The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1026: Is this guy alive?

Draw two lucky guests, which is really too small compared to those who have exceeded two billion. The winning rate is one billionth, which makes people feel slim just thinking about it, not to mention one has just been drawn out. Now There is only one place left, and the odds of winning one in two billion are even more desperate.

But even so, the audience in the live broadcast room was looking forward to each other, silently praying in their hearts, because they really wanted too much for this place, even if only one billion is still waiting.

Glacier White Bear is also very clever. Sitting in front of the computer, he said nothing, picked up the mouse and clicked on the lucky turntable in Ye Fei's live room, and then patted his big hand. Holding this big turntable.

Interstellar space.

A group of alien audiences are all excited at this time, especially Pentium's quicksand and green skin, etc., one by one, they are even afraid of coming out, because they now know the food made by the earth anchor named Ye Fei How classic it is, if you can take a bite, it will be worth it anyway.

As for the wasted fuel mentioned by the conductive lightning rod just now, only a fool would say so, OK?

What is the fuel compared to an unforgettable gourmet meal?

"I didn't expect this part to be so exciting, my body was a little bit stupid." Qingpi sent a message, said.

Pentium's quicksand also made a smile, saying: "I think this place should be one of us."

"how do you know?"

"Because the last one is a conductive lightning rod."

Conductive lightning rod: "..."

Other alien viewers: "..."

Let me go, what logic do you have? The previous yes, this one has to be right? Is this causal?

The earth viewers saw the news of the Pentium's quicksand, one by one, they couldn't help laughing and crying. Did they say that the aliens are so good? Where are you and where are you from?

"You think too much, the Earth audience is almost 2.1 billion now, and you only have 20 or 30 ... ooh ~~ there are more, now it is ... Almost a hundred of them? "Suddenly someone sent a surprised expression and sent a message.

Just now people's attention was on the fine foie gras made by Ye Fei and the bottle of noble rot wine that they took out, and then the next attention was on the lucky turntable, so people didn't pay much attention to the live broadcast room. Changes in the audience.

At this time, when people talked about it, someone clicked a button on the distribution details of the audience in the live room. This is a feature added after the system upgrade of the Qiuqiu platform, which mainly allows people to distribute the audience for each anchor. The situation can be seen at a glance.

After a reminder from some people, many people hurried to press this button, and then they saw that the audience of Ye Fei's live room was listed in great detail. The number of Earth people, the number of alien viewers, and the Earth viewers were detailed. It is divided into how many countries there are, and it can be said that anyone can see it.

At this point, the column “Earth Audience” reads very clearly that the total number is 2,497,488,281, while the number of alien viewers is even better, 90 Eight people, two people less than a hundred.

Although this number is much smaller than that of the Earth audience, but you must know that Ye Fei started broadcasting to the interstellar audience for the first time today, and his level is so low, it can be said that in the entire army of interstellar anchors, only It's a grain of sand.

With his current level and popularity ... well, I admit that Ye Fei has no visibility at all among the interstellar audiences now. Such an anchor, do n’t mention one when he first broadcast to the interstellar audiences. Hundreds of people have looked at it, even if there is not one, it is normal. After all, there are too many anchors in the entire interstellar, there are many things to do, and there are many really strong, who will pay attention to him?

Being able to have these 98 viewers has shown that Ye Fei is much better than many anchors at the beginning.

Now these ninety-eight alien viewers and more than two billion earth viewers are competing for this guest place.

Miracles don't happen often, and if that's the case, they can't be called miracles.

So when the lucky carousel stopped, when everyone saw the name pointed to by the pointer on the lucky carousel, it was all uproar.

That's right, this is the name of a global audience, but ... but the audience in the live broadcast did not expect it to be the name of this guy, this person ... this person is alive?

People are simply curious. The vitality of this product is tenacious enough. It is a miracle to persist to this day.

Even Ye Fei was stunned when he saw the name, but in the end he smiled and didn't say anything. It was the other person who got this stuff, and he couldn't talk and be indifferent.

African country Purcell tongue, this is a poor but backward country.

