The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1132: My real name is ДζΨξ ...

After all, fighting nations are fighting nations. They have fierce fighting factors in their natural blood, and they feel uncomfortable without fighting for a day.

In the thought of Star Milk Tea, he felt that if one day there was no war, then life would be meaningless. His existence is because of fighting, and he was born for fighting.

Knowing this, Ye Fei understood why Pentium's quicksand and green leather saw the goods sweating. According to the words of the earth, this is a militant, this is a combat madman, already in the battlefield of blood and fire People who have gone through life and death, plus their super ugliness, appear wherever they go. It can be said that the whole body of radon can be emitted hundreds of meters away. Are you afraid of seeing such a person?

Not to mention the two of them, Ye Fei is now scared. I am really afraid that this guy is upset here today, and the whole earth is likely to suffer.

Master Huineng slowly came to Ye Fei's side, and whispered, "Uncle Amitabha, a Buddha, Ye Shen, how do I feel that this product is a time bomb today? Or it will explode if you don't know it. You must let him Go live? "

Ye Feihan sweated and said, "Otherwise? Do you think he flew and didn't know how many light years it took to come, if he wasn't allowed to participate in the live broadcast, wouldn't he explode? I'm sure, if that's the case , He exploded even harder, and now he has to blast it. "

Master Hui Neng also sweated a bit on his forehead, let alone a fighting madman, even Qingpi, he was dreadful, and when he saw it, he had to go a long way, and now there is such a guy again, what? It seems that it is not a wise choice to participate in Ye Shen's live broadcast today. If you want to know, stay in the temple with Aunt Meng.

You hold this, you want to retreat from the beginning of this live broadcast.

In fact, this can't blame him, after all, Star Milk Tea is a person who is afraid of even the green skin and the quicksand.

"Aren't you coming out?" Ye Fei asked, looking at Star Milk Tea still in the small spaceship.

This must be figured out, otherwise how to broadcast live? I'm cooking here, you drove a spaceship in my house? Can that be done?

Besides, although your spaceship is much smaller than that of the mothership, it is not too small, it is even larger than the passenger plane that broadcasts a few, and this room can't hold its own stuff.

Must come out.

Starbucks tea with a round mouth and a small mouth cracked and laughed, "Come out, you must have a mental preparation, don't be scared in a while."


Qingpi and Pentium's quicksand are better, Ye Fei and the three of them are a little muttering, don't be scared? What do you mean?

Soon they understood what interstellar milk tea meant.

I saw that the small spacecraft stayed in the air about two meters from the ground, and opened a door directly, followed by a leg. Well, it should be a leg, although it is thin, like a hemp, above There are many barbs like Tribulus terrestris, but after all, it is used to support the body to walk, in line with the concept of legs.

One leg then jumped to the ground in a spacecraft about two meters high.

Ye Fei looked at them, and they were all speechless.

Nima, how long are two meters? Brother, shouldn't you just say that there are legs under the neck?

Several people glanced at each other, and they all saw a shock from their eyes.

Only a moment later they knew that the real shock was still behind, and they saw a leg coming out of the spacecraft's door, which was also very thin, all barbed.

咦 Both legs are down, which means that Star Milk Tea should come out.

But this girl's body didn't come out, but another leg fell to the ground.


& n

--0 --- 0 ---- small--say ---- this is a gorgeous dividing line--

God-level gourmet anchor 00 novel netizens please remind: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes for a long time reading. 00 Fiction Recommended Reading: Warlock War Times

-0--0 --- small--say --- this is a gorgeous dividing line ---

bsp; Ye Fei directly persecuted me. I wiped it. What kind of ghost is this? Three legs?

Several people glanced at each other again, still all dumbfounded.

Master Hui Neng's lips are a little bit sloppy. He really hasn't seen anything with three legs. The creatures on the earth, including people, either have two legs or four legs. How come there is a three-legged thing? But it is also true, this is in line with the standards of aliens.

A few people muttered in their hearts, and saw another leg came out of the spacecraft's door.


This time, let alone Ye Fei's three of them, even Pentium's quicksand and green skin are a little speechless, brother, how many legs do you have? Any more?

It really does.

The fifth leg fell to the ground, followed by the sixth leg, the seventh leg, and the eighth leg, until the ninth leg appeared, and Ye Fei's group was completely numb.

Hemp egg, this is a hairy alien, is this a multi-legged monster? Here, my friend, do you think the nine legs can really run fast? Doesn't this matter run into trouble?

It wasn't until Jiutian's legs fell to the ground that Star Milk Tea's body came out of the spacecraft.

Ye Fei was happy at a glance, he was right, this is all legs below the neck.

I saw that these nine are all about two meters long, with a big head like a lobster, but unlike the lobster, this one has only one eye.

A few people all looked at Star Milk Tea with their heads up. This is the real shock in their hearts. This is a monster, nine legs.

