The Fine Food Broadcaster

: Allow me to take 1 day off

I just arrived at my hometown today and tossed for a day. I came back for a Mid-Autumn Festival reunion. From my memory to this, this should be the first real Mid-Autumn Festival reunion for everyone. My dad was not at home when I was young and went out to work. Back, when he retired, we all went out again, the cycle is different, the difference is that we waited for him before, now they wait for us.

The second is the autumn harvest. Yes, many old readers should know that when this book was opened last year, I collected peanuts at home, and now ... I'm back to collect peanuts, not much, but my parents are old, legs and feet. Not good, they will not allow them to plant a few acres of land, and they will not be able to let go of their lives for a lifetime, so they will not be able to relax, so it is only up to them, but they will try to come back to help when they can.

Today I could have come back a little earlier, but ... my ID card was lost. I changed the ticket and reissued my temporary ID card, which was delayed.

I'm really sorry, brothers and sisters, I can only make a change today, and we will make up later.

Sorry again!

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