The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1148: Wait for you to recharge and come and break it

One click is a hundred star-level aircraft carriers. In order to express their apologies, Qingpi ordered 150 stars directly to the star-level aircraft carrier and rewarded a total of 15,000 star-level aircraft carriers!

This is definitely a record of blasting days!

This is definitely a record that makes all the anchors jealous and want to go crazy!

Who would have thought that the green leather goods would be so crazy, not rewarding is not rewarding, a reward directly gave almost all the other anchor fans to the second.

When a group of Ma Qingyun heard this number, when they heard how much it was, everyone could feel that their breathing was stagnant for dozens of seconds, or they simply forgot to breathe .

Three billion rewards, alone, this Nima is too incredible?

Fortunately, they are all watching. If no one saw this scene, then someone told them that an audience rewarded a broadcaster with 3 billion CX, and they would definitely think that this person was neurotic, because This is simply impossible. Whose family is not mining, and the money is not brought by the wind. How could it be so bad to give a broadcaster a reward?

Just when Ma Qingyun was rewarded by Zhenpi to Chen's mess, suddenly his cell phone rang and he took it out to the director.

Ma Qingyun is a little strange, isn't this product sent to the hospital? Why are you calling at this time?

"Hey, Lao Xiang, what's wrong?"

"I said where are you all? Why is there no one in the conference room?"

"Uh ~ aren't you in the hospital? What meeting room?"

"Our conference room, what hospital am I in? This is how my heart is. It ’s enough to take some medicine. I did n’t even go to the hospital and let them send me back. I have to watch Ye Shen ’s show. Then, I said, where are you all? "

"We ... we're on the food side."

"That line, wait for me, I'll go now."

"Old Xiang ..."

Ma Qingyun told him not to come here. If he came here and knew the situation, he wouldn't really faint?

But before he talked, he hung up the phone to the director.

After a while, he came over to the director with his fat body shaking, panting, "I said, why are you all here? Didn't you watch Ye Shen's live broadcast in the conference room? Hey ~ what's wrong with you? eccentric?"

The eyes of Ma Qingyun's group of people were indeed weird, and they all looked at the director strangely.

Seeing that no one answered himself, Tang Xiaomin was pulled over from the director. Now these employees of the gourmet group are also celebrities in the company, so he also knows it.

"Tang Xiaomin, what's going on?"

Tang Xiaomin opened his mouth and glanced at Ma Qingyun.

Ma Qingyun shook her head at her, and she was finally seen by the director.

"Don't listen to him, what's going on? Say, this is an order."

Lao Xiang felt that Tang Xiaomin was not used to hold her identity, she would not tell the truth to herself.

When Tang Xiaomin heard this, he hurriedly said, "To the director, I said."


"We ... Yeshen had a guest at the scene just now, that is the green skin full of small hemp rope in his head. He gave Yeshen a reward for the interstellar aircraft carrier. Let's see the situation."

"Oh? Some reward for the Star Carrier? How much is that?"

"This one......."


"Fifteen thousand ships!"

"Oh, it's only fifteen thousand ......... How much do I wipe? !!! How much do you say?"

Want to tell the directors that it is only 15,000? As a result, I had a reaction before I finished speaking. The direct sound increased by dozens of decibels, and all of them changed voices, asking sharply.

Tang Xiaomin was frightened and hurriedly said, "15,000 ships."

"15,000 ships? 15,000 star aircraft carriers? 15,000 ships ......... ~~~~"

"Old, old!"

"I knew it would happen, I knew it would happen."

"Who told you to tell him?"

"Oh, what are you still standing for? Call an ambulance!"

"Lao Xiang, be stronger, the ambulance will be here in a while."

A group of people messed up directly, they couldn't help but mess up. They turned their eyes to the directors and passed.

The ambulance of the First People's Hospital of Yinzhou City was just a short distance from the Qiuqiu Group. After all, it was just sent back to the director. This is about a few hundred meters away from the Qiuqiu Group. Xiang Feiying's phone.

After listening, the on-board doctor was about to cry, and said to the driver, "Old Peng, go back."

Lao Peng laughed: "Dr. Zhao, we are going back."

"I mean back to Qiuqiu Group."

"Ah? Why go back? We just came out from there."

"There was an accident and someone passed out."


"The fat man we sent just now is out of breath again."


"Special! What about walking the dog?"

Within three minutes, the ambulance returned to the Qiuqiu Group and was picked up by the director.

The other anchors of Starcraft were completely bombed this time, and one by one was almost envious of Ye Fei.

