The final gentleman

Chapter 851 Divinity, Hammer and Arrogance

William still inherited Yi Chen’s memory to a large extent,

It is also natural to know what it is like to have this kind of divinity related to heaven in the main material plane. The keywords correspond to nobility, holiness, dignity, beauty, etc.

But when the divinity of heaven fell on the most evil person in the old world, it was as if it had been absolutely blasphemed. Even the divinity itself chose to surrender at this moment, choosing to fully integrate with this blasphemy, and a new creature was born. A brand new product.

A divine person unique to Art.

What looks like gold is actually abscess,

Looks like an angel, but is a vulgar laugher,

It looks like a church, but it is the center of the epidemic.

The robes woven from the "golden knot thread" are full of blasphemy. The pattern woven on the robes corresponds to the "Holy Trinity".

It's just that the Holy Trinity presented here is a bit weird. What is presented is actually three golden heads with different degrees of decay, one of which only has a pure golden skull left.

The three heads all maintain smiles due to being infected with the clown virus. They are connected to each other through holy rings and appear on the back of the priest's robe.

If the pope posture presented by Art in the past was still imitating the image from outside the world to some extent, then now it is the pope constructed by Art's self and unique to him.

It can also be called [tumor king],

The scene originally brought by the storybook was completely changed by Art, turning it into his own "tumor and heaven", which can be regarded as a kind of malignant overlay.


In the abyss posture, William looked at Art's strongest posture, looked at the golden city in front of him that was being covered by malignant tumors, and felt the power of being so close to the master of the disease.

He wasn't just looking at the changes before his eyes,

Because the abyss turned over, William's face was dark and without facial features, but for some reason he could hear a faint laughter, a kind of laughter coming from the depths of the abyss.

It was small but heartfelt. It seemed that he was happy to see the [tumor and heaven] shown by Art. It seemed that everything in front of him was the scene he wanted to see.

William put his arm into his clothes and took out the storybook composed of malignancy from the depths. Because the scene was covered with tumors and heaven, the entire storybook was also covered with large and small golden tumors.

"it's time……"

A whisper came from within the abyss.

Then he slowly put the book close to the abyss in his belly, and "turned over" the book for the first time... However, the origin of this book was extraordinary. It was a malignant condensation that even the gods on the main material plane were wary of, and even feared. You can imagine how difficult it is to turn the object over.


When the book is slowly drawn into the abyss of the vortex structure, the urban scene generated by the storybook shakes slightly, but not strongly.

Art was still immersed in the posture of the Tumor King and the new divinity created by him. He only regarded this weak earthquake as the impact of [Turn and Heaven] invading the city.

As Art came out of his excitement, his eyes once again locked onto William not far away,

"Okay... let you see the difference between us."

The words fell.

The "golden rain" dropped by the angels immediately gathered between Art and William, condensed into a yellow carpet, and was completely spread out in front of the two of them.

Forcibly assigning relevant concepts of identity to individuals on both sides of the yellow carpet,

William is the pilgrim, and Art is the saint,

Immediately, an irresistible force passed by, and bunches of golden grapes quickly grew on William's knees. The golden barrier on the surface separated the internal tumor from William's abyssal body, temporarily preventing it from turning over. Impact.

As the golden grapes become denser, the greater the pressure on the knees.


William knelt directly on the ground, and then his arms began to produce bunches of grapes, forcing him to crawl on the ground.

This image is like that of a pilgrim.

If William had eyes, his eyeballs would turn golden and ooze pus, and Art in his field of vision would become an extremely noble Holy Emperor, unable to resist.

Art walked slowly on the yellow carpet,

With each step, a group of 'people' would emerge from the surface of the yellow carpet, using their hands to hold up Art's soles and support him to move forward.

Under the support of the common believers, Tumor King Art appeared in front of William, who was kneeling on the ground and covered with grapes.

Snapped! Art snapped his fingers.

The golden vines grew crazily on William's body, lifting his entire body up and displaying it in front of him in the shape of a large character.

In Art's new golden vision, he seemed to see through the essence of the abyss gesture,

It is nothing more than flipping the abyss rock formation to the outside using some kind of space lubrication method, and flipping William's body into the internal 'internal subspace'.

Now Art didn't bother to get into the abyss and hunt down William hiding inside, but decided to crush the abyss from the front.

Tick ​​tick tick~ The gold liquid continuously flows out from between the sleeves and robes. This special gold actually forms a special rock-breaking tool on the left and right hands.

"The Hammer and the Holy Nail"

Just when Art was about to place the holy nail on William's chest and perform the first abyss drilling.

A breath of death suddenly overflowed~

Yi Chen emerged from the abyss again. This time he emerged from the shoulder. He was so fast and his sword skills were sharp!

One slash of the knife.

boom! The adjacent high-rise building was affected by death and completely collapsed.

But something was wrong with the situation in front of him. Even Yi Chen's eyes widened and the blade in his hand was blocked.

The golden arm on Art's roulette wings actually held the blade firmly in the form of catching the blade with his bare hands, blocking the death blow. It did not cause any harm to Art, and only the aftermath that spread out destroyed the building. .

Yi Chen quickly drew the knife, his body retracted into the abyss and then re-emerged from the waist and abdomen, slashing horizontally with the knife!


The situation remains the same,

Of the twelve golden arms on the roulette wheel, the closest one always reaches out in time and catches the blade with his bare hands.

Seeing Yi Chen's increasingly tired attacks, Art also responded with a smile:

"The injuries the Emperor caused to you cannot be repaired in a short period of time, so that the power of the chop is greatly weakened. It is a pity... I thought Mr. Yi could become my old enemy and bring me pleasure for a long time.

Now it seems that this pleasure will come to an end. "

Art no longer worried about Yi Chen's attack, and the concept of death no longer threatened him.

Unable to penetrate his high-level body that has currently completed its internal tour,

Impenetrable to a coat woven of golden knotted threads,

It is impossible to penetrate the tumor king's divinity that was born from the fusion of Art's own disease.

He came to William who was entangled in vines and commented in a haughty tone.

"Dark, insidious, disguised and deceitful... Even if you are such a despicable person who is completely contrary to the spirit of gold, as the Pope, I will not give up on your salvation.

I will personally break through your shell and lead you on the golden path. "


The hammer head was knocked down, and the golden holy nails dug into William's abyssal body. Cracks appeared and spread at the nail tips, and the cracks were also filled with golden liquid.

With a hammer blow,

William's abyssal body gradually shattered and disintegrated,

The last blow,

Art moved the holy nail to the area between the eyebrows that was already full of cracks. This hammer blow will completely break through the abyss rock formation, reach directly to the inside of the crazy brain, and completely terminate this interesting William.

Maybe I smelled the smell of victory in advance,

Art showed the exaggerated smile he had in the circus, which was completely inconsistent with his current identity.


The center of his eyebrow was completely shattered by the impact of the holy nail.

The head of the abyss also completely split as the crack spread, and Art could clearly see the internal situation.

It's just a little different from what I expected.

Inside the broken abyss head, there was no brain, nor William hiding inside, but a cold, dead 'sun' floating.

"Evil Yang? No, why is it so cold? What on earth is it?"

at this time,

William's voice came from the depths of the subspace within his body,

"Turn it over and it's done."

Suddenly, the intensity of the vibrations in the entire city increased several times. Those golden angels flying in the space ran wildly because they felt the danger, colliding with each other, and some even plunged into high-rise buildings.

Not only was it shaking, the whole city actually started to rotate...

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