The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1126: You look like a ghost

I love you, so I can't stand anyone to slander you.

This is the heart of Ye Fei's audience and fans.

They like Ye Fei, they like him, they like his shows, and they even like to watch him pretend to be silly and do **** things.

They don't allow anyone to say Ye Fei is bad.

How dare you say that you are more handsome than Ye Shen?

Brother, you have made a big taboo. Do you know if you want to die?

So when an audience member said this, it directly attracted abuse from all audience members. Billions of people stabbed one person. Can you imagine that kind of scene?

In the end, all the people who gave this audience directly were going crazy, and those who collapsed the goods were crying.

"I'm wrong, I'm really wrong, brothers and sisters, don't say it, I do n’t have Ye Shenshuai, I really do n’t have Ye Shenshuai, Ye Shen is the vast moon in the sky, I am a firefly in the field, do n’t yell Don't swear, please. "

I begged hard, but ... useless!

A group of people still caught the audience spraying, until the goods were sprayed off the line.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of other anchors who are almost jealous of envy will be blind. What is the most important thing for the anchor or the movie star?

Fans, of course.

If a person is red or not, the other metrics are clouds. Only the attitude of the fans determines everything.

You say you are red, get off the plane and pack yourself like a mule, but now you do n’t even have a pick-up. Are you red?

You said that you are popular. You used a huge venue during the concert. As a result, the audience did not have as many security guards and a lot of cleaning aunts. Are you popular?

If you are not popular, it means that you are a scum in the eyes of the audience. There is no need for your existence. There are not many of you in the world, and one of you is no less. Even if you go to heaven, the earth is still the same.

Some people are different. They really do things from the perspective of fans and audiences. They do things from the heart. They can build unknown more than one hundred schools in the country. They can hide themselves by dozens. Billion of property is donated, they can give their own security to the uncle for fans, this is the real celebrity.

It can be said that their every move is concerned and worried by fans, and their actions have received the care and help of the people of China and even the whole world.

There are many stars, but very few can really enter the hearts of the public.

Ye Fei did it. He just did what he felt he should do. He was frank and he was enthusiastic. Sometimes he made silly things for the fans. Sometimes he made things for the fans. This is a real celebrity.

For such people, you can only show respect and admiration, do you dare to scold them?

You see that billions of people don't blame you.

Seeing the situation in the live broadcast, Ye Fei hurriedly stopped and said with a smile: "Friends, calm, the audience just said that right, I really are not handsome, I must admit that we cannot It's ugly to obliterate this fact, but ... I'm gentle, do you say? "

Everyone: "........"

They heard Ye Fei say what they said in the front and wanted to jump out and maintain this guy, but when they heard the words behind, everyone was speechless, one by one silly for a long time, all of them suddenly laughed, and smiled wildly during the live broadcast.

"Oh, I'm in a suit, Ye Shen, can you not be so narcissistic?"

"I have never seen such a fucker, you really have the face to say that you are gentle."

"Uh uh uh, Ye Shen is gentle and stingy? Do you have any opinions?"

"Everyone gets away from my mother, what's the smile? In my eyes, Ye Shen is the most handsome and gentle person in the world."

"I didn't say you guys, everyone here is scum."


Ye Fei saw that the audience in the live broadcast room was noisy again, and hurriedly stopped again: "Okay, my friends, thank you very much for coming to my live broadcast room again. It ’s an honor to fly. Of course, there are still many new audiences coming today. Once again, I extend a warm welcome to your arrival. "

Speaking, Ye Fei started to applaud, and the audience in the live broadcast began to applaud.

"Well, my friends, we said so much at the beginning, then we will enter today's show, but before the show started, we are still the old custom. To introduce our guests, everyone knows that in the last issue we Five live guests, Sanhua Fairy, Master Huineng, were drawn from the audience. The other three were Pentium's quicksand, Qingpi, and Star Milk Tea. They are star viewers. Now let ’s meet them Let us welcome them with warm applause! "

Ye Fei finished, applauded and left.

