The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1137: Crashed

Since Ye Fei started working in the live broadcast industry, it can be said that there has never been a real reward directly with the audience, all are voluntary by the audience, but even so, the results are exaggerated, explosions, Make all the anchors jealous every time.

However, today Ye Fei took the initiative to give a reward to the audience. No one expected that this would happen. The audience in the live broadcast was like crazy, and the reward was like snow falling like raindrops.

This wave of rewards is really too violent, too overbearing, it makes people a little incredible.

No one knows how many interstellar carriers and interstellar spaceships this time, and no one knows how many ordinary carriers and spaceships, because too many are too dense, and many Ye Fei's computers are almost dead.

That's right, Ye Fei's black computer is so powerful that the audience's rewards are almost full of poor performance and they are stuck for several times.

Ye Fei was frightened by himself. The whole person standing in front of the computer was stupid for almost a minute before he reacted. This was a joy in his heart, but he was not an insatiable person after all. He knew that this was the audience for him Face, you can't let people keep rewarding like this, right? There must be a degree of greed, otherwise this energy will be used up too much, and then it will soften, so this product hurriedly stopped.

"Stop, okay, friends, thank you very much for your support, okay ... hey, I'll go, okay, brothers and sisters, don't give a reward, enough is enough, this wave is enough ...... Can you hear me? I am very satisfied, really, I am really satisfied with Ye Fei, can you stop for a while? Uh ~~~ "

Ye Fei collapsed. The more he shouted, the audience in the live broadcast did not stop, and the reward was even more violent. If it was just the endless raindrops, now it is just torrential rain.

Wow ~~

Card ~~

The computer stopped.

Ye Fei: "..."

"What's going on?" Ye Fei's whole body is not good. This thing is black technology. Why is it really stuck?

"System, your sister, don't you say this computer is black technology? Why is it stuck?"


"The fans of the host are too enthusiastic, and the rewards are too fierce. The computer system has not been operated for a while. It should be updated. The current version can no longer support such a fierce reward. Wait, update the system now."

"Fuck, isn't updating the system to turn off and on again? And the time is not short, am I broadcasting live?"

"This is black technology, so we don't have to be so troublesome."


Ye Fei is also drunk. How about black technology? Are you stuck in one stroke and blowing your black technology?

He collapsed, others collapsed. Who has seen this happen? The audience is rewarded for being able to crash the anchor device directly. Is this a joke?

Silver Star anchor group.

A bunch of anchors were all crazy.

"Is there anything wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"Is this OK?"

"God, the ghost knows what I saw today."

"Crash? Ye Fei's computer has been rewarded directly by the audience's wave? Why are you kidding me?"

"This ... is this a record?"

"Do you still need to ask? This is not just a record, but it is definitely a super record of no ancients and no comers. God, this situation can also occur."

"Oh my god, Ye Fei, and Ye Fei's audience, are you sure you are serious?"

"The more you do n’t let the rewards go, the more fierce the rewards will be. The anchor will do this ... the absolute first person in the industry!"

"Ye Fei, please take down my knee."

Interstellar anchor group.

This group of interstellar anchors is also staring at each other. Although they do n’t know how advanced Ye Fei ’s equipment is for live broadcast, no matter how advanced or backward, it can let the audience give the reward to the crash machine. A super dreadful thing!

The whole person of Xibo is about to vomit blood, and this product feels that his breathing is a little unsatisfactory, angry!

"Xibo, did you see that? This earth anchor's device has given his fans a reward for crashing."

"Wo Detian, what level is this bastard? Supreme Supreme Anchor, how many people are there? Only 300,000 people, this reward can bring his equipment to death?"

"The real Nima is a bit ridiculous. Tell me quickly that this is not true. This is not true. I can't accept it."

"It's all true if you don't accept it. You'll see it tomorrow. It will definitely rank among the top ten in the entire Star News."

"Ha? Top ten? Should you be so exaggerated?"

"Exaggeration? Brother, is this an exaggeration? You must know that this kind of thing has never been done by any anchor in the entire army of star anchors, no matter what level of anchor Ye Fei is, and no matter how junk his equipment is, it can make the audience It's a supreme glory in itself to give the fans a reward! "

"That's right, this shows his weight in the eyes of his audience and fans."

"I've heard that for a while, the Star Live Broadcast Association has a game that compares the loyalty of each anchor's fans."


