The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1119: Is this a blood fighter?

The first impression of the ball should be round, but when everyone saw the ball floating from the water, all of them were choked.

Specifically, you don't see all of it, because a large part of it is still in the water, and only a small part of it has surfaced.

This is the small part, it feels like it is a football, it has many different planes, each plane is a standard regular pentagon, and it is speechless that every two adjacent five The edges are still black and white, which is more like football.

Everyone, including Ye Fei, was stunned watching the super big "football" floating in the water, all wanting to see what it was.

Just as people watched, the lower half of the football started to slowly rise from the water.

It didn't take long for most of this football to be out of the water and exposed.

"What the **** is this?" Nibbled his eyes and asked after looking at it again.

The others didn't speak, and 2007 said "I don't know, it's like a football."

"The meteor in the sky turns out to be football. Why do you tease me?"

"Nine children, it's not me who teases you. It's this thing that teases you. I'm a little bit shy now."

Just as the two of them were talking, suddenly everyone saw the "football" in the water move.

"I rely on it."

"Sweat, is anyone kicking inside?"


Ye Fei's eyes were staring at the "football" in the water. He didn't think of them as many as 2007. He knew that since this thing moved, there was absolutely living things inside.

He didn't really know what the creature was.

"Don't make a noise, hide it first," Lao Mo commanded.

Everyone was hiding behind a huge sea stone not far away, secretly showing their heads and looking outside.

Master Hui Neng still stretched her neck to look at it, the goods were also excited, her right hand stood in front of (chest), saying "Amitabha"

In the end, he had n’t finished the Buddha's name, and was dragged behind by the stone.

"Come here, you are Amitabha, your sister, Ah Tuo, don't die"

Master Hui Neng hid behind the stone, saying "Buddha"

Zero zero two "

At the same time, the pilots on dozens of fighters in the sky also saw the following situation clearly through the instruments and hurriedly reported to the headquarters.

"Football falls from the sky a football"

"Is this God playing football or aliens playing football?"

"噗 No matter who is playing, this thing is not likely to be a football. You have seen football so big, and even if you kick it badly, you ca n’t play it."

"They said the football moved, indicating there must be something in it."

"Anyone is an alien, but I don't know who it is."

"Yeshen ’s live guests this time are five people, three of them are aliens, Pentium's quicksand, interstellar (milk nǎi) tea and green peel, who is this?"

"Specially, shouldn't the alien spaceships all be as crooked as the last time? Are they like flying saucers, why are they football-shaped?"

"Who has seen a real spaceship before? Whoever stipulates that an alien's flying machine should be a flying saucer. I think football is more appropriate."

At the military base, several big brothers got together and were discussing this matter (情 qg).

Countless man-made satellites in the sky rotate and adjust their directions at almost the same time, aligning the information receiving surface with the South China Sea.

One picture at a time was also introduced to different countries.

"An unknown object has landed in Huaxia."

"Football doesn't make sense. If aliens like to play football, it should be landed in Xiba. Who knows that football is our Xiba national ball?"

"Egg pain, how could it be a football? Can anyone explain to me what is going on with this football?"

"Look, it's already moving."

Riceland White House.

Solova sat constipated in his office, his eyes staring at a picture on the phone.

In the picture, there was a firelight falling from the sky, and then the firelight fell into the sea water, and then floated again, slowly showing its body, a football

Seeing this scene, Solova almost fell out of his chair, and he never dreamed that the aliens would even come over in football.

"What the **** are you doing?" Solova muttered frantically.

Just then, a minister hurried in.

"Boss, another alien is here."

Solova raised his eyelid and glanced at him, without speaking.

This article is still whispering, don't you say that I don't know if I haven't seen Lao Tzu watching the live broadcast of Ye Shen?

"Boss, what do we do?" The minister asked.

Solova raised his eyelid and glanced at him again, saying "what to do"

"Aliens, Ye Fei's another alien guest is here."

"so what"

"He will definitely bring advanced alien technology. If we don't do it, this technology will fall into the hands of the Chinese government."

"It's as if we can fall into our hands."


