The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1122: Thank you very much for being alive now

Snoring glorious. & 1t; /

But forcibly snoring on someone's face without saying hi ... shameful! & 1t; /

In Ye Fei's view, Pentium's quicksand is doing this very shameful thing at this moment. When you talk about each other, you meet each other. What kind of effort are you proposing? Have you brushed your teeth? & 1t; /

So he dragged the goods from his body without mercy, and then fell to the ground fiercely, almost to the death of Pentium's quicksand, the goods slammed, his eyes turned white. & 1t; /

When everyone saw this scene, they were all inexplicably embarrassed, even including the green skin. The goods also felt a kind of cold wind blowing, and it was cold. & 1t; /

It hurts to look at. & 1t; /

This is what everyone thinks at this time. & 1t; /

Because Ye Fei fell too hard this time, can't wait to smash the stone ground. & 1t; /

Ye Fei also looked angrily on the ground. As a result, the eyes of the goods were straight. & 1t; /

The old Mo group is also a little dumbfounded. & 1t; /

Master Hui Neng jumped back scaredly and hurriedly said, "What kind of Amitabha Buddha, what ghost? How is this shape?" & 1t; /

At this point, it can be said that everyone has the idea, how does this thing have this shape? & 1t; /

I saw a person lying on the ground, but this person was indeed too personal, his head was very round, his eyes were bigger, he had no nose, but there were two small holes in his wide mouth, and he was undressed. The body is very thin, the little arms are like a firewood stick, and the five fingers are very thin and long, but the front end of the fingers is very round and thick. What makes them more curious is that these round and thick fingers have a belly Things like suckers. & 1t; /

Seeing this person's appearance, all of them suddenly appeared in their minds-e.t! & 1t; /

That ’s right, it ’s the alien et. The alien et who was left on Earth by his little friend in that movie is like this. & 1t; /

"Khan, what the **** is going on here? Are all the aliens staged in movies and TVs true? Otherwise, how come all these goods have prototypes?" Ye Fei muttered to himself. & 1t; /

But now whether or not these aliens have prototypes in movies and TVs, the most important thing is to pull up the goods first. & 1t; /

"Did you die?" Ye Fei squatted and asked, staring at the quick-sanding Pentium. & 1t; /

Pentium's quicksand eyes murmured and turned, finally staring at Ye Fei's face, suddenly his teeth grinned. & 1t; /

Don't say that, even though this guy is very ugly, he laughs very well. & 1t; /

"Yeshen, wow, finally see you." & 1t; /

As I said, I saw Pentium's quicksand leaping from the ground and rushing towards Ye Fei. & 1t; /

Ye Fei quickly reached out and stopped, saying: "Stop!" & 1t; /

"What's wrong?" & 1t; /

"I said, do you aliens have any bad hobbies? The one from the last issue came to catch He Peng's forehead, and the green leather is a bald head for Master Hui Neng Interested, you ... you are directly messing with each other on your face. "& 1t; /

"Yes ... isn't it? They're called rogues, and this is etiquette." & 1t; /

As soon as he finished speaking, Qingpi lifted his big foot and stepped on it. He said, "I can't step on you. Did you talk like that? I just said a lot of good things to you, and you will bury us as soon as you come over What about the skin? What about the martial arts? "& 1t; /

The Pentium's quicksand turned away from Greenskin's feet and said, "I don't talk to people with big feet." & 1t; /

Green: "..." & 1t; /

Ye Fei's feeling of watching beside him was very interesting. He knew that Qingpi and Pentium's quicksand should have been friends before, otherwise it wouldn't be possible to make a fuss when they met. & 1t; /

However, he hurriedly said, "Okay, let's go back and talk about it. Although there are still an hour or two before leaving the broadcast, it is not a way to stay here." & 1t; /

"Listen to Ye Shen." The two were almost in the same voice. & 1t; /

Several people then returned to Ye Fei's stone building. A group of Lao Mo did not follow up. Their mission was to ensure the safety of Pearl Island and Ye Fei, so they had to patrol. & 1t; /

Ye Fei's room was very lively. Although the quick-sanding sand and the green skin were uglier than each other, everyone's mouth was very powerful. After arriving in the room, Ye Fei didn't say a few words at all. That said. & 1t; /

Zhuguang Island was temporarily quiet, but the outside world was completely blown up. & 1t; /

Riceland White House. & 1t; /

Solova looked at the picture on the mobile phone in his hand, and the goods kept twitching his mouth. He knew that with the arrival of these aliens, the gap between Huaxia and the rice country would quickly narrow, even in the near future. Huaxia will pass the rice country in one fell swoop, which he did not want to see, but he knew that he would be in vain no matter what he did, because Huaxia had a Ye Fei. & 1t; /

Originally, if it wasn't for the beginning of their rice plane bombing Pearl Island, their rice country might still have the opportunity to see alien technology, even if it ca n’t be studied, at least they will get a little information, because he and Ye Fei's friendship has not deteriorated, they can still be called friends. & 1t; /

But now ... Solova knew that no matter what he said or done, he could no longer be friends with Ye Fei, because there was a mustard in the hearts of both sides, and it was impossible to eliminate it for a while. & 1t; /

"Boss, we ..." & 1t; /

The Secretary-General looked at Solofal's face, carefully thinking what to say, but he couldn't say anything to his lips. & 1t; /

