The final gentleman

Chapter 944 Tasting

The reason why William chose this dish that is more Chinese-style is actually a bit of a gamble.

By observing the appearance and attire of 'Unknown', it can be seen that the person is a typical Nordic according to Yi Chen's world view during his lifetime, and the cooking methods and seasonings used are typical Western dishes.

Therefore, he was sure that the other party had never tasted Chinese cuisine, and this rice bowl was William's bet.

However, since there is no rice grown in the back garden, William has to find a way to make the rice grains as the core of the rice bowl himself, and the rice must be special and cannot be vegetarian.

Because whether it is the rosemary leaves garnished between the lamb chops or the vegetables and fruits grown in the back garden, they all have the attribute of "meat", and they will have a distinct meaty texture and protein aroma when chewed.

Use this to judge that the other person will not eat pure vegetarian food.

Therefore, William used tough octopus meat to make it, and the material naturally came from Catherine.

The toughness of the octopus meat can not only restore the texture of the rice, but its deep seafood flavor can also give the rice bowl a completely different taste. After heating and steaming, it can form a full juice inside the rice grains.

This kind of rice is also called 'exploded octopus rice' by William, which is naturally inspired by Catherine's original exclusive dish in the circus, 'exploded octopus balls'.

Just wanting to condense the pellets to the size of rice grains and restore the chewy texture was quite a tedious process. It took William and a group of people in his body a full four hours to make enough rice.

Of course, the toppings are the real highlight.

William did not choose any meat in the back garden because none of the meat was as good as his own, both in terms of quality and freshness.

The owner of the house raised his head slightly to finish chewing the last grain of rice, completing this deep and delicious journey into the deep sea.

"Quite outstanding. Your attitude and talent are beyond my imagination. There was even a moment when I wanted to keep you here forever and have more food exchanges with each other."

William was so frightened by these words that he trembled all over. "Thank you for your appreciation, senior. It's still a bit too reluctant to stay here~ I still have a lot of things to do. I promise that when everything is done, I will definitely bring the same or even benefits to senior again." More delicious food.”

"Where did you learn your cooking skills?"

"I said I was self-taught, would you believe it? Hehe, I did come up with all the dishes, but the improvement in sophistication comes from the cultivation of a special organization.

That organization will conduct a group project called Sabbat every month before a performance, and all core members must serve their best food.

I have practiced a lot in this environment, otherwise it would be difficult to present such delicious food to you. "

"What organization?"

"Circus of Fear..."

"Fear...oh~ You were full of nonsense when you first entered the room, but I felt a little discomfort from these words. It turned out to be the taste of fear.

This organization should not be within the scope of the main material plane, right? Otherwise, I should not be unaware of such a special organization, even the organization that gave birth to you. "

"It's true that he's not here. Senior, would you like to come with me to see him?"

William's sudden pull made his own palms sweat.

The owner of the house gently wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin, looked up and thought for a while before giving a reply, "I won't go for the time being. I have established a temporary agreement with the guys on Paradise Mountain. It is not easy to leave for the time being. Let's talk about it later.

By the way, where is this organization? "

"A remote, mysterious and unknown plane. It's difficult to describe it in detail. However, as long as senior wants to go, you can come to me at any time."


William once again pushed the parchment that needed to be signed. This time the other party did not refuse and took out a black pen and signed his name.

"Thank you, senior. I hope we can meet again soon! I won't disturb you anymore."

When William rolled up the parchment and was about to get up, he suddenly remembered something, "By the way, senior, there may be a few people who are interested in you outside trying to observe and sense your existence, and some of them are mine." friend."

Seeing that the other party's expression did not change, William did not dare to say anything more, let alone make any comments.

Unexpectedly, the owner of the house took the initiative to start the conversation, "During the six hours you stayed in the backyard, I have already met your so-called friends.

Except for the person who looks similar to you, the rest are very special. They do not possess divinity but are stronger than most gods.

Some people have strange appearances and postures, but they behave elegantly and appropriately, especially the red-haired emperor. "

"Well! Have you seen it before? Then have you..."

“Interesting people, people who have nothing to do with God, I generally don’t use them as ingredients because it would be too wasteful. It’s best to save them for later and taste them slowly.

They, you, and the organization you just mentioned should all come from the same edge, a world that has not even been filled with evil, right? "


"what is it call?"


"Disease... is really ironic. Diseases with names such as dirty and unclean have given birth to these decent and pure beings, while the gods who occupy thousands of worlds have no bottom line, forcing antimatter like us to ' was born.

It’s really interesting, it seems like I might come out a little earlier. "

"Senior, if you don't like God so much, why do you still stay here..."

Before William could finish asking, the entire head was cut off! The moment he landed, he was caught by his hands and his head was taken back.

"I'm asking you relevant questions now, don't interrupt."


"That young man who looks similar to you and even smells similar to you, but whose essence is different is very interesting.

There is more divinity in his body, but he is also contaminated with some diseases. "

"Yi Chen is a normal human being born in the main material plane. For some reason, he formed a symbiosis with me and has been completely separated.

He is him and I am me. "

"So that's it."

The owner of the residence began to roll up his sleeves, and when the sleeves were rolled up past his elbows, a visible incision scar was revealed.

Although healed, a trace amount of death energy can still be felt.

"This is it!" William was so frightened that he almost ejected.

"Yes, it was your friend who caused it.

It's been a long time since there was an existence that could cause me substantial harm. Considering your similarity and the interest in it, I just retaliate.

He should be able to bear it, right? "

When he said this, it was clear that there was something inside William that wanted to get out, and a strong murderous intention also overflowed.

But when it was about to spill out of the body, it was immediately submerged by the tentacles and the deep sea.

William's expression was slightly stiff, but it immediately returned to normal.

"That's right. Mr. Yi is quite impulsive and I hope senior will forgive you! Then I won't bother you. I will make more delicious things for senior next time."

"You still need to improve your disguise. Seeing the unexpected food you provided, I won't make it difficult for you. See you next time."

William got up and left, returning to the storage room along the same path.

When the monitoring failed, the safe door was smashed open with one punch, and the entire safe was completely twisted into rebar.

Face full of hatred,

However, this gaffe expression was quickly covered up by a smile.

Then he took out the parchment, unfolded it again, and looked at the last signature on it.

【Hannibal Lecter】

Just looking at this name, William felt like a tongue was licking his brain, feeling that it would be processed and tasted at any time.

"Is this the existence that ranks second among the ten plagues... It's so scary, hahaha! Hahaha!"

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