At this moment, in the middle of a huge tribe, inside a fairly decent building, He Peng was stunned and stared at his mobile phone. Next to him, Yi Mihua and three black coals The same young woman stared at He Peng in stun.

For a long time, several people screamed at almost the same time.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh ..."

He Peng held the mobile phone barefoot and jumped three feet high, then waved his arms and shouted, "It's me, it's me, I've won the prize again!"

Yi Mihua rushed over, stretched her arms, hugged He Peng fiercely, hugged the goods, and then pressed harder and harder, her face was full of smiles, she grinned to reveal the white teeth, and laughed "My dear, it's really you. My dear husband, I know you are the best. You are the son of the **** of luck. I didn't expect we could go to Huaxia to participate in Ye Shen's show."

He Peng was rolling his eyes with Yimihualer's straight, and his small body twisted back and forth like a fish in Yimihua's arms, and then coughed violently: "Dead, dead, let me go."

Yi Mihua found that He Peng was a bit wrong, and quickly put him down, then rubbed He Peng's arm, and said, "Dear, are you all right?"

He Peng patted Yi Mihua's hand and said, "It's still alive. Now I'm Ye Fei's live guest again. I think you need to return all my documents to me. I need to return to China."

Yi Mihua nodded excitedly and said, "Dear, this is for sure, rest assured, I will let people book our tickets now."


"Yeah, you are my man. You are going to Huaxia, of course I am going to be with you."

"Eh ~~" He Peng was a little dumbfounded. He also looked forward to returning to Huaxia this time to throw away Yi Mihua. This place where the birds don't **** will never come back again. If Yi Mihua also goes back with him , Then you still can't get rid of it.

How to do?

He Peng's eyes rolled twice and said: "Dear, I know you are worried about my safety, but you also know the overall situation in Seychelles, the national economy is down, and the people are living in poverty. Princess, you still have to fly around in an airplane to let people see what they say? Even if they do n’t say, can you guarantee that they do n’t think in their hearts? How did the people complain? What happened, and what happens when the people's grievances are squeezed to a certain extent? Riot, dear, you are the princess of the country, and your words and deeds represent the royal family. "

Some people say that the IQ of many women in love is not to be complimented, and Emile is no exception. She likes He Peng so much, so she has no doubt about He Peng, and He Peng's overall performance is pretty good What he said is not without reason.

Therefore, Yi Mihua was a little hesitant. She blinked and blinked. During the daytime, it was like two stars in the night sky, saying, "You ... you go alone?"

"Yeah, I just have to buy my own ticket if I go alone. If it's the two of us, I'll buy two. Besides, even if you go with me, you can't participate in Ye Fei's show. After all, You are not his live guest, are you right? "

"You're right, I'll let you book your tickets now."

After speaking, Yi Mihua directly instructed people to book a flight to Hua Xia for He Peng.

The joy in He Peng's heart, can't wait for the three sounds of Changxiao, uncle, I will finally be free! !! !!

The audience in the live broadcast, especially the earth audience, can say that now everyone who knows the relationship between He Peng and Ye Fei is aggressive. They did not expect that this long-established scourge caused Ye Fei to draw it out. You talk about this Is it fate or something to memorize?

"Nima, He Peng, why is this product?"

"I'll take it, He Peng ... Is He Peng still alive?"

"Fuck, isn't he going to Africa in pursuit of Miss Ymihua? Is this God watching Ye Shen's show in Africa?"

"Ahem, it seems He Peng really loves Ye Shen."


People are all talking about it, but they are also worried for Ye Fei. I have eaten all over the world. I am eating food. The cannon is not a cannon. Up.

The next moment ~ ~ Ye Fei's ringtone rang, and it never stopped.

Ye Fei spoke briefly to the audience, then quickly turned off the video to answer the phone.

They all ate all over the world. I called for food and the cannon was not a cannon. People from Nanjiang even called from Xiangjiang.

These are the people who really care about Ye Fei. They are really afraid of Ye Fei.

Ye Fei is really grateful for the concern of these people, but now he is different from before. After all, he has been to Daxinganling for a while. The one-armed men are not afraid of themselves. Yet.

So Ye Fei reassured these people, and then put the phone away.

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