The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1151: problem

After Ye Fei announced a one-to-two lottery, the entire broadcast room was fully blown. No one expected that Ye Fei would suddenly announce such a news, which was a great news for them, especially for them. For some real foodies, this is the news that makes them feel happiest.

Thanksgiving, food delivery.

How many days have they waited for this news?

They all cried for the news.

Now, the news finally came out.

In fact, they didn't know at all. For this matter, Ye Fei had discussed with the system for a long time in the heart. At the beginning, the food provided by the system was not delivered, because all these ingredients are the best ingredients provided by the system. Some ingredients even It is extinct in the world. Only the legendary ingredients exist. It can be said that there is nowhere to buy if you have money.

Therefore, the system initially did not allow Ye Fei's gourmet food to be packaged for take-out. However, in the end, Ye Fei's soft grinding and hard work could not be supported. In order to make this plan possible, Ye Fei would rather buy food from the system from his own pocket.

I'll give you money, I'll buy your ingredients, I'll always make it, right?

And I ’m not a takeaway, it ’s a prize. I do n’t charge for it, and it does n’t break your rules.

In this way, Ye Fei and the system have been honed for many days. Only at that moment, the system did not agree with Ye Fei's request. It is also well-known that in order to help Ye Fei to be more smooth on the road of the anchor, Ye Fei was almost disgusted.

You shameless system, can you say that too?

If it really helped me, you would n’t be able to disagree with the idea that is so conducive to me to win the audience. In the end, did n’t you agree with money?

However, now that this plan is finished, Ye Fei can't wait to announce it to the audience.

It didn't matter that he made the announcement, and the entire audience was excited.

After eating all over the world, I screamed and yelled.

"Yeshen, how do you say that? You will say (just now)? You can deliver food? You ’ve got a mother, and you ’ve finally made this decision. Wait until you make this decision. One drop, God has eyes, I finally let Ye Shen breathe (Kaiqiao). "

The goods were anxious and anxious. The hometown dialect was 6 times more than Mandarin. Many viewers in the live broadcast room did not understand what it meant at first.

I was eating the food. Zhang Junwei brushed out the gift the first time. He couldn't open the gift, but he ordered it quickly.

Uh ...

I saw the interstellar spacecraft and the interstellar aircraft carrier flying outward one by one, people's eyes were dizzy, and finally the cargo ordered one hundred in one breath!

That's right, Zhang Junwei directly dumped super luxury items.

"Ye Shen, say nothing, just make this decision for you. The reward will not be lower than the Star Cruiser in the future, not for what it is, but for you to be able to think for the audience. I know what level of food you have. You ca n’t buy any money. You can make this decision. I do n’t know how big your sacrifice is. I admire Zhang Junwei. You have to collect the hundred star carriers and starships, and then come later. ”

This product is also a bit disgusted with excitement.

He uttered a lot of crying expressions, and the goods were directly thrown out of the twenty-star aircraft carrier, saying: "Yes, I love you, really, I love you so much."

Qin Zekai, Qin Jianlin, Lu Shanchuan, King Xiangnan, Shiba Tian, ​​Peerless Pheasant, Rhodes, Arathor, Dahale, etc. It can be said that the audience of the earth is completely violent, and all of them have begun to brush out interstellar items .

In such an instant of effort, the live broadcast almost paralyzed these items.

That's what Ye Fei's message is for!

Ma Qingyun's group was all a little unresponsive.

"Yeshen ... started to take out?"

"What kind of take-out? This is called food delivery. Ye Shen is grateful to give back to everyone."

"Well, if that's the case, wouldn't we also have a chance to eat his food?"

"It's a chance, although the odds are still small, but it's much bigger than before."

"Fuck, I've been next to the winning guest several times. If this is the case in the future, I have to eat many times, and think of it as happiness."

Ma Qingyun suddenly laughed, and then waved his hand, saying: "This is a very strong news, tell us all the news partners, propaganda, use the greatest strength to propagate, how much money we pay!"

He knows that the news of Ye Fei is not only good news for the audience, but also good news for their platform, because the fact is right in front of them. Ye Fei has just announced the news, and the rewards have overflowed. Disaster, this is all money. The more rewards Ye Fei gets, the more they get on the platform. Can you be happy?