"Who, who will come first?"


Master Hui Neng raised her hand first, and then sat down calmly before the video, and his teeth smiled: "Amitabha, donors, we have met again, the green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow. ? "

Everyone: "..."

"Well, monk, don't eat fast in the temple. What are you doing here?"

"This talk is getting more and more sour, don't come without care, I care about you, I'm fine, don't worry about it."

"What's so good about the monk? Hurry up and let's see the big sister Fairy Sister."

"Yes, yes, I still have to watch the quicksands and green skins of the aliens, you go away quickly."

"Don't think that you have a lucky aura with your head light."

"Huineng, go away!"

"Unlimited princes, monk, it's not that I look down on you. You really shouldn't be the first one, it's too disappointing."


"I wipe, and old way?"

Looking at the news from the audience in the live broadcast, Master Huineng's face suddenly turned black. My day, do you want this? I just came over to say hello, you guys won't rush.

"Amitabha, you ... God will not bless you, bye."

Master Hui Neng was really depressed and left.

The audience during the live broadcast was all laughed at by the monk, and there was no way to laugh. This monk is too good. Are you a monk or a Westerner?

Hui Neng just left, the live room was still in chaos, and suddenly quieted down because Shen Yue, the fairy Sanhua, sat in front of the computer and smiled.

Shen Yue at this time can only be described in one word, beauty!

It's so beautiful and dizzy, it's so pleasing to laugh and stun, even more than a billion aliens feel a flower in front of them, and then a girl who looks very comfortable appears.


"Wow, click, the fairy is finally out."

"It's still fair for the fairy to look at it. It's much more comfortable than that monk."

"Oh, my eyes, who flashed into my eyes?"

"Well, sister Fairy, can I chase you?"

"Ah, the same woman, why is there so much difference?"

"Ms. Ben is also the school flower of our school, but compared with Sister Fairy, I ... my school flower has become a joke."

"I beg for the contact information of the fairy." ..

People were all excited, and even some aliens said they wanted to fly over to meet the scattered fairy. This is the beauty effect.

Shen Yue still looked at the live broadcast room with a smile on her face, and Zhu Lip lightly said, "Hello everyone, we have met again, and Shen Yue says hello to everyone."

"Good girl."

"Sister Fairy."

"Ah, ah, the sound is so beautiful, just like a stream flowing."

"My heart, it's crisp."

"Deep fried?"

After the appearance of the live room, Shen Yue directly reached a small climax again.

Shenhua Fairy Shen Yue did not stay in front of the computer for a long time, after all, she had appeared before, so I greeted everyone and gave way.

"Ah, hey, don't go, I haven't seen enough."

"How come?"

"I still have to watch ......... I rely on, what the hell?"

"Hey ~~ Neuropathy, this is, how come out a Jagged Warrior?"

"Uh uh, what is this little hemp rope?"

"Ah, ah, mom, fight a ghost!"

"My God, this thing scared my grandson."

"My granddaughter is also scared and crying, God, why is there such an ugly thing?"

"This is ... an alien? Who is this?"

Qing Pitt was excited, sitting in front of the computer, watching the news of the audience in the live broadcast room, but now all these messages have been translated into Chinese, and he did not understand any of them, but he saw the news jumping around so fast, he knew Hilarious, so this product smiled at the video.

I saw his Sanfaner's mouth widen, revealing a small round hole in it. Because the mouth was wide after he opened his mouth, even when he looked at the entire face, he left his mouth.

Don't talk about children this time, many adults are scared to fart and urinate.


"Look in a slot, what the **** is this."

"Oh ~ I saw this mouth and suddenly I had a bold idea."

"Khan, brother, do you want to practice the sunflower book?"

"Iron soldier, absolute iron soldier."

"Nerve disease, where is the God of Warrior for Ye Shen ’s live guest today? Who is this? Don't tell me it's Pentium's quicksand."

