The final gentleman

Chapter 927 Phenomenon

"what's the situation?"

Catherine, who originally just had the attitude of watching a movie and planned to get an extra manicure during the movie,

From a lazy posture to standing in front of the window, several eyes grew out between the tentacles, all of which were attached to the glass to observe carefully.

The little grape who is best at eye skills and covered with yellow skin also showed the attitude of the 'evil sun prophet' and stood near the window, watching Yi Chen's movements carefully.

Only William sits on the sofa in the back, as the entire theater scene serves as his eyes.

The reason why everyone is watching it so seriously and even confused is precisely because of the "weirdness" of this battle. To be precise, it should be Yi Chen's weirdness.

The battle has been going on for a full five minutes, but so far there has been no sound of clashing weapons, and no one on either side has been injured.

Only the site was bombed and filled with large and small potholes overflowing with mucus.

A large number of butterflies with human heads withered and died of old age on the ground, even covering a hundred meters in radius.

Jin kept attacking crazily all the time,

In addition to waving the White Tower sword in his right hand, his left hand is still changing his moves.

Or the explosive growth turned his left hand into a spear and penetrated it.

Or suddenly rub out a ball of explosive sarcoma. The sarcoma is also turning into a human head through Fujiang's influence. It is as terrifying as a flying-headed barbarian. It can automatically track and trigger stronger explosions.

Or manually control the butterfly swarm to increase its flight speed and aggregation density several times.

But no matter how you change your moves, how to increase your speed?

Even though wings sprouted from Jin's back again, and he pressed forward step by step, he still couldn't touch Yi Chen... Every attack felt like it was going to hit, but it would be completely avoided within a fraction of a second.

Yi Chen didn't make a single move from the beginning to the end, he just put on a sword stance and dodged the whole time.

After each flash, Yi Chen's body felt lighter, as if he might float up at any time, as if he was drowning in water.

Any butterfly or splashing liquid that wants to get close will be immediately affected by death, annihilated or die of old age.

Catherine murmured in a low voice, "Miss Jin's attack level has reached the baseline of the plague lord... Every blow is fast and sharp, and comes with various tricks, but she can be completely avoided.

How much speed and observation does this require? "

Little Grape gave a completely different view. Its eyes had already seen the reason.

"It is not simply a matter of speed and observation, but a matter of time... All attacks close to Mr. Yi are instantly slowed down.

We can't see it, but Mr. Yi can feel it intuitively.

His death has created an actual deep sea effect, allowing Mr. Yi to assume this floating state, allowing time to flow very slowly around him.

And Mr. Yi himself was not affected inside,

Ms. Jin's attacks that seemed to be fast, unpredictable, and impossible to dodge would appear to Mr. Yi very slowly when they arrived in front of him, giving him enough time to dodge.

However, Mr. Yi probably realized it not long ago and was still adapting, so he never took action... So strong! Even when my evil sun vision falls on him, it will be completely distorted and almost swallowed by the dark ocean. "

William, who was sitting on the leather sofa, listened to their discussion silently, with his fingers crossed and pressed against his nose.

"Are you about to touch that supreme divinity? As expected of Mr. Yi...wait a minute!"

A flash of light suddenly penetrated William's mind, and he suddenly figured out something, "Could it be that Yi Chen spent all his efforts to cultivate, guide and even preserve this woman he just met in order to use her as a 'key'? Hahaha , let me just say, how can a loner like you, Mr. Yi, become so warm-hearted.

I really want to cut open your body and touch it carefully to see if your rectum is cold or warm...

You should almost get used to it! The real showdown is about to begin. "

Between the planet scenes simulated by the theater,

The Fujiang mask with gold condensed on his face is melting, gradually revealing the ferocious expression underneath.

You have obviously tried your best, you have grown so much, why can't you meet the man in front of you?

Every move he made was either wiped out by death, or he felt like he was stuck in the mire of the deep sea and was completely dodged at the last moment.

After another set of combos failed, Jin stopped pursuing.

The wings flapped, carrying the butterflies swarming around and landing fifty meters away.


The ultra-high-intensity continuous attacks made Jin gasp for breath, and his whole body was sweating. Even the head on his shoulders was sweating and panting.

He grabbed the melting mask with one hand and ripped it off!

Huh~ Part of the face was even torn off, and muscle threads could be seen beating on the face. There were even several Fujiang heads crawling like centipedes in series inside the threads, which shows how deeply Fujiang's concept has invaded Jin.

The torn face healed quickly, and Jin immediately returned to a gentle expression.

"I heard from William that Mr. Yi once almost tied with the famous Emperor Pride... He is really strong, and he has become much stronger in the past two years.

I really want to occupy your body, I really want to have physical communication with a strong person like you.

I've already thought about what it takes to win over you... to be one of my men. "

Yi Chen did not answer. His consciousness was now between the deep sea and reality, as if he could see the temple located in the deepest part of the Black Sea without the help of a hanging rope.

But in the next second, a sense of danger penetrated his soul, bringing Yi Chen's thoughts back to the present.

Jin sits cross-legged in the air,

The White Pagoda Sword that should have been held in his hand was hanging upside down in front of him.

The whole person exudes extremely strong evil nature and malice,

Jin softly read a piece of Sanskrit that was difficult to understand, and only the last sentence was roughly understandable to Yi Chen.

≮槧miba, milky white pagoda≯

The pagoda sword sank slowly, disappearing into the ground as if submerged in water, and ripples of milky white color spread out.

Yi Chen could clearly feel that a certain "field" was spreading with the ripples. Once he fell into it, it would be very troublesome. He immediately tried to evacuate as fast as he could.

But on the seemingly endless surface of the planet and the endless deep space of the universe, Yi Chen hit a wall of air after retreating several hundred meters.

The ripples spread,

The concept of phenomenon forcibly overwrites thinking,

Buzz! As a piece of pure white flashed in Yichen's mind, he woke up in a clean and tidy bedroom.

Before he could take a closer look at the cozy room, a very familiar voice came from outside the door, coming from his mother.

"Yi Chen, come down for dinner!"

The maternal voice was extremely familiar to Yi Chen, but he couldn't remember where this strong familiarity came from other than home life.

When walking up the stairs to the restaurant on the first floor,

The mother with a kind face has already cooked the seafood wontons. There is also a strong father sitting at the dining table who is reading a newspaper. However, the father’s face does not look as familiar as the mother’s.

"Dad, Mom!"

Yi Chen shouted out unconsciously, as if he had been doing this for more than 20 years.

There were four wontons on the table, but there were only three of them here. Yi Chen couldn't help but curiously asked, "Whose is the other bowl?"

His mother ran over with a surprised look on his face and touched his forehead, "I don't have a fever~ Why did he say such strange things?"

At this time, the sound of flushing water came from the bathroom,

A woman wearing only her upper body pajamas and exposing her slender white legs came out. She smelled the chaotic fragrance and praised loudly, "It smells so good! Thank you, Mom!"

Then he came behind Yi Chen, put his arms around his neck, and kissed his cheek gently.

"Honey, good morning~"

"Jin..." As Yi Chen called out the other person's name, a memory of ten years together quickly flooded into his brain.

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