The final gentleman

Chapter 874 Planes and Visitors

The guest room is filled with the miasma of death, and the entire decoration is mainly black. There is a huge painting called "Island of Death" by the painter Bucklin hanging above the bed.

There is also a very considerate worship compartment here, where an uncarved wooden shrine platform has already been placed, and residents can place the corresponding statues of gods on it.


Yi Chen could feel a clear affinity with death, and could even hear the sound of the tide lapping in his ears.

However, he has no intention of talking to death now. In the past two years, he has basically spent 70% of his time in the Dead Sea, and he has communicated enough.

What is more important at the moment is to understand the pattern of the main material plane in front of you and the evil you are about to face.

I found a seat by the window and sat down.

The chairs made of black wood were placed opposite each other. Yi Chen spit his purple lungs directly onto the chair opposite, and the incarnation of the Heavenly Lord took shape immediately.

The two of them sat opposite each other, looking at the clouds outside the window and the city of bodies under the clouds.

"Yi Chen, after all, you are from our side. With your understanding, I will make many things short and briefly introduce to you the plane pattern, world ecology and how to deal with malicious things.

If you have any questions, just interrupt me.

You and Lorian are both the most senior outsiders, and you will soon come into contact with very dangerous malicious vectors. "

"Stop talking nonsense and talk quickly."

"You can think of the plane space where all worlds are located as a standard "metal top."

Most worlds and the main material plane are located in the most spacious gyroplane in the center. Different worlds are filled with 'irregular', 'unstable', and 'completely chaotic' subspaces. Worlds are completely separated from each other. Don't interfere.

The main material plane occupies the center of the plane. It is also the part that connects the past and the following. It is also the place with the most abundant material in the universe and the easiest place for talents to be born.

Of course, the lesion you are in needs to be discussed separately. Even if you look through the brief history of the world on the main material plane, you cannot find a special world similar to the lesion.

The reason why you can continue to grow at the edge of the plane, and even give birth to so many powerful people without relying on divinity, should be related to the characteristic of the lesion, ‘world parasitism’. "

"Old man, why did you suddenly say something wrong? The upper part of the gyro structure should be the residence of what you call gods, right? Is it the world of a single god, or are there multiple gods?"

"You are a little anxious."

Tianzun incarnates and exhales, and the airflow directly penetrates the room and structures and shapes the clouds outside the room, depicting four completely different miniature three-dimensional views of the world.

1. The divine world is like seven layers of pure white heaven of different specifications superimposed on each other - [Seven Layers of Heaven]

2. The cities of the world are dotted with palaces, pavilions, lecture halls, monasteries, and pagodas. Above the wilderness stand the vast mountains and cave heavens that can only be seen in the scrolls - [Ultimate Bliss and the Three Pure Heavens]

3. The terrain here is majestic and formidable, with towering blade-like mountains, bottomless fjords filled with bones, and golden cities cast with great statues and hung with war weapons [Avalon-Heroes] hometown]

4. The whole world presents a scale structure. On one side is a world full of yellow sand, where pyramids, floating cities, and giant beast-body and human-face sculptures move. On the other side is an upside-down world covered with black sand, where a large number of dead are buried. This - [the balance of life and death].

"The four thumbnails you see correspond to the four [God Realms] that have been stably formed and operating for more than ten thousand years. They are also the main places where 90% of the current godhead holders live.

Of course, some people who have not obtained godhood but are favored by divinity can also enter it. For example, I have many inner disciples under my sect.

Of course, this is just a temporary thumbnail created based on my personal impressions, and many features of the God Realm cannot actually be expressed.

If you have a chance, come and take a look. It will definitely subvert your understanding of the world. "

Yi Chen was not particularly interested. After all, no matter how prosperous they were, these so-called gods were already panicking, and the evil was swallowing them up like a wave.

“What about the 10% of gods?”

“There are some who have eccentric personalities but are not low in abilities. They can wander into subspace and open up a small world of their own, or they can ‘freely downgrade’ themselves and live in different worlds as ordinary people.

The evil god also occupies a part of it. "

"So, is there a big difference between gods? There should be a level gap similar to the epidemic."

"Of course there is. Although the names are different in different divine realms, the essence is the same and can be basically divided into three divine levels: lower, middle and upper.

Among them, the godhead created by us can only reach the [Medium] level at most.

Only those who rely on themselves to become gods have a slight possibility of reaching the "upper" and becoming the supreme being, also known as the "supreme divinity". "

"Sounds pretty awesome."

"That is inevitable. The number of supreme divinities is very small, only a handful~ Beings who have reached this level can already understand the bottom logic of the plane and the world."

"Then why can't we resist the vicious spread?"

"It is precisely because they have insight into the lowest level logic and the root of the operation of the entire material world that they cannot stop it..."

Yi Chen showed a faint smile, "You finally said something that is a bit level, what is the place under the 'gyro'?"

"The bottom of the top is usually summarized as the "lower plane". The material below is relatively thin and cannot form a world independently. But such a vast space cannot be wasted. With the development of science and technology here, we use the lower planes to create virtual worlds, including the world where you, Yi Chen, were born. "

"Experimental site?"

The incarnation of Tianzun did not respond directly but continued to elaborate, "The accumulation of evil is also deposited at the lower end, and it begins to emerge from the lowest end of the top. From the bottom virtual world, related evil carriers, such as books, images, etc., begin to appear. Present things in literature in a more terrifying manner.

At present, the entire lower plane has been basically eroded, and the vicious flood has reached the middle of the top. Some worlds related to the main material plane have been affected.

The situation is already very critical, otherwise we would not have gone to such a fringe and contradictory disease to recruit troops.

It is estimated that someone will contact you within three days to officially launch the mission of vicious suppression.

This is roughly the situation, so let’s talk about it for now~ It takes a lot of energy to maintain this kind of incarnation that I have abandoned. It just so happens that the screening of lesions has been completed, and I have to take them for collective testing.

You can come and sit in my Tianzun Mansion when you have time, and you can also improve your breathing techniques. "

"Which patients are here?"

The incarnation of Tianzun blew out "six names" and carved "six names" on the table, including acquaintances Yi Chen knew.

The avatar immediately disintegrated, transformed into a purple lung form and flew back into Yi Chen's body.

Just when Yi Chen was thinking about what to do next...dong dong dong~ there was a sudden knock on the door.

Yi Chen didn't think it was a coincidence that he knocked on the door just in time for Tianzun to leave.

The eyes transformed into little grapes appeared between the eyebrows, and Yi Chen instantly saw the details outside the door. There was nothing in the dim passage, and the air flow was completely stable.

However, with the visual peek provided by Little Putao, Yi Chen noticed a detail.

open the door,

Yi Chen grabbed a very secret note from under the carpet, as if the other party knew that Yi Chen would be able to find it. It only contained a string of unknown numbers [1910].

"Room number... or world number?

Who could be so clever as to sneak a piece of paper under my eyelids at the moment when Tianzun's incarnation disappears, leaving no trace at all?

Or did the other party already know that I would stay in this room and put it here in advance? "

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