The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1003: Scared your grandpa to me

At 11 o'clock in the morning, the professional chicken farmer arrived. Ye Fei's three live guests were all here, but it was not yet time for the broadcast, so Ye Fei was with the three people in the room to speak.

The three live guests are all hearty, and when they talk, they have a loud voice and can be heard from far away.

Just while they were chatting about Kan Dashan, Mi Guobai Mansion.

Solova looked at Rod in front of him, specifically looking at the phone in Rod's hand, his eyes were about to fall out.

"This ... is this true?" When he said this, his voice was trembling.

Rhode took a sigh and took the phone back, but Solova hurriedly took his phone out again, and then hurriedly logged in to the client of the Qiuqiu platform, clicked the "more" icon, and then casually Entered a live room.

This live room is not the same as the live room he just saw from Rhode's phone. The video in this live room is very large, occupying almost half of the entire live room, and the rest is space for news and props.

At this moment, in this live broadcast room, a robot-like anchor is starting to broadcast, with mouths one by one, which looks similar to Transformers.

He hurriedly turned on the language translation button and listened to the sound from the robot inside.

"Did you all see this? This is the food on the planet Aytai. There is nothing wrong. We also have a digestive system. We will also eat some delicious food. Friends from all planets in the universe, welcome to our planet Aitai. tourism."

It can be heard from this guy's voice that this product should be a tour guide of Aitai Planet.

Solova's chin was about to fall to the ground, staring at this picture for a while, then looked up at Rod as silly, and finally ... finally Solova patted the table and laughed Just stood up.

"Haha, it's really worthless to step on the iron shoes. Mr. Rhodes, I'll call now to bring our experts from District 19 back and let them study this carefully."

Solova was fainting with excitement. Aliens, it's amazing that you can see aliens by watching the live broadcast.

But after he finished speaking, he saw Rod waving his hand.

"I came here in person today just for this matter. Last night, Ye Shen called me and told me that their platform opened the interstellar channel. In fact, I was aggressive at the time, although I have never heard of it. What kind of interstellar passage, but it is not difficult to understand from the literal meaning, that is the way to interstellar, at the time I thought he was joking with me, but until I followed his instructions and entered these rooms to watch Only then did I know that all this is true, that there really are other lives in this universe. "

Solova was still in a state of excitement. He nodded quickly and said, "Yes, it really is, it really is, as long as we can know the specific location of the planet they are on, we ... ... we will be able to ... "

Speaking of it, Solova's right hand grabbed it severely in the air, asking for meaning.

After doing this, Solova can no longer do it on his own, grabbing the phone on his desk and calling.

Just then, Rhodes shook his index finger in front of him, then pressed his hand down again, and said, "This phone call cannot be made."


"Because Ye Shen will not let you fight."

"He ... Mr. Rhodes, I admit that Ye Fei is a real capable person and has kindness to me, but this ... Now the world we face has been searching for countless years. Alien, is it impossible to follow in his footsteps? "

"Of course, if it weren't for him, would you think these aliens would appear? If it weren't for him, you thought you could see these aliens know these aliens? If it weren't for him, do you think the human platform can open the interstellar channel? Solova, these are actually secondary ... "

Rhode stopped here and stopped talking.

Solova was so anxious, he hurriedly asked, "Mr. Rhodes, so what is the main thing?"

"The main thing? Gu Ye speculated that even if we knew the location of these alien planets, we would not be able to reach them because it was too far and too far, and some may not even arrive for a hundred years."

"We have long been thinking about this. Even if we can't reach it for a hundred years, we can at least fully prepare for future generations, and wait until their time to be able to inspect the corresponding planet based on the satellites and equipment we launch."

"Oh, you're so naive, you haven't figured out a problem, and you have ignored it."

"what is the problem?"

"That's why other planets have already opened the interstellar channel, but we Earth only opened at this time?"

