The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1056: Treasure Island 3 Cup Chicken

Three cups of chicken, this dish can be said to be famous at home and abroad.

Ye Fei introduced this dish to be the representative dish of Baodao, but the audience in Xijiang Province disagreed. Even many audiences who knew about this dish began to doubt it, because this dish is indeed a food in Xijiang Province. When did it become a treasure island?

Even at this moment, some people really started to suspect that Qi Fei came. Isn't the introduction wrong?

What level of Ye Fei's cooking is, it can be said that the audience in the live broadcast knows all, because they have not watched Ye Fei's programs for a day or two, and many have even watched from the time Ye Fei started broadcasting. They all witnessed each and every dish Ye Fei made along the way, all of which are the best in the best. It can be said that every kind of food can not be overstated in the history of Chinese food.

It's such a person. Why did you introduce the wrong three cups of chicken today?

Just when everyone was wondering, Ye Fei affirmed the words of Ganshang Yunxiao again, which shows that the three cups of chicken is really a famous dish in Xijiang Province, but since he knows, why is it said that it is the representative dish of Baodao?

"Yeshen, what is going on here?" Yuedong Xiaotaibao asked.

Ye Fei laughed: "Three cups of chicken is indeed a famous dish in Xijiang Province, but Baodao also has three cups of chicken. Of course, although both are called three cups of chicken, the methods are similar, but the materials used There is a difference, and the three cups of chicken in Baodao are indeed based on the three cups of chicken in Xijiang Province. After the Hakkas brought them to Treasure Island, they made a unique use of the techniques of Treasure Island. Three cups of chicken were welcomed by the people of Treasure Island, and slowly became the most representative cuisine of Treasure Island. "

"So someone will definitely ask what is the difference between the three cups of chicken in Xijiang Province and the three cups of chicken in Baodao? The main difference is that in these three cups, when making three cups of chicken in Xijiang, a glass of sweet wine is taken. One cup of lard, one cup of soy sauce, and the three cups of Treasure Island chicken are made with one treasure island rice wine instead of sweet wine, and sesame oil instead of lard. In addition, most of the soy sauce is old soy sauce and raw soy sauce. Mixed, this is one of the differences between the two, and there is another difference, which is related to regional tastes, that is, there are no mushrooms in the three cups of Baodao chicken, but there are nine more towers, which is us Basil is often said. As for the methods, they may be very similar. Then someone may have said that since the methods are similar, can the representative dishes of Xijiang Province be three cups of chicken? In fact, there are other representative dishes of Xijiang Province. , We wo n’t do it for now, and wait until later. ”

"Well, we have said so much about the question on Ganshang Yunxiao just now. I think everyone should now understand the difference between the Three Cup Chicken in Xijiang Province and the Three Cup Chicken in Baodao. Then we will complete this cuisine. . "

Talking, Ye Fei slaughtered the blue feather chicken first, then washed it and chopped it into pieces of meat.

Then take out the other ingredients from the storage compartment, onion **** garlic, pepper rock sugar and so on, and finally take out the basil leaves.

Sprinkle an appropriate amount of pepper on the chicken pieces. Ye Fei lifted a cup of soy sauce and lifted it up, saying, "Three cups of chicken, now we add the first cup of soy sauce, which is soy sauce. We just said, This is a cup of soy sauce made from raw soy sauce and old soy sauce. When it comes to this, I think some viewers in the live broadcast should not be able to distinguish between the two seasonings. After all, they are called soy sauce, but they are just a subdivision. Just a second, compared to the old soy sauce, the soy sauce is light in color and tastes salty, which is suitable for freshness, while the old soy sauce is heavy in color, tastes sweet and suitable for coloring. Soy sauce made by blending these two kinds is in this dish. It can be fresh and colored at the same time, we will add it to the chicken now, and marinate the chicken for about five minutes. "

Ye Fei uses different ingredients, soak it for five minutes, but in reality, at least twenty minutes.

The chicken is marinated aside, and Ye Fei handles the other ingredients.

Peel the garlic and divide it into garlic cloves. Ginger slices and green onions are cut into sections. Then the basil is cleaned. After these are done, the chicken over there can be marinated.

Everyone saw Ye Fei put a wok on the stove and directly open the fire. After the iron pan was heated, add an appropriate amount of peanut oil into it and directly put in garlic cloves and **** slices to start frying.

The garlic grains are fried until golden, and the flavor is out. Ye Fei pours the chicken that has been marinated on the side into the pot and starts to stir fry.

The chicken is so cooked. It didn't take long for the chicken to change color. The chicken that was tender and white at first turned into a red sauce quickly. This is the role of soy sauce.

After a while, a strong aroma of chicken began to rise from the pot.

It was also full of aroma. When the aroma of chicken slowly rose up with the heat in the pot, the earth audience in the live room had begun to stir.

But even more violent than them are those interstellar audiences.

The anchor is cooking there, and they smell the aroma directly. When have they seen this kind of live broadcast that has become too hot?

"My sundial crystal, what is this smell?"