A group of Ma Qingyun was also stupid directly on the spot. They did not expect that this would happen suddenly. Ye Fei just asked for a reward, and it seemed to them that this was the first time since this guy started broadcasting How did the audience give him a computer crash?

"This ... is this a horse situation?"

"Crash? Crash! Ye Shen's computer is crashed by a fan's reward ?!"

"I ... I'm a little hesitant, then, Lao Liu, please give me a shot, am I dreaming?"

"What dream? It's true, hasn't you seen a display that big?"

Ma Qingyun hurriedly called Ye Fei. This is a big deal. How can you broadcast live if there is a problem with your device?

"Ye Fei, why is this so?"

Ye Fei: "... you ask me, who do I ask? That's it, hey, blame me, it all blame me, you shouldn't give a reward."


Ma Qingyun's mouth twitched sharply, and he said that it was a good thing to give a reward. If you blame it, blame your computer for being too garbage.

"Restart the computer quickly."

"Relax, it will be fine soon."

"Do I need to configure you with the best computer?"

"My one is the best."


My hell, what's the best, is it the best?

In fact, Liu Ping, the statistician of the food section group, is the most crashing. This product is different from others. He is the person who needs to count Ye Fei's performance. You said that Ye Fei's computer has crashed. How can Nima count?

"Uh-uh-huh? What about this?" Liu Ping was sitting in front of the computer, his face sullen.

Everyone else is drunk. This is an eternal anecdote in the live broadcast industry. A host's fan rewarded him too much and crashed the computer. Don't talk about it before. I have never heard of it before.

The China Live Broadcasting Association, the International Live Broadcasting Association, the live broadcast associations and anchors in other countries, and even the Star Live Broadcasting Association, can be said to be one. Anyone who is watching Ye Fei Live at this time does not know what to say, this matter is only Can be described as strange.

Even more tragic is Ye Fei ’s audience and fans. Billions of people are sitting in front of the computer with big eyes and small eyes. One by one, there are almost 10,000 grass mud horses jumping around in joy, wanting to send a message It's not enough to express a feeling of inner collapse, let alone a message, and you can't send out a word.

"Ahhhhh, what a **** thing? What kind of **** thing is Ye Shen's computer?"

"I'm furious, I'm furious."

"What is the psychological shadow area of ​​all fans of Ye Shen at this time?"

"I'm crazy, too. This is a big game."

A group of fans are sitting in front of the computer, in front of the mobile phone, in front of the big screen, and all of them are hurting. One by one, scratching their ears and scratching their cheeks, I don't know what to do.

on site.

A few live guests stared directly. You look at me, I look at you, and then all look at Ye Fei.

"Yes, this ... would you like to be so fierce?" Pentium's quicksand eyelids asked fiercely.

Ye Fei shrugged and said, "It was an accident."

"Can live broadcast? If not live, let's start eating?" Star Milk Tea stared at the two dishes on the table, blinking with a super big eye.

Qingpi's Sanfaner left his mouth and said, "I know how to eat. Now Ye Shen's equipment is stuck. Do you still have a mood to eat?"

Without saying anything, Star Milk Tea hugged the green skin, and then a few paws grabbed a few hemp ropes on the skin of the green skin. .. "

"I fight with you!"

"How long?" Ye Fei asked in his heart.

System: "Immediately."


"Khan, this is fast enough, lying down, why is it so powerful? I'm also a little surprised."

"Eat your sister, don't be poor, now I don't know how much to lose."


After all, the system is still the system. After two minutes of crash, Ye Fei's computer resumed work again.

Everyone saw that the computer was fine, and the audience all sprayed.

"Ha ha ha, you can send a message, Ye Shen's computer is fine."

"Well, I'm going, I said Ye Shen, you computer ... this computer from the 1950s?"

"I sell computers, Ye Shen, how about I provide you with the latest Yali computer for free?"

"Is Yali's computer very advanced? My Four Star Group provides one of our latest products, which has not been sold in the market yet. The performance is absolutely killing Yali."

"My Toshiba is also available for free, and it is absolutely superb."

"You all think too much. Ye Shen will also use our Huaxia products. Ye Shen, we are willing to provide a super computer."


Ye Fei looked at all of them and provided himself with a computer. He did n’t know whether he wanted to cry or laugh. He knew that no matter what brand of computer, he did n’t have his own “system” computer. Such a computer will cause you to crash, other brands ... If you can't do it directly, the system will be completely paralyzed.


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