"Don't shout anymore. Be optimistic about your children. Don't let them watch this scene. It's time to introduce."


Qingpi saw that the live broadcast room was getting more and more lively, and this product was even happier, but this girl still couldn't understand the meaning after all.

Master Huineng quickly shook his head. He was afraid of this guy. He always rubbed his head. Nobody can bear it. When he sees this alien let him pass by, he won't pass by killing him.

Seeing that the monk could not come, Qingpi was a little depressed, and then she looked at Shen Yue.

Shen Yue came over with a smile and said, "Do you want me to help you translate the audience's news?"

Qingpi nodded quickly, and then raised his thumb towards Shen Yue. This gesture seemed to be universal.

"sorry to bother you."

Aliens are also respected by beauties.

Shen Yue smiled, then looked at the news in the broadcast room, one by one translation.

"This audience called Mahjong is always a good man. You say that you are very euphemistic. Well, this audience called a three-legged toad says you are long ... well recognized ... This ~ he said that you look like fog, rain and wind, oh ~~ This person boasted a very special character, and said that you look like ... like a chrysanthemum, cough, oh, and this person And said his grandson cried happily when he saw you ... "

Shen Yue smiled, and translated one by one. Of course, all of them were translated in the opposite meaning, because the original meaning could not be translated. If it is really spoken, it is estimated that this green skin will be violent, and none of them is good, even Even some aliens think this guy is ugly.

Qingpi couldn't understand these words. He only listened to Shen Yue. Shen Yue said that he was good, and he was happy, but he continued to arch his hands toward the live broadcast room, and Sanfaner's mouth widened. ...... As a result, the audience in the live broadcast room was even more scared, and they all scolded their mothers one by one.

In the end, Shen Yue couldn't translate, and said, "Oh, someone asked you to introduce yourself."

I do n’t need Shenyue to introduce myself, because Qingpi has a translation artifact.

"Wahaha, I'm Qingpi, guys, lovely people, I'm Qingpi, have you heard? I didn't expect everyone to have such a good impression on me, I'm a bit flattered, in fact, I was very low-key before, although in I am a famous beautiful man on our planet, but I rarely admit it. Although I know that they are telling the truth, but I ca n’t take it seriously? I ’m glad to meet you here. You are so enthusiastic, enthusiastic. I ’m a bit unnatural, rest assured. Today, as a guest of Ye Shen ’s live broadcast, I will definitely perform well, eh ~~ 啵 ~ I love you, have you heard? I love you ... ... "

This product is really happy ~ ~ In the face of the live broadcast room, the audience in the live broadcast room is about to spit out, still love us, brother, we can not afford it

Ye Fei rubbed his head straight after looking at him, and he just realized that this girl was a taciturn, sitting in front of the computer and couldn't get up.

Everyone is about to collapse, and they are all begging this guy to leave quickly, otherwise they won't be able to hold back for a while.

Pentium's quicksand could no longer be seen from behind, and an arm grabbing the green skin pulled him apart.

"You have no end? It's my turn."

"No, they love me, do you see it? Ye Shen's audience loves me."

"Love your sister, as far as your face at the end of the universe, people who love ghosts will not love you."

"Quicksand, you are jealous. Really, I heard a lot of jealousy from your words. Come and come, look at this sentence. Are they bragging about me? Look at these words, he looks like a Interstellar star, does this boast of me? "

Pentium's quicksand jumped up.

"Are you sick? What are these six words? How can you read them ten?"

"Uh ~~ You don't understand the language of the earth, they just praise me."



Ye Fei met these two guys in the back because of a news, and hurried over to persuade.

"Yes, please translate it for me, do they say that I look like an interstellar star?" Qingpi pulled Ye Fei to the computer and pointed at the message.

Ye Fei glanced at the news, and his mouth twitched.

Isn't that saying that you look like a star? Say you ... Say you look like a ghost, brother!

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