The final gentleman

Chapter 917 ‘Sea Monster’

The two of them passed through guest rooms where hanged people might appear at any time, and finally returned to their own house.

Yi Chen was leaning on the window sill smoking a cigarette he got from nowhere. He had fished his own body out of the Dead Sea and presented it in a physical state. It was no longer just a concept of the dead like before.

The inhaled cigarette is filtered by the purple lungs and then exhaled, sensing everything around you.

Not being able to see each other for a few hours felt like years of absence to Liu Xinzhi. Tears instantly soaked her eyes, and she rushed toward Yi Chenfei on the window sill, shouting:


This time it was a bit strange, Yi Chen did not stop him and allowed the other party to fall into his arms.

Relatively speaking, Li was much more normal. She just stood at the door holding an umbrella and asked what she wanted to know most.

"Mr. Yi, were all the women who returned to the guest rooms outside killed by you?"

"Yes." Yi Chen directly admitted the matter.

"You can kill so many contestants silently, you are more powerful than I thought.

And I can see that these dead people are special. I have noticed them before on boarding the ship and at the banquet. They are all guys with unclean hands and even bad hands.

It seems that Mr. Yi is not killing people indiscriminately, but more like 'justice execution'... How many people have you killed before? "

An inexplicable admiration suddenly appeared in Fei's eyes.

Seeing that Yi Chen didn't answer, Li asked again: "Why did you kill them suddenly? Or was it that Mr. Yi had already decided to kill them when he boarded the ship, or was it a temporary decision? Or was there some other reason?"

Yi Chen still didn't answer.

Wei continued her reasoning, "Mr. Yi wants to reduce the number of people to less than 80% and trigger the final rule, so that all of us will die here..."

This time, Yi Chen, who took a deep breath from his cigarette, finally spoke, "You are half right, I did it to trigger the final rule.

But if I wanted you all to die, I could just do it myself without having to go through so much trouble. "

"Why is that? This rule is the most dangerous no matter how you look at it. It is almost impossible for everyone to survive... Small octopus pieces on the dinner table can kill people if they are eaten, let alone things in the deep sea. ”

"In my opinion, death is not inevitable if the rules are triggered. As long as you have enough skills, you can survive, and it will also greatly increase your chances of winning the championship... If you can't survive, there is no need to log in. You will die in the end anyway. .”

"Oh~ So that's it..." Fei's mind was very smart and he thought of other things, "Mr. Yi seemed very passive from the beginning when he got on the bus to the time he boarded the ship, and had no intention of actively intervening. Now he suddenly started killing people. Disrupting the rhythm of the entire beauty pageant.

Did something happen while sister Xin Zhi and I went to the banquet hall? Is it possible that the organizer knows Mr. Yi? "

Yi Chen glanced at Fei, who was covered by the black umbrella, and was so frightened that the whole umbrella still leaked, soaking Fei's whole body.

At this time, Liu Xinzhi, who had had enough of smelling the smell and licking her clothes and neck, raised her head and said, "If the sea monster really comes, will Mr. Yi help?"

"For now, I will only observe you. As long as you survive, I will naturally provide a little assistance in the final beauty pageant after landing."

Liu Xinzhi didn't have any fear of sea monsters. Instead, she became extremely excited because of Yi Chen's words, "Great, then I must survive! This way I can be recognized by Mr. Yi and stay with you forever." around.

Sister Fei, let’s go! Hurry to the banquet hall and join forces with those perverted women. "

When Liu Xinzhi went to pull Miss Fei at the door, she couldn't pull her at all.

"What's wrong with Sister Fei?"

"The organizers have planned the number of passengers on each cruise ship in advance, and they are also very aware of our capabilities. Just a lump of octopus meat can kill one person.

There must be no loopholes in the so-called rules. Even if all of us join forces, we will only allow the so-called 'sea monsters' to massacre. It is better to hide here first and secretly observe what the so-called sea monsters are like. "

"Oh~ that's right! Then just listen to Sister Fei, Mr. Yi is here anyway..."

Before he finished speaking, there was only a piece of finished cigarette butt left on the window sill.

The two women sat on the bed together, pulling up the quilts and holding umbrellas, quietly waiting for the arrival of the so-called sea monster.

Waiting for the hull to shake due to the impact, waiting for the screams to come from the banquet hall.

But time passes by minute by second,

No sound of any kind was heard,

The two of them sat quietly on the bed for three hours, until Liu Xinzhi suddenly covered her lower body with her hands, "Well~ I just ate too much, especially the whole monster's body. The water content was a bit too high~ I have to go pee.

Sister Fei, do you want to accompany me? The entire cruise felt eerily quiet, so scary. "

"Let's go." Fei also felt something was wrong, too quiet.

The two came to the bathroom,

Liu Xinzhi, who was sitting on the toilet, was like a drain with no water gate restrictions. She felt that the toilet could not flush in time. She could only stick out her tongue when she realized that she had lost her composure.

Fei didn't take another look, she just stood silently at the door holding an umbrella.

Suddenly, the sink next to her began to discharge water without warning, and the faucet seemed to have been opened by someone.

Zizzi~ The bathroom lights also flickered due to unstable voltage.

Under the flickering light, Li unexpectedly saw slender fingers crawling out from the depths of the faucet, even greeting her. Just when her pupils widened and she was about to take precautions,

The lights came back on, and there was nothing under the faucet. It was just draining water in an ordinary way.

"Xin Zhi, did you just see it?"

"Ah? What did you see?" Liu Xinzhi lifted up her pants, completely unaware of what just happened.

"There's something in the tap."

"Is there any?" Liu Xinzhi buried her whole head in the sink, turned her head and pointed her eyeballs at the opening of the faucet, but there was nothing in the dark hole. "Sister Li, are you too nervous?"

"I'm never nervous, just be careful. The so-called sea monster may be something else..."

Obviously when the two of them walked out of the bathroom,

It looks like there are three of them reflected in the mirror of the sink, and the last one is ups and downs without walking, more like it is moving in translation.

"Sister Fei, do you feel that the room is cold... much colder than just now? Huh? When did the balcony door open?"

A vision emerged, and in conjunction with the strange phenomenon he had just seen in the bathroom, Fei made an instant decision.

"Let's go! Let's go to the banquet hall. We can't stay here any longer."

Fei took Liu Xinzhi's arm and ran out of the room. The passage along the way was extremely calm. Not even a single person could be seen, and even the waiters wearing smiling masks were nowhere to be seen.

After finally arriving at the brightly lit banquet hall, high-pitched and rhythmic music was playing, but there was no one here, and only a little sea water remained on the ground.

"how come!!"

Just when she was stunned, she suddenly felt that the arm she was holding was a little wet and cold.

Turned his head and looked,

The person following behind was not Liu Xinzhi at all, but a swollen lady with soaked hair all over her body. She was holding her hand in a floating state, like a human balloon.

Although his body was soaked with hair, his fingers were quite slender, exactly the same as the fingers that crawled out from the faucet before, greeting her.

A kind of fear that Li had never felt before swept over her instantly, forcing her whole body to tremble and make it difficult to move.

When the swollen floating corpse in front of me is about to bite...

"Sister Fei! Sister Fei!"

Waves of shouting were accompanied by pain from the head, and the scene in front of him collapsed instantly.

When she woke up from the original guest room, she fell asleep leaning on Liu Xinzhi's shoulder without knowing it. She couldn't wake up no matter what, until Liu Xinzhi inserted his finger into her temple and reluctantly woke up.

"Phew! It scared me to death. Sister Fei, you finally woke up! I ate too much in the afternoon and want to pee. Sister Fei, can you come with me?"

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