The final gentleman

Chapter 865 Stone Platform, Golden Qi and Challenger

Jin Lung Tianzun directly controls the flow of gases in the entire world through breathing to achieve worldwide sound transmission. Such words make the rapidly developing epidemic group slow down and focus on this group of people outside the territory.

If it were ten years ago, the patient would have been deeply suspicious of the intentions of this group of outsiders.

However, after William's "False Moon Performance" in the old world three years ago, all patients have been informed and shown the real threat "Evil" from the outside world, and some audiences have even been given extraterrestrial powers through a clinic on the moon. .

Moreover, many Silver Circle powerhouses have seen or acquired divinity-related abilities themselves, and they know that the extraterritorial system can bring huge improvements to their own diseases, and even create new development routes.

The most important thing,

The new plague lord, the king of lunatics, is the initial complement. When William Behrens became the plague lord, he decisively gave up the development and future in the old world and went directly to the outside world.

This incident made other epidemic masters full of curiosity about the outside world, and they did not want to be surpassed by William, the new epidemic master.

For the above reasons,

Faced with the remarks made by Jin Lung Tianzun, all Silver Circle patients all over the world were very interested, and various epidemic areas also took action.

Regardless of whether they are patients who have established a stronghold in the new world or are still active in the old world, as long as they reach the silver circle level, they will move towards the position given by the Golden Lung God.

Even if he doesn't take part in the so-called assessment, he still wants to see for himself what the gods from outside the realm look like.

Wherever there are people, there will be business, and the Duke's caravan also set off immediately.

Zed, Marco, Martin and Parasite Nash gave priority to returning to Zion. After discussions at the meeting, Zion was still prepared to focus on self-development. This time there will inevitably be a large number of sick people gathering there, and there are not many opportunities. And through simple inference, we can know that these gods may come again in the future, so there is no need to rush.

Therefore, the only ones who chose to go to [Taiwan] were the above three except for Garrigan and Principal Deslin. Principal, she could not wait to see the outside world.

Due to the presence of the principal, the five-person team does not need to rush. They can reach a location close to the [stage] by teleporting through the collective space.

Before Deslin and Stargazer arranged a stable teleportation formation,

At some point, Nash, the new parasite, actually lay down on the ground, sniffing crazily on her legs, especially near the soles of her feet with the tip of his nose. Occasionally, he would stick out his tongue to lick the ground Desline stepped on.

This move was immediately regarded as abnormal, and a trample containing falling stardust fell directly.


Nash's head was directly trampled into the ground more than two meters deep, but only the skin of the trampled face was broken. Its bones seemed to have been fused with special iron chains and were completely unharmed.

Nash was not angry at all. Instead, he seized the opportunity to have close contact with the principal's soles and achieved his 'goal'.

When the principal pulled his right foot out of the ground, he directly pulled Nash out.

The other party's nostrils were completely attached to the soles of his feet, shouting excitedly.

"Sure does smell like the boss! Although it's very thin, it definitely has it!

Hello, madam, you must be very familiar with Boss William. I have been trying to capture the residual aura of Boss since I entered the city, and it was not until I met you that I finally managed to capture it. "

After confirming the smell, Nash stopped pestering the principal and stood aside with a silly smile on his face.

"It's been two years since the boss left, and I'm almost sick... I finally smelled some of the boss' scent this time, and I feel much better!

You are also the boss’s teacher, I will definitely protect you! "

"I don't need your protection, thank you."

Deslin continued to focus on the drawing of the teleportation array. Although her expression did not change at all, she was amazed at Nash's strength in her heart. The soles of her feet were aching from the stepping just now.

She had never stepped on something so hard before. It was like stepping on the surface of an iron chain thousands of meters long.

[Array start]

The five people instantly arrived at a certain ocean area from inside Zion, and appeared at an altitude of several hundred meters above the sea level. More patients than expected gathered densely around them.

About a thousand meters away on the sea, you can see the [square stone platform] built by outsiders.

The size is only 100×100m, and there are no auditoriums. It seems that the wide sea and sky around it are reserved for the ‘audience’.

The old man in golden robes and ten people from outside the territory exuding different divinities were already standing on the sidelines waiting.

There seems to be nothing around the stone platform, but in fact there is a layer of faint golden mist, about ten meters deep.

This seemingly ordinary golden mist blocks the progress of most patients.

Some silver circle patients who tried to go to the stone platform had the 'qi' drained out of their bodies as soon as they came into contact with the golden mist! All life reactions stopped instantly, and the part that touched the golden mist became necrotic instantly and was forced to withdraw.


Only those who can penetrate the golden mist are qualified to stand on the stone platform to communicate with this group of people and obtain subsequent rewards and opportunities.

At this time, the old man's voice came from the surrounding space again.

"It seems that everyone in the Lesion World is very enthusiastic. So many people came here in just half an hour. Let me first talk about the real purpose of our visit this time, as well as the way to provide opportunities and rewards.

I believe you already know that a 'substance' that can threaten all planes is spreading and is difficult to eradicate.

We are conducting a 'talent recruitment' across the entire plane. Anyone selected will be eligible to go to the core city of the main material plane, enjoy all citizenship rights, and be able to learn the knowledge of the multiverse. Those who are particularly outstanding can even obtain "godhead".

As for the symptom expressers, considering the discomfort we have inflicted on you in the past, in addition to being recruited, I will also give you some rewards and compensation.

It may be a physical object, or it may be some permissions, which will be determined according to your performance.

This is the first time we have come to the lesion for [Talent Screening]. Since we don’t know your current strength and cannot formulate appropriate rules, we will use the ‘Battle Mode’ for screening.

As long as individuals under the plague master can penetrate the aura layer I set, they will be eligible to participate.

The patient who steps on the stone platform needs to choose one of the ten 'incarnation carriers' around me to fight. If he wins, he will be qualified to go to the main material plane.

Therefore, this screening is limited to ten people.

If this screening goes well, we will have more opportunities coming soon, and more world exchanges will follow.

Please don't be anxious and come one by one! If multiple people pass through the air layer at the same time, the person with the shortest time will be qualified to challenge.

In addition, as a referee, I will try my best to avoid [death]. Once the patient loses the ability to move, I will send him out as soon as possible. "

There is a sense of "peace" in Jin Lung Tianzun's words. All patients who hear him speak will feel at peace, and some patients who hate foreign invaders will also be relieved by this.

Surprisingly, not many people rushed forward.

The aura that envelopes the stone platform is quite strong, and perhaps only a silver circle patient with the strength of a 'king' can penetrate it without being affected.

Even if you try to pass through the ordinary silver circle, you won't have much energy to fight a more difficult duel.

Correspondingly, most of the patients in 'Under the King' belong to someone, and once they are selected, they will leave the disease focus. Naturally, they need to carefully consider and obtain the opinions of the disease owners.

The Circus of Fear was also observing secretly, with Mr. Rabbit and Magician Jain watching silently.

On a continent far apart,

In the manor that had just been built to coexist with the skin factory, the emperor was watching everything with his twin eyes. He currently has no plans to leave the lesion and is just watching the show.

He disdains going to the main material plane in this way. After he obtains new qualifications, he will go outside alone as a plague lord to take a look.


The sea water bursts.

A huge crazy shark leaped from the sea. The shark's body was over a kilometer long and its skin was covered with skull-shaped barnacles.

The giant shark transformed into a man in the air. It used the water film covering its body to resist the erosion of the air layer and landed steadily on the surface of the stone platform.

[Ancestral Primarch-Ancient Shark. Lokaas]

The plague master he once followed was killed during the war. He had disappeared for a long time, and he did not expect to be the first to show up here.

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