"Go out and do your own work, and stop thinking about these unrealistic things (QQ). As long as there is a leaf **** in Huaxia, no matter what we do, it is useless. Just like last time, we will Advanced fighters and bombs have been sent. Not only did they not get a little bit of stuff, they also welcomed Ye Fei's anger. "

"But this time should be different. If this football is an alien spaceship, although it looks very big, it is much smaller than the last one after all, indicating that the technology of this planet should be much worse than the last one. But the origin of our planet is extremely advanced, and we should fight for it. "

"You know (Fart i), don't you know that it is small and refined? It is because it is smaller than the last one, so its technology is more advanced. It is unclear how your IQ is mixed with the position of minister. "

Solova was furious. You are tinkering with me against Ye Shen again. You do n’t know the last time we did this. As a result, all of our bombs were let him take away.

You still want to do this time. What do you want to do? You want him to take away all of us this time. Are you satisfied?

Solova is not stupid.

After the minister was scolded by Solofal, hey, hey, he left.

As soon as he left, Solova's cell phone rang, and he quickly picked it up, and it was Rhode's call.

"Mr. Rhodes."

"I got the news, another alien live guest from Ye Shen arrived, you know what to do"

"I know that a minister just urged me to take another bet and was scolded by me. This is how he would be at a risk to the security of the country, which is too much."

"Well, you know it's good, I still say that, no matter what (qg) conditions appear on the side of Ye Shen, you better be ignorant, and even though our Rothschild family doesn't make anything to you Punishment, but you'd better be careful in the future, after all, the rice country has fallen in your hands. "

"I thank Mr. Rose for reminding me."

After the call ended, Solova put away the phone, then held the phone with the screen in his hand, and slowly looked at it, but while looking at it, his eyes were full of envy.

Northeast Sea of ​​Kyoto.

A group of giants are also in a meeting at this time.

"Everyone sees that this should be another alien guest of Ye Fei, so in any case, we must ensure the safety of this alien and ensure that alien technology cannot be leaked a bit."

"You can rest assured that the security forces we have arranged secretly are several times stronger than the last time. Even if a foreigner sneaks in, it will not be as easy as last time."

"This is the best. In addition, pay close attention to every move of Zhuguang Island and tell the nearby military region that if something is wrong, immediately attack. Do not hesitate. Ye Fei and technology are the most important."


In the South China Sea, after the huge football-shaped thing moved a bit, it was quiet for a while, and then moved a bit.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw a pentagon face on the top of the football suddenly as if it were slipped away, and panned out towards one side, exposing a pentagonal hole.

The diameter of this cave can be about 20 meters, which can be said to be very large.

It didn't take long for this cave to appear, and then I heard a clicking noise from inside, as if there was a machine inside.

"I rub, what's inside?"

"Mechanical operation, absolute mechanical operation."

"Uh, will there be a robot cat flying inside?"


"Five ~ ~ You have watched too much anime"

When a group of people were thinking wildly, they heard the sound of clicking and clicking inside getting faster and louder, and at a certain point, suddenly, the sound inside disappeared, and then a light came from inside Fly out.

This light is extremely dazzling, like a bonfire in the night sky.

Ye Fei immediately closed their eyes, afraid to look, for fear of hurting the eyes.

After a while, Ye Fei opened their eyes and looked forward, and they all froze.

Just on the surface of the South China Sea, a "person" stood upright.

This thing is personal, mainly because he is standing upright in the water. He has two legs standing in the water, and there are two arms in the part exposed to the water, but his head is too ugly, like a monster. The mouth is long, three-lobed, and the eyes are small, as big as soybeans, and the forehead protrudes a lot, covered with pale cyan scales. What's more speechless is that although this person's head also has something on it, But it was definitely not hair, because each was too thick, like a twine, scattered randomly behind his head.

The man was wearing a thin black and black tight-fitting shirt with a rhombus pattern, and his limbs were covered with various instruments. When he first appeared in the water, Several devices on shēn) began to display numbers, revealing the surrounding environment.

After seeing this person, don't say Ye Fei, even the group of Lao Mo, and even the Huaxia pilots who are still scanning and observing through the instrument are all stunned ((bi) bi).

"How could this be this thing"

Master Hui Neng is crazy to say "Amitabhat Buddha, this is the Jagged Warrior"

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