Star Milk Tea doesn't care about his own difference. On the contrary, he also thinks that Ye Fei are strangely long. They only have two legs. If it is on their own planet, this is a second-class disability, which is typical of hypoplasia.

He didn't say this. On the contrary, he still respects Ye Fei. A person who can be a star anchor only by making food. This is definitely a respectable person. Even if they can Not many have done this, of course, not many of them are engaged in this business on the planet, after all, they are all busy fighting.

"Yes, hello."

This product also communicates with Ye Fei through a translation artifact that he carries.

Ye Fei hurriedly said, "Welcome, Star Milk Tea."

Talking, Ye Fei habitually extended his hand to shake hands, but just reached halfway and shrunk back. He could n’t shake hands with him. The first was that he had no hands, and the second was that those legs had His hand, but he couldn't hold it either. It was full of barb thorns, just like a hedgehog, and it was estimated that his hand was wasted.

The only big eye of Star Milk Tea blinked, saw Ye Fei's embarrassment, and grinned again, and said, "Yes, you don't have to shout so much, just call me milk tea."

"Milk Tea"

Ye Fei's head is full of black lines. If I only shout milk tea, why do I always remember the legendary milk tea?

"Do you have your own real name? Calling your real name is fine. I think calling milk tea is a bit weird."

"Real name, yes, it's called ДζΨξ"

"Stop! STOP!"

Before this guy can say his name, Ye Fei just shouted and couldn't help yelling. There was a lot of messy words in the goods. Ye Fei didn't understand, The name is too long and too long to remember.

Shen Yue was happy after a moment's snoring. Master Huineng also had a sore face. Shit, and such a long name? It is estimated to be comparable to the full name of Botombo who played basketball on the planet.

"Uh, my name isn't finished yet?"

"Needless to say, I think it's very easy to call milk tea directly

-0--0--small--say--this is a gorgeous dividing line ---

God-level gourmet anchor 00 novel netizens please remind: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes for a long time reading. 00 Fiction Recommended Reading: Warlock War Times

--0--0 --- small--say --- this is a gorgeous dividing line-

Okay, kind. "


I rely on, who said a little weird just now? How can you feel kind again in a blink of an eye? What are you going to do?

"Can you go?"

Ye Fei stared at the legs of Star Milk Tea and pointed his way.

He's really curious. He's seen two-legged walking, he's also seen four-legged walking, and he's even seen four-legged turns into two-legged, three-legged, and one-legged walking, but these nine-legged walking still It was the first time he saw it. He wanted to see how this girl went.

Star Milk Tea made a dull laugh, and said, "Of course."

After speaking, I saw one leg of this goods moving forward, one meter more, followed by the other leg, followed by the next few legs ...


In just a blink of an eye, the goods went out dozens of meters away, and they all left Ye Fei far behind.

Master Huineng is rubbing his light head straight.

"Amitabha's Buddha, the old man opened his eyes today."

San Yue, the fairy of the scattered flowers, also laughed, "I also saw it for the first time, and I didn't expect that it would be very fast with more legs."

Ye Feidao: "Of course, the spider is not slow to climb, let's go. It is estimated that we can't catch up with him in the 100-meter sprint."

Several people ran after Star Milk Tea, but they could n’t catch up with their milk, and finally Star Milk Tea stopped and waited for them to catch up.

Qingpi grabbed his little twine and said, "Nine legs are fast."

Star Milk Tea suddenly lifted one leg ~ ~ and put it on Qingpi's head.

Qingpi didn't dare to move directly, and the goods were embarrassed, saying: "I didn't mean it, I was praising it. There really is no other meaning. Everyone is an alien. Don't be impulsive."

Ye Fei also hurriedly wanted to stop, these are all their own live guests, if it is not good to fight here.

Who knows that Star Milk doesn't move the green skin at all, but clamps the small hemp rope of the green skin with the only two toes on the front of the legs, and slaps it back and forth a few times, saying, "You don't understand, our planet is every day Fighting, running slowly with fewer legs, life is not guaranteed. "

Ye Fei's group of people: ""

I rely on, evolution, the absolute strongest evidence of evolution.

A few people finally returned to the room, and Star Milk Tea saw the prepared head bowl on the table at a glance. The excited nine legs rushed and rushed over in a blink, directly lifting one leg toward the head bowl on the table. Just grabbed the past.

Ye Fei took a look and shouted: "Slow!"

Star Milk Tea's legs, or hands, stopped directly in the air, turning a bit puzzled and looking at Ye Fei, saying, "Yes, can't you eat this?"

"This is edible but edible, but we haven't done a few more. It's just fun to eat together after a while."

"You make sense, then eat it later."

"Well, now you say hello to the audience in the broadcast room, they just missed you just now."


"Of course, many people just asked why you haven't come yet, look forward to it!"

After that, Ye Fei blinked at him.

Star Milk Tea is unknown, so take it seriously. When you see the computer on the table, you know that Ye Fei used this thing to broadcast live, split directly into the computer's head, and blinked with one eye.

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