The final gentleman

Chapter 827 Hug

In the duel arena constructed by the circus,

Four dents made by teeth appeared around Zed's body. Gratoni had just given three more powerful bites with his frame exposed in a victorious posture, but Zed still changed the direction of the bite by slapping. .

Looking at the man in front of him who once again surprised him, Gratoni decided to enter a special posture.

Click! Click! Click!

The mouths all over Gratoni's body began to close one after another,

It's not space devouring, but a strange closing of teeth. Let each mouth appear to be in a state where the lips are opened and the teeth are clenched, and the entire row of white teeth is exposed.

If this scene is seen by dental clinic personnel, they will have a strong urge to watch and inspect it.

When each mouth on Gratoni's body closes, it will slightly swallow the surrounding space, causing a strong contraction of the space and squeezing of the flesh.

You can clearly see where he is standing. The ground is sinking due to the squeeze of space, and the floor material is pressed tighter and denser.

Every closing of the mouth will cause Gratoni to be subjected to strong spatial pressure. Even though his body is outstanding among the blood folk, it will still continue to tremble and be gradually destroyed in the process.

The moment a bone breaks, it will be compressed again.

Every physical cell is stimulated by strong pressure and begins to be forced to secrete a special protein.

When the number of closed mouths exceeds half, a qualitative change occurs!

Although Gratoni's body is smaller, part of its skin is in the shape of a bright white crust. If you look closely, you will find that these crusty substances resemble teeth.


With the closing of the last mouth, Gratoni's primitive human body, which was originally over three meters tall, has returned to the normal range of two meters tall.

In addition to the closed mouth that is spread all over the body and showing white teeth,

Gratoni turned completely albino, and his skin and flesh were replaced by an extremely high-density enamel layer. His hair also fell off during this process, and there was no trace of the red color that should belong to the blood people. He completely turned into a white monster.

But the whole thing exudes a very strong smell of blood, as if it wants to bite everything in the world to pieces.

William looked at this scene and couldn't help but wonder, "Does Mr. Gratoni have a close relationship with the dental clinic? Even if this gesture says it doesn't matter, I definitely won't believe it... It's a good show!"


Gratoni moved, not particularly fast, but it still felt very inconsistent.

Although William is missing his eyeballs and Little Grape is not here, he can still capture the changes in space by activating the stargazer's disease through the operation of his epileptic brain.

I could clearly see that when Gratoni was moving, the severely compressed space around his body was actually moving with it.

Not only the physical changes, William vaguely saw an indescribable virtual image,

There seems to be a fanged mouth hidden in the depths of the space that is always hovering behind Gratoni, disrupting, compressing, and destroying the surrounding space, biting out all individuals who dare to approach him.

As his opponent, Zed naturally felt this unusual pressure, but he still kept his center of gravity pressed down.


The moment the pure white Gratoni approached, Zed actually took the initiative to attack!


Compared with the instants used by William or Yi Chen, Zed, as the founder of [Instant], is more pure. There is no assistance from space and no use of death to fill the problem of broken ankles.

Just pure skill and sheer physical strength,

Whoosh! The speed is actually faster than in Zion a year ago.

Diving and grappling!

The normal physique of Gratoni makes it easier for Zed to display his fighting skills. His arms firmly clasped Gratoni's waist and abdomen, and he used inertia to slide behind the opponent.

Lift the bridge back,

He used the strength of his waist and abdomen to lift Gratoni, who weighed more than a ton and was in a strange state, alive.

German back throw!


Like a missile hitting the center of the arena, the earth trembled! Gratoni's entire upper body was smashed into the ground, while Zed maintained a perfect bridge movement.

If this were placed in the real world of human fighting, the funeral parlor would have already arrived to cover the scene with a white cloth.

But this is a world of lesions,

After completing the German back throw, Zed suddenly withdrew his hand and took dozens of steps back... His arms used for grappling were already covered with bite marks in less than two seconds of contact.

