic group that specifically wanders around the corners of the world, performing performances for those who are burdened with darkness and those who are forgotten, also stopped for a moment.

Jaen, shrouded in the dilapidated wind and sand, received the tip. His eyes under the mask searched slightly, and the surrounding space also changed.

"William, don't do stupid things...the boss will be very unhappy."

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