The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1092: I give up this place

Today's sweepstakes can be said to be absolutely twists and turns, and each guest's quota is not smooth, the first three are so, and the fourth is even more so.

No one had thought that the luck of Pentium's quicksand turned so bad that he was connected three times directly, which was incredible.

In the face of this situation, it can be said that even the most loyal fans will doubt Ye Fei's cheating. There is no way, because this probability is really too small and too small, even Ye Fei himself did not expect this to happen today. This strange situation, he had never encountered before.

At this point, the interstellar audience was completely beginning to suspect Ye Fei, howling one by one in the live broadcast room.

Ye Fei also has a sore face. You said that you are just drawing a guest seat. Is God playing with yourself like this?

"What to do?" He Peng felt a little anxious for Ye Fei, although there was a little bit of glee in his heart.

Ye Fei gave him a glance, shook his head, and said, "I don't know."

He really didn't know, because he knew that no matter what he said, many viewers still didn't believe it.

Facts such as iron are useless to say more.

"Say, you give us a statement."

"Don't be silent. Silence means acknowledgment, Ye Fei. To be honest, we really like your show, because we rarely see an excellent anchor like you in the interstellar anchor, but you do not do it kindly."

"No wonder just now there will be a bid to buy a place. I'm increasingly doubting whether you are colluding with this Pentium quicksand to fool us, yes, and that guy named Rhodes, knowing that he's fooling. "

"Well, I suddenly felt sad for Star Milk Tea. When someone dug a big pit, he just jumped in so stupidly, 50 million Xinghe coins, not a small number."

Star Milk Tea: ""

To say that the most depressing person in the interstellar audience is him, because he now suspects that it was Ye Fei and Pentium's quicksand traps, and he caught himself.

He didn't care about 50 million Xinghe, he was cared.

"Ye Fei, I need an argument."

Ye Fei saw the news of Star Milk Tea, looked at the news of others, and suddenly laughed.

No one thought it was this time. Ye Fei even laughed, one by one.

"What are you laughing at? Are you still laughing?"

"The shameless people are extremely shameless. They even laughed after playing with the audience."


Seeing that the interstellar audience was cruelly attacking themselves, Ye Fei shook his head and finally said, "You guys, I know what you think. You think I cheated during the lottery, and thought that I was colluding with others to cheat Of your money, if I say no, I do n’t think you guys believe it either. In that case, I can only admit it. "

Everyone: ""

People did not expect Ye Fei to admit it.

The Earth audience was anxious at a glance. If this matter was acknowledged, Ye Fei would be completely finished in the Star Anchor Army.

Why did he admit such an important thing?

"Yes God!"


"It's not your fault, why should you admit it?"

"Yeshen, do you know what you are doing? When you admit it, you are completely done."

Ye Fei waved his hand and said, "It's not that I have to admit it, but that I admit it but the result is the same. They doubted me and let me show you the evidence. To be honest, I didn't, because of this turntable. The program is not designed by me, or even by the technical staff of the platform. I just clicked it according to the normal operation method, and then it was like this. What do you guys let me say? But there is one point I want to declare, because This is really related to my innocence and character of Ye Fei. Those viewers who said that I and the Pentium's quicksand colluded to cheat money, please think carefully about this possibility? I'm Ye Fei today's live broadcast today It ’s just the second time it ’s broadcast to an interstellar audience. It did n’t take long for the earth platform to open the interstellar channel, which means that I did n’t know Pentium's quicksand at all, and even if I did, how could the technology of the earth and him What about it? You guys give me a reason. "

"Also, there may be audiences who will say, since they ca n’t be reached, why do they know where you live? How can you go to where you live? It ’s very simple, all this is the platform is operating, these audiences then After being selected as a guest of live broadcast, the platform will contact the Star Live Broadcast Association through special means. You did not hear it wrong. It is the Star Live Broadcast Association, not the individual. It is the Star Live Broadcast Association who then contacts the winning star viewers. It takes several links to let the winning interstellar audience know my address. I ca n’t and I do n’t have to contact them directly. This is what I want to say. It ’s okay for you to explain. I have nothing to say. ,that is the truth."

After speaking, Ye Fei sat directly there, picked up chopsticks and ate.

He knows that you can just tell some inside information. As for the audience, believe it or not, that's not what you can control.

