The final gentleman

Chapter 818 Blood Prison

Not only did Catherine have no memory, William and others also felt strange to the blood citizen who appeared on the stage and had never seen them before.

You must know that Diannao conducted a comprehensive analysis of each of these nobles when they entered. Except for the four marquises, there were probably only two special people among the remaining earls, but they were still far from the 'marquis level'.

It is for this reason that William proposed a 'five' duel, so that an earl could participate and ensure a guaranteed victory.

Even if it is changed to "best of three games" and a marquis is paired with an ordinary earl, the probability of his side winning is still high.

But the 'Earl' who appeared in front of him was completely absent from his memory.

The aura exuding from the person in front of him was quite dangerous, not even weaker than those of these marquises. Even Zed, who was sitting in the waiting seat, tensed his muscles slightly and his face changed slightly.

This person does not have the conventional aristocratic attire of the blood people, nor does he have any fabric components related to the leather factory. Instead, he wears a set of decayed armor that has a long history.

Rusty but maintaining integrity.

It's similar to some kind of knight's armor, but the lines on some parts are very strange, even a little deformed.

For example, the bulging abdominal armor seems to be designed according to the proportions of a pregnant woman.

The spike structures all over the body are most dense on the surface of the helmet, giving it a design style of a painful monastery.

The helmet and the armor were completely integrated, and there was no connection in the entire armor. It was like an iron maiden that completely imprisoned the blood citizen in it. It was like armor, and it was like an armor that restrained him and could not be taken off freely.

The helmet completely covered the eyes, revealing only the bloody and torn nostrils and a large bloody mouth with the lips cut off, completely exposing the gums.

The whole person exuded a strong murderous intention and crazy atmosphere just after entering the venue.

As for his partner, it was the 'Seventh Marquis' Slaanesh Nasté, who was currently gently licking the man's spiked helmet with his forked tongue, suppressing the madness in his body.

As the host, William took the opportunity to ask, "Where does this contestant come from? It seems that there was no such person just now. Can you explain it a little bit, otherwise our performance may become unfair."

Marquis Enwei is still responsible for the explanation.

"Mr. William, you should know very well that the "Blood Plague" is one of the most difficult diseases to control in the old world. As the disease level grows, it will become more difficult to control.

Even we, the Seventh Marquis, can only compromise and choose a prominent desire as an 'excretion outlet' to mitigate the negative effects of the blood epidemic as much as possible.

However, not every blood people can control the impact of the blood epidemic as they grow up. A large number of blood people will be devoured by desire and become "blood slaves", turning into monsters that are meaningless to the old world, and even Will be marked directly by the monastery.

However, the monastery does not have enough area or manpower to manage so many slaves dominated by the blood plague.

So we reached an agreement privately with the monastery to build a prison that meets the monastic standards inside our Bloody Manor to specifically guard these guys.

Of course, not everyone qualifies to be ‘guarded’.

As long as a blood servant is judged to be worthless by us, he will be executed soon after entering the prison. The monastery will come over every once in a while to review our prison work to ensure that it meets their management requirements.

We did a good job in the Bloody Prison and even received praise from the warden.

With the defeat of the war and the decline of the entire Bloody Manor, this prison was not abandoned. Instead, after our discussion, this special prison was retained.

Not to mention that there is a highly capable blood prisoner in the prison, and if our blood people want to develop in the future, such a prison is indispensable.

Therefore, Marquis Gratoni took the initiative to provide a solution and swallowed the entire prison into his body.

Surprisingly, after thousands of years of exile, the prison slowly merged with Gratoni's blood belly, achieving better results than expected.

The mobile prison was thus formed, and the Marquis of Gratoni was a huge contributor to our blood people.

And this [Count Bar Montoya] was one of the earliest prisoners. He was swallowed up by his own rage, but he slowly found a balance point under the management of the prison and continued to grow.

The prosecutor at the monastery was also very optimistic about him and specially built a set of bondage armor for him. These spikes were of equal length both inside and outside, which could effectively suppress the violent blood plague flooding in his body.

Try not to damage his armor in the later games, otherwise he may lose control completely. "

"That's it. Thank you Marquis Enwei for your explanation... Now that the confusion has been solved, let's get started."

"Hold on."

At this moment, Marquis Gratoni, who was sitting in the audience, suddenly put his hand into his mouth, as if he was digging something inside his body, and finally took out a huge rusty metal from his mouth.

The muscle tissue on the surface of the arm was completely tense, and it was thrown hard into the arena.

In terms of strength, Gratoni is enough to rank among the top three among the Seven Marquises.

The huge metal thrown was aimed directly at Count Baal... Boom! The moment it hit, the surrounding ground sank by more than one meter and dust rose.

Wait until the dust falls,

Count Baal, who was standing still, had an extra weapon.

On his shoulders was a giant butcher knife that was larger than his body size. To be precise, it looked like a rectangular guillotine. Needless to say, the weight was frightening just by its size.

Seeing this scene, William couldn't help but shed a cold sweat.

The opponent's strength does not seem to be much worse than Gratoni's, and may even be stronger in some places. Such a guy is completely comparable to a marquis.

There is also a charming Marquis of Slaanesh who has unknown abilities and is paired with him.

William sent a message to Reagan alone as a friend,

"Regan, be careful~ don't force it... you have already helped me a lot." If this duel cannot be won, it will be up to Teachers Art and Zedd to take care of it.

As for the final showdown between me and the emperor, I am sure of it. 』

But Reagan's response was very bland, "Don't worry, I won't put Faye in danger. If I really can't hold on anymore, I will surrender. You don't have to worry about that." 』

"Um. 』

The fat Reagan then turned to Catherine, who was still a little shocked by the blood prisoner in front of him, "Miss Catherine, who do you want to deal with?"

"I... um~ that woman floating in the air. She has winked at William 17 times since she entered the room. It's really disgusting!

Your name is Reagan, right~Be careful! This restrained guy gives me a very dangerous feeling, probably not much worse than the Seventh Marquis. "


The first showdown begins!

Before anyone could take action, a line of black and white flowers suddenly grew under Catherine, allowing her to sit cross-legged in it.

Hanawa's eyes were rotating at a constant speed while looking at Seranesh Nast.


Slippery octopus tentacles came out of Catherine's mouth. As she opened her mouth, bursts of deep-sea singing came out, echoing throughout the circus.

Sleep, sleep, my dear baby

Suddenly, no matter you are Emperor Pride and his party or William and others, you can actually feel a strong sense of sleepiness. This sleepiness does not come from the tiredness of the body but from the soul's desire to sleep.

"The song of the Siren, the effect can actually stir the soul..." Marquis Enwei was surprised, and immediately used means to eliminate the influence on the soul level.

Slaanesh Nastre, who was locked by the flower wheel in advance, suffered the strongest hypnotic effect, which was almost ten times that of others.

You can even see a huge nightmare shadow wrapping around Nast, getting into every hole in her body, and finally making her fall asleep.

Wounded by nightmares, Nasté gradually floated to Catherine's flower table.

"It feels so easy to be hypnotized... something feels wrong!"

Just when Catherine was doubtful,

Slaanesh Nastla was brought to her by the nightmare image,

When she looked at this delicate and alluring face from close range, the already strong desire in Catherine's heart was completely aroused, and bright blood even flowed from her seven orifices.

The flower platform suddenly grew, wrapping the two of them in it.

The last scene seen before the flowers cover it is Catherine kissing the sleeping red-haired Nastre.

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