The final gentleman

Chapter 812 Admission

A green manor built in the upper area of ​​Yousui Leather Factory.

Marquis Enwei sat alone on the edge of the rooftop, observing the circus tent below.

He is considered the most patient among the Seven Marquises, and he will not get bored even if he watches it for seven days and seven nights.

But before an hour had passed, something happened.

The golden gentleman clown sculpture built on the top of the circus tent actually started to move, and he took out a roll of super-long loudspeaker from nowhere.

One end covers the statue's mouth,

One end is aimed at the green manor where the blood nobles live,

§Hahaha, haha, ha! Why hasn't anyone come to the circus yet? This time we are fully prepared for the performance of people infected with the blood epidemic, and have specially made blood-flavored desserts that suit your taste§

§Ha↑ah↓ha, what a cautious bunch of guys~ Come on, our tents don’t eat people. §

§I heard that people infected with the blood plague are born with strong curiosity. Why did they become so lifeless when they came to your place? Was the impact of the defeat really huge? Oh, that's really sad. §

The sound was transmitted directly to the top of the leather factory, even covering all the sounds in the green manor.

And it's not just loud. This sound is also penetrating, targeted and brain-influencing. It can directly reach the heart of every blood citizen and arouse the pride and mania in their blood.

"The sound the epilepsy virus makes in concert? Is it a lunatic?"

The well-informed Marquis Enwei could see the problem at a glance.

He bit his finger open and let a large amount of blood spray out to add a "blood shield" to the entire manor to isolate the influence of the sound, lest any count could not bear it and rush down.

But as soon as the blood shield was formed, the statue on the top of the tent stopped talking and immediately changed to an interference mode.

Open the mouth as wide as possible and tear it completely to expose the structure of the throat.

Puff~ Puff~

Strange balloons painted with smiling faces and black vortexes overflowed from the throat and slowly rose.

Seeing this scene, Marquis Enwei immediately waved to the count, who was proficient in long-range strikes, to gather over and play a game of "ballooning" on the spot.

Or a blood needle pops out from the fingertips,

Or shoot drops of blood from the palm of your hand,

They even released flying insects filled with explosive blood from their mouths, easily preventing these balloons from taking off.

After all, he is an earl-level being who has completed his path. Even if the statue can pop up hundreds of balloons in one minute, it can be easily destroyed, and it has gradually evolved into a party sideshow.

But some counts noticed something was wrong,

An old countess said, "Marquis Enwe...these balloons seem to be used to distract us, and may even take the opportunity to collect our blood.

The spiral pattern drawn on the surface of the balloon seems to cause the balloon to collapse inward when it explodes, possibly taking our blood away.

Although the blood formed through the secret method of blood epidemic does not belong to our "natal essence blood", we still need to be slightly prepared. "

Unexpectedly, the Countess had just said these words.

Balloon men came out from the door of the circus tent. They were carrying scarlet cakes, and the raw material was the blood used by the count when shooting the balloons.

Groups of balloon men slowly floated into the air, looking friendly, as if they wanted to deliver the cake to the manor party.

"My Lord Marquis, are these balloon men still shot?"

After the Countess asked this question, Enwei directly raised his cane and waved his hand to chop it off! All the balloon men spurted blood instantly, their bodies were cut in half by invisible blood blades, and all the exquisitely customized cakes fell into the blood river below.

"The blood generated by the secret method of blood plague has no value. They can give them as much as they want... However, the other problem you mentioned may really exist.

It's these guys who are distracting us, and they may be doing something else behind the scenes. "

Marquis Enwei let the jealous blood in his body flow to his brain, running at high speed, ignoring the balloons, statues and scattered cakes, carefully observing the circus tent, and finally saw some clues.

Since the viewing angle is almost from top to bottom, it is difficult to see the subtle changes in 'altitude'.

After comparison, Marquis Enwei discovered that the entire connective mountain range where the tent was located was actually about 8.7m higher.

"Sure enough, these guys are not just building a tent. Since the connective mountains are alive, they will inevitably be affected by cancer cells. This is not the way to go. We must take action.

Prepare to inform the boss to come down..."

Unexpectedly, the mysterious circus seems to know that the matter has been exposed, and no longer secretly increases the altitude, but directly allows the cancer cells buried below to grow wildly, causing the entire mountain to rise at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just over a minute,

The mountain carries the circus tent directly to the same altitude as the green manor.

A bright red carpet made of blood extends from the inside to the outside, just connecting to the terrace of the manor... so direct, so provocative.

Before Marquis Enwei could find Emperor Pride, the latter had already arrived.

"Since others have invited us like this, let's go in directly! All four marquises have entered, leaving ten earls to guard the leather factory.

Enwei, you also left a "perfect blood body" outside to be responsible for the defense of the entire leather factory.

Since the other party came to us on the initiative, we will deal with non-essential situations by ourselves. Unless there is a major problem that threatens our foundation, we will wake up Piervina! "


Marquis Enwei muttered an ancient language, and twisting blood vessels immediately sprouted from the top of his head, and began to pour blood in front of him.

An individual was constructed that was exactly the same as Marquis Enwe. Even the number of hairs was the same. The two looked at each other and smiled, seeming to be completely independent yet connected by blood.

Everything is ready.

Led by King Pryde, the four marquis walked in front, followed by the remaining earls. As for the blood people who could not complete the journey, they did not follow and all stayed behind in the leather factory.

The scene of the blood people entering the theater was also projected normally on the theater hidden in the depths.

William and others were leaning on the lounge chairs, eating deep-sea instant noodles and watching. William also asked a question,

"It's strange! By the way, Emperor Pride was not given special permission to leave the plague area in ancient times, and he was carrying out completely different blood plague developments in a city alone.

It is rumored that his development and training model of blood people are completely different from those in the source plague area. Why do these counts following behind them all look the same, there is no difference.

Shouldn't there be a few blood people who look like Imperial Guards following him? "

When talking about this matter, Art became interested and actually took the initiative to explain, "William, you need to read more history books, you don't even know about the famous [Blood City Incident].

Although Emperor Pride does not have the despicable and insidious nature of the blood people.

But his negative emotions were not low at all, and his arrogance drove him to become a real tyrant.

The people who were cultivated using completely different methods were all refined by him in the end, even the princess who accompanied him day and night was thrown into it.

He looked down upon anyone. In his eyes, all weak people were the support for him to ascend to the throne.

Although I am not as arrogant as him, I strongly agree with this concept! "

"Refining? What was refined?"

"William, don't pretend to be confused on purpose~ The sword hanging behind him is the final product of the tyrannical rule. But be careful, this sword is even the name of the Plague Knights who is feared by the whole world. The leader can be hurt.

If Mr. Yi really comes, don't be killed! After all, Mr. Yi is my prey. "

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