"You guys, fans are the same. My fans can be happy for a long time to reward a motorcycle. You see Ye Fei's fans."

"Fuck, that's called Niu Ren. Such a fan really wants a dozen."

"A dozen ghosts, are you too greedy? I only need one for my whole life."

"Ye Fei ... I served you!"

"This earth anchor is so ruthless!"

"No, it ’s the anchor ’s fans. Why is n’t such a great audience my fans?”

"Fuck, can I tell you that this is a former fan of mine? I have statistics on the online time of the audience in the background. This product has been in our live studio for almost two years. He has been assigned to a low-level fan, who knows now .... His mother, vomiting blood. "

Everyone was messed up. One fan rewarded 15,000 spacecraft carriers at one time. It was 3 billion for Huaxia Coin and 30 million for Xinghe Coin! This is definitely not a joke, it is definitely a reward!

Ye Fei froze for almost two minutes. He looked at Qingpi with an apologetic expression, and then ... then the idiotic handed him the new little stone mill he had just taken out.

Qingpi: "..."

"Yes, what are you doing?"

Ye Fei: "This also breaks me."

Qingpi: "..."

"I ... Ye Shen, my account is out of money."

"Oh, wait for you to recharge and then come and break it, rest assured, I'll keep it for you."

"I @ # ¥ ..."

All audience: "......."

No one expected Ye Fei to say such a sentence, one by one stupid for a few seconds, the next moment all sprayed directly.

"Oops, lying down, Ye Shen, you're enough!"

"Comic, Ye Shen reproduces the true color of coma."

"I'll take it, Ye Shen, can you say that too?"

"Emma, ​​I laughed to death, Ye Shen, would you be so cute?"

"Fortune fan, Ye Shen is a money fan, haha."

People all laughed.

Several people in the quicksand at the scene also laughed and all tears were coming out. A girl as beautiful as Shen Yue even squatted on the ground, covering her stomach regardless of the image.

Master Hui Neng even folded his hands, and as a result, he did not read out Amitabha for a long time, and laughed lightly.

Ye Fei blinked and blinked, then suddenly he laughed.

"Just kidding, I can't buy this tool if I have the money. Isn't it fun to laugh or laugh? Okay, now we start making rice noodles."

When it comes to the topic, the audience is as serious as possible, yes, it is as much as possible, because they can't help but laugh when they think of Ye Fei.

Before Ye Fei made rice noodles, first processed the pork belly, cut into slices, and then marinated with cooking wine, raw soy sauce, old soy sauce, and a small amount of white sugar and refined salt. This put the wok on the stove. There is no oil in the pot, but it is just dried.

After the water in the pot has dried up, turn off the heat slightly, then put the rice noodles with a little pepper and star anise to start frying, and fry while saying: "The taste of rice noodles depends on the individual, if you want to eat Spicy. After stir frying for a while, you can put some chili pepper or pickled pepper. If you do n’t like it, just fry it. But do n’t stop the shovel in this hand because there is no water or oil in the pot. It is easy to fry the rice in black. The color of the rice we need is golden yellow ~ ~ Ye Fei said, the shovel in his hand kept turning the rice in the pot, while the left hand end Holding one ear of the wok, he wobbled it constantly.

It didn't take long for the rice in the pot to change color. After a while, the rice became golden yellow. At this time, Ye Fei turned the fire off, and then poured the rice back into the small glass basin just now, using chopsticks to turn the inside. A small amount of peppercorns and star anise are all picked out, and then these fried rice is placed on a hardwood pier on a stone mill, and the small stone **** is turned.

Everyone heard a crunchy sound from the live broadcast room. This is the sound that Xiao Shizhao crushed the rice. Because the rice has been fried thoroughly, it is very crispy and easy to stick.

Ye Fei just milled the indica rice twice with a small stone hoe, because the pier below is made of wood, but if the rice is continuously milled, the rice noodles will become very thin, which is not what Ye Fei needs. Yes, the rice flour he needs is the current one.

I saw that the indica rice on the hardwood pier was all crushed and crushed, but the particles after breaking were still relatively large, even like the same broken diamond.

When you touch it with your hands, you obviously have a rough feeling, but at the bottom of these particles, there is also a thin layer of rice noodles. These rice noodles play a role of bonding.

Served the rice noodles from the small pier into the pot, and Ye Fei ground the small stones, and said, "OK, this is the rice noodle we need. Everyone saw it. It's not very fine, but it's a bit rough. Rice noodles are the best for steaming meat. They have a taste and stickiness. Okay, now that rice noodles are available and the meat is marinated, the next step is hanging flour. "

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