Solova froze, and he hurried to order several live broadcast rooms again, and found that there are indeed many aliens on different planets, which indicates that the interstellar channels on these planets have long been opened, and the earth has just opened And only the Qiuqiu platform is open. Qiuqiu platform? Ye Fei Lan drill anchor? !!

"Mr. Rhodes, are you talking about Ye Fei?"

"What an obvious thing, I can also think of it with my toes because of the relationship between Ye Shen, and Ye Shen also told me yesterday that the reason why our earth opened the interstellar channel is because he has reached the blue diamond level. The anchor, that is to say, only the anchor who has reached this level can be recognized by the star live broadcast industry, and can open the channel for him to enter the star live broadcast army. We are the last one, indicating that everyone is earlier than us, regardless of any one. Whether the development of the industry is advanced or not is related to the development of the entire society. You should know this, so the civilization on any other planet must be much higher and more advanced than ours. This is also reminded by Ye Shen. We now know the existence of such a group of living beings, and he told me that it is better to be friendly and friendly to each other, and not to think otherwise, because even if you think about it, it is impossible to achieve, even if it is achieved ... to In the end, we take our own humiliation and even bring disaster to our entire home! Solova, do you understand what I'm talking about? We are in the eyes of aliens , But the most backward race it! "

After Rhodes finished, he took a glass of red wine on the table and took a sip, then narrowed his eyes to Solova.

The sweat on Solova's forehead came out, yes, after listening to Rhode's words, the goods were really scared, and there was no longer the joy and excitement of finding aliens just now, but the whole body was cold and covered. All sweat.

"Mr. Rhodes, all these things Ye Fei told you?"


"He won't let us move these aliens?"

"It's not that we don't refuse to move, but that we have no ability to move at all."

"If these aliens will become Ye Shen's live guests in the future? Can't we leave them on Earth?"

"You dare?!"

Speaking of these three words, Solova clearly heard the unpleasant smell in Rhode's tone.

"Don't you understand what I said just now? If we provoke them, we can only blame ourselves, even the worst disaster! Do you still want to keep them on the earth? Isn't slice research?"

Solova's cheek trembled for a long time before he smiled awkwardly and said, "I understand how to do it."

"You do n’t understand, not only that our country ca n’t move these aliens, but also when Ye Shen broadcasts, it will surely cause a huge sensation all over the world, and even the whole world will riot. I come here in person today, just let you now Send a message to our allies and the so-called secret control of the affiliated countries, so that they are all optimistic about their territory, take care of their people, don't make the world explode, and we will be a little messy. Can't afford it. "

Kyoto, the Northeast Sea.

A group of seniors were also stunned at this time.

A small LED screen was raised on the desktop in front of each of them, and a long live video of a creature similar to the Earth's people was playing on it.

The reason why it is similar to the Earth person is not the same, because the person's ears are sharp, long silver hair is like hanging silver silk, blue eyes, white skin, and a very old white Court dress, just walked around with a gold pattern on the edge of the clothes, specifically this is more like a fairy prince in the legend.

At this moment, the elf prince is broadcasting to the video.

"I went to Dwarf Planet yesterday and tried the food made by their blue diamond fifth-level food anchor Du Yang. The taste is really good. Here, I also hope that the general audience can pay attention to Du Yang's live broadcast. In the meantime, I believe it will not disappoint everyone, I am your good friend Elven King. "

Slap ~~

The video disappeared.

The person sitting at the top has a very serious face ~ ~: "What do you think?"

An old man took off his glasses and put them on the table in front of him. Then he took a sip of tea from his side of the tea pot, coughed, and said, "This ... this shit! "

Everyone: "......."

"Lao Li, you haven't scolded you for most of your life." An old man sitting next to Lao laughed.

Lao Li slowly breathed out and said, "Yes, I haven't cursed people for a long time, because there is nothing in my heart that can make me unacceptable, but today ... everybody, this I ca n’t accept things. Although we have organized experts in this field to set up the Xingheren Office Team, but for so many years, I have never received a little useful information. Now ... Suddenly the alien jumped in front of me. Can I not curse? I scared your grandpa. "

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