"Um ~~~ How can it have this smell? It feels ... feels great."

"This is the scent from this earth food anchor? Is there anything wrong? How could this happen?"

"The taste is really unique. I think it tastes a bit like some of the food on our planet, but it is much more fragrant than them."

"Uh ~~ what the **** is going on? Why does the mouth drool when I smell this smell? But I didn't want to eat it."

"Conditional shots, this is an absolute conditioned reflection."

"On our dwarf planet, ancient ancestors once told us that when a food reaches a certain level of taste, even if you don't eat it, it will be unbearable to smell it. It turns out to be true . "

"God, how can this be?"

"Earth anchor? This is the new earth anchor coming in? This is special ... this seems to be a bit strong."

"Ahem, I admit that if he can maintain this level in the future, he should kill a **** path in the Star Anchor Army."

When these people were talking, suddenly they saw a bunch of interstellar spacecraft and interstellar aircraft carriers flying out from the live broadcast, densely packed, making people look scalp.

Pentium's quicksand and greenskins have begun to beat the rewards, and today these people are once again calmed by Ye Fei.

Because the food that Ye Fei made today is obviously different from the previous one, although many of them have not seen Ye Fei making the first roast suckling pig, but I saw the foie gras in the back. The approach is not the same as today.

What is the practice today?

These people do n’t understand much, they are curious one by one, but they have to admit that the taste of today ’s food seems to be more intense than yesterday ’s. They rushed into the nostrils and wished that they were all lost. They were only today. Knowing that Ye Fei has too many ways to make good food, so he didn't hold back one by one and started to beat rewards one by one.

Pentium's quicksand while shouting a reward, he also called a conductive lightning rod.

"Lightning rod, don't dive anymore, I have seen you. How did you make a bet with Ye Shen in the last issue? Just ask if you count?"

Qingpi also screamed: "Lightning rod, it is a man who gives me out to face the reality!"

Others who knew the bet were all excited, summoning lightning rods one by one.

Conductive lightning rods really want to die, although Ye Fei's interstellar audience has not reached 500 million, but in terms of the degree of live broadcast while viewers come in, today there is no pressure to reach 500 million viewers.

I rub, how can this be? Although this guy has a recommendation, but he only broadcasts the first episode after all, how can so many people watch it?

I do n’t understand this product. I saw Pentium's quicksand and Greenskins yelling at him, and the conductive lightning rod came out with a fiery expression, and then the message said: "Yell, shout, I see, I see Did n’t say no, did n’t he have n’t reached 500 million? ”

Pentium's quicksand and greenskins burst into tears.

"Lightning rod, although Ye Shen's interstellar audience has not reached 500 million, but do you think this is a problem?"

"Brother, look at the growth rate of Ye Shen ’s interstellar audience now, although I ca n’t see the specifics, but I have a feeling that when the first food Ye Shen ca n’t finish, it should be able to be achieved, hahaha, yours What about a thousand interstellar spaceships? "

"Cough, green skin, don't be like this, the lightning rod is actually ready, just wait for a while for Ye Shen to finish the gourmet, then reward it, isn't it? Lightning rod?"


"Hahaha, lightning rod, you are not angry. You know that we also bet with you guys who meandered. I am also a thousand interstellar spacecraft, but I am willing to give these thousand interstellar spacecraft. I serve! "

Qingpi also smiled, and said, "I have nothing to say about this thousand ships."

Others have all expressed their opinions. There is no way. Facing the food of this level made by Ye Fei, they don't even talk about a thousand spaceships now, and they even want to kill them in the spaceship immediately to eat them. Cost can reward countless interstellar spaceships, OK?

The other interstellar viewers in the live broadcast were really aggressive at this time. The first was because they looked and smelled the aroma. The second was when they looked at the existing interstellar viewers and started giving rewards to the Earth anchor. And the first shot is the Star Carrier and Starcraft, and the worst is the Star Cruiser. What is the rhythm of this?

"This ..... These people are crazy?"

"Rely on, a blue diamond fifth-level earth anchor, is it worthy of your life?"

"Ah, hey, this group of people will not be the nurses this earth anchor is looking for?"

"This possibility is not high. After all, this earth anchor is the second time to start broadcasting. It is estimated that it is not necessarily known before that there is an interstellar audience, let alone find an interstellar audience for childcare."

"That's right, and even if it's childcare, is it too much investment? At this moment there are too many interstellar ships and interstellar carriers."

"Did you see the news of these guys just now? It seems like there are still a few guys who want to brush a thousand ships at a time ~ ~ The audience in the live broadcast room is really being rectified by these interstellar viewers. Is it speechless, are these people really all the children of the mine owner's house? Is this too crazy? This reward is 666 more than Rhodes.

After Ye Fei cooked the chicken on a high fire, then reduced the heat to low, and then poured a glass of Baodao rice wine and a cup of sesame oil until the sauce in the pot was thickened.

The two have just been poured into the pot, and the breath of the two fuses with the aroma of the chicken at the fastest rate, directly rising into the sky along the white smoke in the pot.

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