In fact, he also knew that they did n’t recognize the situation at first, or that they did n’t know Ye Fei at all. During the live broadcast, they looked at this guy with a hippie smile, but how could he get revenge so hard, arsenal All the bombs in it have been taken away. This is the rhythm of emptying the country directly. & 1t; /

Solova leaned back on the chair, waved his hands, and said weakly, "Trouble help me to pour a cup of coffee without sugar, thank you." & 1t; /

The Secretary-General hurriedly poured a cup of black coffee for Solovar, put it on the table, and quietly went out. & 1t; /

He took a sip of coffee, closed his eyes and thought for a moment, picked up his phone and dialed a phone number. & 1t; /

"Help me arrange the trip, communicate with the Chinese government, and see if I can ... can I have a state visit as soon as possible." & 1t; /

When he said this, Solova felt powerless. & 1t; /

why? & 1t; /

You're out of confidence! & 1t; /

Time goes backward for two days, and their country is still the world's largest power. Why should he be so worried about where he wants to go, he will be greeted directly by the other party, and the plane passed by. & 1t; /

But now he knows that even if he can go to other countries, he can still do so, but he can't go to Huaxia, because he used to ask for people in the past, they will look at Huaxia's face and do things in the future. & 1t; /

The huge gap before and after this made his heart somewhat unacceptable, but there was nothing he could do. & 1t; /

At the same time, the boss of the East Japan State also expressed the desire of the state government to conduct a state visit through his subordinates. & 1t; /

The eagle nation, the nation, the country of Roros, the nation, and so on. It can be said that all countries in the world have begun to make such requests to China. Just express your goodwill. & 1t; /

Their wish is only so small. & 1t; /

Northeast Sea of ​​Kyoto. & 1t; /

In the huge office, all the people were weird. & 1t; /

"What are these countries trying to do?" & 1t; /

"What else can I do, I'm scared, they know that we must have obtained alien technology, and there will be many more in the future. It is only a matter of time to leave them away. This is the end." & 1t; /

"Haha, I didn't expect them to have such a day." & 1t; /

"At this time, if we don't have Ye Fei, I don't think they will do it either." & 1t; /

"It is really fortunate that Huaxia was born such a person as Ye Fei. Fortunate for the country, fortunate for the people." & 1t; /

"I think his position can be mentioned again." & 1t; /

"What ?! Just mention it again? He is now a lieutenant general, and again ... don't be kidding, Huaxia has never been a general at his age, even a lieutenant general, since the founding of the state. None of them, he is the first one. His position is enough, still mention? "& 1t; /

"Actually, it's not too much to give an admiral for his contribution to the country, but this guy is too young." & 1t; /

"What's wrong with being young? This is young and promising." & 1t; /

"I'm afraid he's wearing his hat too high, and bad things will happen then, after all, young people's minds are still immature and easy to be impetuous." & 1t; /

"Speak later, talk later." & 1t; /

Ye Fei didn't even know that he almost became the first twenty-year-old general since the founding of China. At this time, the goods were looking at something in front of them, crying and laughing. & 1t; /

"This is the gift you bought for 10 million Xinghe coins?" Ye Fei asked a little bit painfully pointing at the thing in front of him. & 1t; /

Pentium's quicksand with big eyes blinked, his face excited, "Yes, Ye Shen, wasn't you surprised? Not surprised? This is the highest gift we have." & 1t; /

"The highest gift from you?" & 1t; /

"Right?" & 1t; /

"That's it?" & 1t; /

"Yeah." & 1t; /

"Fuck, is your highest-end gift the plastic doll that will change appearance? !!!" & 1t; /

Ye Fei is really going crazy. When he saw Pentium's quicksand mysteriously and said that he had brought him one of the most amazing gifts, he was really full of expectations. After all, aliens People give presents to others, and they have already set an example. That shot is a light wave bomb and a small spaceship. Everything that can be thoroughly researched can make China's national strength greatly improved. & 1t; /

But what about the quicksand of Pentium now? & 1t; /

This girl spent ten million Xinghe coins to buy a gift for herself, and it turned out that he was meowing a plastic doll with a magical shape. & 1t; /

Plastic doll! & 1t; /

Even if you give it to me, how can I submit it to the National Research Institute? & 1t; /

The whole person is a bit messy ~ ~ He stared at the so-called plastic doll that was constantly changing, and really wanted to cry, and he could n’t give himself a regular gift for a gift. Excited at first glance? & 1t; /

Even if you ca n’t send it as explosive as it does, you can send a small toy, but now you give me this thing, special, what do you want me to do? & 1t; /

"Yeshen, how do you feel? Look at her there is a button. Who do you want her to look like? Just take a photo and shake it in front of her eyes. There is a miniature sensor in her eyes Device, you can calculate it in a hurry, and then change the appearance of the person in the photo, and here ... "& 1t; /

Pentium's quicksand was introduced, but the more he introduced, the greener Ye Fei's face became. & 1t; /

"You press this button twice, you feel it, you have to be powered on, right?" & 1t; /

Ye Fei: "... too ... too terrible, I can't afford it, you can take it back for your own use." & 1t; /

Pentium's quicksand: "......... No, no, this is for you. It was custom-made by my trustee. Besides, I also have this stuff, and several more." & 1t; /

"Ha? Do you have them? Several? Big brother, I finally know what's the reason for your black skinny black skinny, there are several such phantom dolls, you really have to live to thank God." & 1t ; /

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