There was even blood drawn out from the bite near the palm, but this blood was brought by the teeth and was used to invade the blood plague of the person being bitten.

Gratoni pushed his body off the ground and returned to a standing position.

Kaka~ He gently twisted his cervical spine and returned to normal. Such a powerful fall on his back just now did not cause any substantial damage to him, except that his head was a little dizzy.

However, he was still a little wary because he didn't expect Zedd to be so fast.

"The attack seemed to be effective, but I was injured. I guess Zed will never dare to use this kind of close-fitting technique against me again."

This time I attack, he will probably deliberately distance himself... Just eat it slowly~ His physical strength has not changed much. As long as he is bitten a few more times, the entire physical defense will collapse, and soon he will be Eaten away by me. 』

Gratoni's current "Pure White Stance - White Fang" abandons all long-range devouring and surrounds himself with all devouring. Any target that approaches him at close range will be devoured by high density, and his own defense is greatly improved. , specially used for close combat.

It can be said to be perfect restraint against a purely physical guy like Zed.

While thinking about the cannibalization plan in his mind, he rushed to Zed's position again,

Gratoni, who judged that the opponent did not dare to approach rashly, had already focused all his attention on Zed's possible escape or escape routes, blocking all available retreat routes step by step as much as possible.

When close to ten meters,

Click~ There was a crisp sound of ankle bones,

Zed did not retreat or escape...but instead stepped forward again with teeth marks still left on his arm, and he still made exactly the same movements as before.

Diving and grappling.

"What!? Why did you come over to get closer? Why did you use the exact same trick?"

Gratoni was caught off guard;

boom! Once again, he was thrown from his back, and a second hole appeared on the ground. Gratoni was also stuck on his back, with his feet in the air.

Although his physical strength was not a big problem, his head was slightly dizzy from the fall.

The arms that Zed used to hold his waist were already dripping with blood, and a large amount of blood plague virus wanted to get into his body.


As soon as Gratoni pulled himself out of the ground, Zed no longer waited, and actually took the initiative to step forward with exactly the same movements as the previous two times, using a diving grapple for the third time!

"Are you looking down on me!? Keep using the same moves!"

This time, Gratoni no longer gave any chance, and directly sent out a powerful knee, and the mouth on the top of the knee was already in perfect coordination with the swallowing.

As long as it hits the target, in addition to impact, it will also swallow and impact all objects within one meter around it.

The thrusting knee perfectly corresponds to the charging Zed...

Unexpectedly, Zed suddenly changed his tactics!

The diving posture becomes even lower, so low that even the knee can't touch it! The whole person is almost lying on the ground.

Perfect dodge,

The moment he dodged the knee collision, he took Gratoni's other ankle with both hands and pulled hard! Directly pull the opponent into the ground and continue to control this foot, using a very standard locking technique.

"Heel Hook"

He locked the ankle of Gratoni's pure white right leg with both hands, tightened the pale corpse muscles of his body, and pressed inwards!


A crisp sound echoed in the venue,

Although Gratoni's strong outer layer of tooth enamel appeared to be undamaged, the internal ligaments in his right ankle and knee joint were completely severed.


Gratoni screamed, and then kicked Zed with his left foot, which failed with his knee.


Kick Zed in the jaw, kicking him back. At the same time, 70% of the jaw area was swallowed, and the locking skill was released.

Now Gratoni just wanted to stand up, get off the ground, get out of this embarrassing situation and check the injury on his right leg.

But Zed would never give him a chance to get off the ground.

With a quick forward press, he sat directly on Gratoni and forced him back to the ground.

This scene left William stunned!

"Teacher, what are you doing... Why do you deliberately get closer when you know clearly that the closer you get, the more dangerous it is? And this is the kind of close combat with the largest body contact area. You just put it in the opponent's mouth.

Wait... am I blind? Why does it feel like the color of the arena has become dimmer, and the teacher's aura seems to be getting thinner and thinner. "

I have to drive back to my nest tonight. Depending on the traffic jam, the update will most likely be an hour late.

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