In fact, they do not need to notify them at all. The news media around the world boiled immediately. Numerous news media all reported Ye Fei's decision as quickly as possible, which directly caused an uproar in the world.

Whether you watch Ye Fei's show or not, as long as you know Ye Fei, you can say that everyone jumped up in excitement.

In the ancient building, the five red-haired elf gods were also stunned, and then all laughed.

"This little guy is pretty brave."

"Well, food delivery, it really requires a lot of courage. To know that for every lucky guest, he will send out two foods. Like he is today, there are five lucky guests. Food, that's more than what he made during the live broadcast. "

"I like this kid. Really, I like this kid more and more. It's a personal talent."

"This idea really caught people's hearts. Just punch it. I guess the kid ’s audience will skyrocket again."

"Where is 5 billion people, and the Earth audience is only about 2 billion, which is only a quarter, indicating that the potential of the Earth audience is still very large."

"Fuck, this kid is going to collect the entire audience from the Internet, it's too hard, but I like it."

"I really want to meet this little guy when I have a chance. It's such an interesting little guy."

"Uh ~~ Is it just me who thinks of a very serious problem?" Just as a few people were talking eloquently, Green Scale, who had not spoken, said suddenly.

A few people froze, all looking at the green scales.

"What's the problem?" Asked Han.

Green Scale said: "This kid's idea is really good news for the global audience, because after all, it can let more people eat the food he makes, so that it can make him and his food influence. The expansion is wider, so that it can also get the support of more earth audiences, but what about those interstellar audiences? Knowing the technology of the earth, let alone that they ca n’t interstellar, even if there is, it is estimated It will take decades or even hundreds of years to go to the nearest living planet. At that time, the takeaway ... It is estimated that the hair is longer than the hair, so can it still be eaten? "

other people:"........"

Hair is longer than hair?

Although this is a metaphor, it is also a reality.

They had been patronizing just now and ignored the question.

"When Green Scale said this, I also just remembered it, and it really is the case. If this problem is not solved, this kid's plan will definitely arouse the dissatisfaction of the interstellar audience."

"Well, he probably didn't think of that."

"If he cares about the global audience regardless of the interstellar audience, then his development will be limited in the end. Even if all the billions of people on the planet have become his audience fans, he will at best be a first-class anchor. It can't reach the interstellar anchor industry, "said the Tin Man, clamoring and clamoring.

Then everyone looked at the Elven God.

Inside the live room.

Ye Fei really encountered this problem.

Billions of interstellar viewers are all asking him what to do now.

Ye Fei has a bit of claws, because the plan was brewing before the Qiuqiu platform opened the interstellar channel. At that time, he was facing an earth audience, but now there is not only an earth audience in the live studio, but also There is an interstellar audience.

The takeaway from the global audience is very good ~ ~ I only need to ensure that the food will not change for a long time, and the taste will be fine. With international express delivery, I can deliver it everywhere, it is just a matter of being late.

But how does this interstellar audience send it?

Facing the question from the interstellar audience, Ye Fei was scratching his head. At this time, the speed of the lucky turntable was getting slower and slower, and many interstellar audiences were already a little irritable.

"What is it? Ye Shen, this is your fault, the earth audience is your audience, aren't we?"

"That is, you can't be equal, it will make us sad."

"Fuck, you just said you were kind and treat your fans fairly, now ... haha."

"I'm so mad, how can I be so mad? Ye Shen, I really like your show and the food you make, but it's really unreasonable for you to do this, it hurts this person."


The audience finally rioted this week.

The earth audiences all speak for Ye Fei, but now there are about one billion more interstellar audiences than them, and it will not help.

When Ye Fei was anxious, he suddenly received a call and laughed after hearing it.

"Friends, the problem is solved."

"Ah? Really? Ye Shen, how did you solve it?" An interstellar audience named Xingkong Love asked excitedly.

The other interstellar viewers followed all the questions, because if this problem is solved, it would be great.

The earth audience was also curious about what method Ye Fei used to deliver food to the interstellar audience, and they didn't say a word, listening curiously and quietly ...


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