He was eating, and the audience in the live broadcast was silent for a while, and suddenly an interstellar audience sent a message: "Cough, I suddenly believe him a little bit."


"Because he is telling the truth, especially the first case, I have n’t heard of this planet called Earth before. Who have you heard of it? I do n’t think so? Explain that this planet has no technological level. Or the level of development in other aspects is not enough to be accepted by interstellar space. To put it plainly, it is a very backward planet. Such a backward planet really cannot connect with people on other planets, let alone friendship, so It's a bit far-fetched to say that he and Pentium's quicksand partnership lied to us. "

"You make a little sense, but how do you explain the facts at hand?"

"How else can you explain? You're out of luck, and have you forgotten? When the Pentium's quicksand was drawn for the second time, it was drawn by a live broadcast guest. He is an interstellar audience, if Ye Fei cheats. I may believe it, but if I mean to cheat, then I wo n’t believe it, after all, he has no reason to cheat. "


After a reminder from this person, many interstellar viewers were all more silent.

That's right, if Ye Fei cheating is still possible, then how to explain the second tortuous pumping of quicksand? Cheating too?

"And I want to tell you one thing. Actually, the viewers who are crooked and quick-sanding are still very famous among the interstellar audiences. They have appeared in the live broadcast rooms of many famous anchors. If they mess up, then in the future It's hard to confuse in the interstellar audience, and that's one reason they won't cheat. "


"But if there is no cheating, then what is happening now"

"Did I say that? Luck."

"I rely, who are you? Are you Ye Fei's childcare? Say!"

"I'm not, don't you see my name? Elf King!"

It was not until this time that people remembered to look at the name of this audience, and after seeing that it was really the Elven King, everyone was silent.


Because the Elves ’status in the entire interstellar space is detached, I heard that one of the five presidents of the current Star Broadcasting Association is their Elven God, and they are also the most powerful presidents.

Another thing is that people of this race have the advantage that the whole universe knows, that is, they don't lie! Because of this, the elven family can be said to be highly respected throughout the interstellar space, and their discourse is still very heavy.

"Elf King? I didn't expect you to be in Ye Fei's live room."

"When I saw the recommendation, except for the fourth lucky guest draw step, it didn't disappoint me. This person's show can be seen and it's good."

"Do you believe he is innocent?"

"Believe, there is no reason not to believe."

The interstellar audience is a little ignorant of what to do now. If they are talking about people from other planets, they may still insist on their opinions, but now they are talking about the elven king, who can be called a king in the elven family Higher than the average elf status, let alone nonsense.

Green star.

Xibo hated the roots of his teeth, and said that the elven king who ridden his eggs, what's going on in you? What are you doing here?

He knows that many people should be active now, it is very likely that Ye Fei will get through this disaster, which is really not a good thing.

But seeing many interstellar viewers still did not send a message. He knew that these people were wandering at the crossroads, hesitating from side to side. As long as he put on the fire, he would definitely turn the situation around.


He just typed a word and wanted to write when I didn't agree with you. Suddenly, I haven't talked about Pentium's streaming couch news for a long time.

This article is not as excited as when the second was drawn, because he did not speak, and he has been watching the situation for a while.

At this point, he took everyone's news in his eyes. He knew that these people were guessing nonsense. Why did they collude with Ye Fei to lie to them? Isn't that nonsense?

He also knew that if he didn't speak, even if there was an elven king helping Ye Fei to speak today, Ye Fei wouldn't be upset.

He admired Ye Fei ~ ~ because Ye Fei was the first person in the entire world to enter the interstellar anchor circle.

He likes Ye Fei because Ye Fei's shows are really good-looking, especially the food he makes, which is something he has never eaten or even seen. It really makes his index finger move, and I wish every food is big Just a few mouthfuls is fun.

He understood Ye Fei, and he knew that Ye Fei was really difficult now.

So he spoke.

He just sent a message, a message that made all the audience in the live broadcast room completely eliminate the misunderstanding of Ye Fei.

"I give up this place, Ye Shen, you can re-draw the fourth lucky guest."

Everyone: ""

Seebo was like a little star disgusting bug flying into his mouth, making him almost vomit.

The goods scratched his head madly, and the green hair on his head made him grab many roots, and then he silently deleted the message that he had not sent yet.

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