The final gentleman

Chapter 893 The treasure house in the library

End of the meeting.

As the four newly promoted "like gods", Jin Lung Tianzun still went to the so-called treasure house of gods to receive rewards, which were not limited to magical weapons, scriptures, treasures, holy objects, etc.

Some of the items in the treasury come from donations from gods, but most of them come from relics of fallen gods, as well as some items of unknown origin.

Everyone present is quite looking forward to the treasures mentioned by the gods, and everyone’s needs are relatively clear.

As the captain, Yi Chen asked, "Where is the treasure house? Do I need to go to the divine realm in the upper plane?"

"No... the so-called Treasure House of God is just a term. Everyone does not gather all the precious things in one place. If it is maliciously infiltrated, the losses will be quite heavy.

The apparent treasure house is located inside the City of Shells. You will know what it looks like when the time comes.

The real treasures are stored in different divine realms, and the places of each great god are kept by everyone.

Once you select a reward, the corresponding treasure will be given to you by the divine messenger personally within one day, so you can easily choose the right thing without going to the upper plane.

Come on, I'll take you there.

I didn't expect that during the hearing, the Pharaoh from the Balance of Life and Death would actually take the initiative to speak for you, Yi Chen. It's really rare ~ This group of people used to pursue absolute fairness and would never show favoritism.

And Tutankhamun is the most special one among the pharaohs. His eyes should be able to see through the lies you hide, but now he takes the initiative to break the fairness he used to defend and speak for you. It's really interesting. "

Yi Chen looked disdainful, "Even the most basic boundary between life and death is almost impossible to define, so why talk about fairness and unfairness?"

"It seems that Tutankhamun and you really talked a lot. Indeed, the current situation is not optimistic.

That Tutankhamun guy decided that we were going to fail and was completely passive. However, judging from the look in his eyes when he suddenly stood up to speak for you, it seems that he and I are on the same front, putting their 'hope' on you and the disease behind you.

Looking at the entire plane, I am afraid that only lesions that have not been exposed to evil and have special biological characteristics can serve as "uncertain factors" in this war.

Very good~ After this hearing, the above have given more attention to the disease. As long as we negotiate with the epidemic owners on your side, the construction of the World Gate can begin. "

Yi Chen didn't respond, it had nothing to do with him.

His brain was still thinking about the unexpected words spoken during the hearing and what happened with the [Manager].

Tianzun also put it another way, "Speaking of which, the four of you have been to the 1910 world for a few days, have you found any clues about William? My breathing has already blocked everything around us, and no one can hear our conversation. "

"No." Yi Chen rejected it flatly.

"No? Hahaha... That's okay.

But I need to explain one thing to you in advance. Although I personally am very partial to you elites from Lesions, especially Yi Chen, you are also an outstanding talent in the virtual world, with a dual identity.

But if you dare to do anything that threatens the main material plane, even if you have such thoughts, I will unceremoniously turn you into dust. "

The breath that Jin Lung Tianzun exhaled at this moment, who had always been kind and was not angry even when he was often called Lao Deng, seemed to form a closed cage around everyone, capable of the most primitive decomposition of the materials inside.

Yi Chen's response was calm, "Yeah."

"Okay, that's the end of this matter. It is said that you have been assessed as [godlike], and you are qualified to accept the godhead, and there is also a lost godhead in the treasure house.

If appropriate you may attempt to follow this path of God, perhaps to a higher degree if the Godhead can be combined with your biologically fully developed disease.

However, you can't do it, Yi Chen~ After all, you already have divine worship. It is impossible for a godhead similar to that of the Dead Sea Evil God to exist in the treasure house. The [Godhead Factory] cannot produce the corresponding godhead without the support of that evil god. godhead.

If you want to become a god, you can only go to the Dead Sea to find a way. "

Yi Chen didn't take it seriously, "Only losers' gods will appear in the treasure house, right?"

"You have such a loud tone...hahaha!

I knew you wouldn't accept this kind of thing. I have to say that the Godhead is a failed product of the combination of our development of science and theology. It is better for you to continue to develop on your own. Of course, if you are willing to become a god, I will help as much as possible. "

After a while, the so-called treasure house appeared in front of you.

There is no secret at all. The treasure house is the great library in the city of shells.

Each book stored here corresponds to a specific treasure, and readers can know the specific information of the treasure through text description.


Readers who are not authorized to give treasures can only see the name of the treasure corresponding to the first page of the book, and the related content cannot be consulted.

Only people like Yi Chen and others who have been granted the right to obtain treasures are qualified to view it.

After verifying your identity,

Whoosh! A beam of divine light descended from the sky, penetrated the top floor of the library and fell on everyone, giving them the authority to read, query, and perceive the properties of books.

Lorian was the first to leave the team and walked toward the deep area of ​​the library alone. He seemed to have sensed something.

Reagan also looked at the top floor area of ​​the library, "Mr. Yi, Jin... This opportunity is very rare. Take a little time to find what suits you best. I will also go to the book area that suits me first. "

Reagan checked out the book section related to the spirit, soul and brain.

His thirst for knowledge was similar to William's, but more single-minded. Unlike William's thirst for knowledge, which required all knowledge to be seen at a glance, Reagan's thirst for knowledge was limited to the brain and related technologies that he was good at, and he wanted to achieve the ultimate in this aspect.


Yi Chen had already sensed it from the first moment he set foot in the library. He was sure that a certain book here was related to death to a profound extent.

On the way to find the induction, he unexpectedly found that Jin was always following him.

"What are you following?"

"Because I want to see what kind of treasure Mr. Yi will pick. I'm personally not in a hurry...I can use anything."

Perhaps considering that he was able to escape safely inside the hotel this time only because of Jin's efforts, he acquiesced in following Jin.

Without using the query permission granted by the library, Yi Chen just walked deeper into the room in search of his own perception of death, and even passed through internal passages where books were not stacked. Gradually, not even a single staff member could be seen.

The slope of the passage continues to go downwards, and it feels like we have arrived at the underground secret area of ​​the library.

After several hours of walking, I finally came to a special wooden door covered with yellow symbols and crosses hanging on both sides. There was also a large lock made of yellow sand on the door.

The name of the library that should have been on the door was completely erased.

Just when Yi Chen was about to step forward and open the door, a weird sound of joints twisting came from behind.

A strange doll actually crawled out from the stairwell of the emergency passage.

Zizzi~ The lights in the entire passage are flickering with the appearance of the dolls.

Every time it flickers, something more appears on the doll.

Or dark meat,

or hair,

Or twisted tentacles,

Or a weird reptile,

Finally, an individual whose face was covered with yellow paper and whose skin was covered with bumps and burnt black appeared, temporarily changing into a library employee uniform.

Under the yellow paper, a big black mouth can be seen slightly. Something seems to be squirming inside, and a rotten smell is constantly leaking out.

"No one has found this library for a long time... Since ordinary employees would go crazy after taking care of it for a few days, the superiors arranged for me to come over to help take care of it, and also gave some free conditions accordingly.

Come here, let me touch it and see what kind of borrower can actually find it here. "

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