The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1155: Is this wine so fast?

Huaxia is very big and drinks are a lot.

Due to the different climates and regional environments in different places, the characteristics of drinks are also different.

It is good in the north, and elegant in the south.

Of course, this is not a generalization, because there are also people in the South who like to drink high alcohol, and there are people in the North who have a small amount of alcohol.

However, the general trend is this.

The altar that was given by the system last century is 100 years old. Although it is very fragrant and mellow, its alcohol content is about 50 degrees. This alcohol content is already considered to be highly alcoholic, but it is not very high. Ye Fei can still handle it.

But when Ye Fei saw the degree of the bottle of wine in his hand, the goods wanted to break the bottle.

He couldn't help falling. He knew that if he didn't fall, the meal would be all down. Don't look at this bottle of wine is only about two pounds, but the degree of this bottle of wine is too outrageous.

Seventy-two degrees!

That's right, the bottle of wine in Ye Fei's hands is 72 degrees!

What is a 72-degree wine?

That's the head!

That's base wine!

This stuff is just the first wine distilled out. High degrees will kill people.

Don't say Ye Fei doesn't drink too much, even if he is an alcoholic, he has to kneel to drink this 72-degree drink.

This can no longer be called wine, but alcohol!

The medical alcohol used for disinfection in the hospital is only 75 degrees, and some may be about 72 degrees. Now the systemic neuropathy directly gives out a bottle of white wine at 72 degrees. Ye Fei was crying.

Hey, I'm not just because of food delivery for a while? Are you tossing me like this? Will it die?

Everyone saw Ye Fei opened a storage compartment and took out a bottle of wine, and then stood there without moving, one by one curious.

"Rely on, Ye Shen, what's wrong? Why not move?"

"Is it fixed?"

"A fixation method. Your fixation method, there must be something wrong. Do you have to think about it?"

"Isn't it just taking a bottle of wine? Can this still go wrong?"

"A must, there must be something wrong with the drink. If I guess it is good, it should be that the drink is too good, Ye Shen is shocked."

"Wine is too good? Shocked? Brother, what kind of eggplant logic do you have? It must be what Ye Shen thinks, look at it, Ye Shen moved, hey ~ This wine bottle is so big, what kind of wine is it? ? "

Ye Fei finally moved, holding a bottle of wine, and slowly came to the computer.

Now there is no way, he can't let the audience know his thoughts, let alone the bottle of 72 degrees, it is 92 degrees, he must also be happy to drink it, wait anyway After the live broadcast, you must find the system to calculate the account. Well, if you are not dead yet.

After watching the news in the live broadcast for a while, Ye Fei tried to make himself laugh, and then sent the bottle of wine forward. He also pointed the camera at the degree on the bottle of wine, and laughed hard: Today we drink ... this! "

After everyone looked at the degrees on the sake bottle, they all became stupid.

A moment later, the whole broadcast room burst.

"My uncle, Ye Shen, are you serious?"

"I'll take it, seventy-two degrees? Ye Shen, are you sure you are not dying?"

"Seventy-two degrees of liquor? God, this Nima can cook as alcohol."

"Oh my God, Ye Shen, are you swollen? Do you have any thoughts? Don't abuse yourself like this."

"Uh ~~ Ye Shen, do you usually drink such awesome wine? Otherwise, you can't use this wine to entertain live guests."

"Great, my Ye Shen, I didn't expect you to be a wine god."

Seeing the news from the audience in the live broadcast, Ye Fei really wanted to die. I was still a **** of wine, especially now that I am going to be an alcoholic, OK?

"Oh, guys, in fact, the degree of alcohol is high, and it is not necessarily the spirit ..."

After Ye Fei said this sentence, I felt wrong. Isn't alcohol a high alcohol content? But he didn't know what to say, because he really wanted to escape now.

"Even if it is spirits, but this bottle of wine is made using the most advanced brewing technology. Everyone knows that the alcohol content of the wine head is almost 75 degrees, but there are many impurities in it, which is not suitable for direct drinking. But as long as it can be handled well, then these wine heads are the best white wine. This is the bottle of wine in our hands. The world-class vacuum brewing method is used to remove impurities from the wine head and then add appropriate ones to it. Water, get 72-degree white wine, this wine is the real food, and I'm not afraid to tell you that this bottle of wine has a history of 70 years, you can find that the wine inside is slightly yellow, which is the precipitation of years. This is the mark of vicissitudes, well, let's not talk so much, we will taste this bottle of wine in a moment. "

Ye Fei said a sentence on the ground, he didn't know what he was talking about, because he was really scared now, and his mind was a bit lost.

Master Hui Neng is a flower monk. This wine and meat are not jealous, but even so, when he saw the 72-degree bottle of liquor in Ye Fei's hands, the monk's face was a little green.

"Ah ... Amituo's buddha is here, Ye Shen, I ... I have a bad stomach these days, and I shouldn't drink alcohol, can I not drink it?"

The Buddha's name is not easy to read, although he also knows that Ye Fei's drinks are definitely world-class wines, but you are so beautiful, I ca n’t stand it, let alone 70 years of aging, you are even It is seven hundred years old, but after all, it is a seventy-two degree wine. How does this Nima drink?

Shen Yue, the scattered flower fairy, immediately messed up. She stared at the bottle of wine in Ye Fei's hand, and then smiled hard, saying, "I ... I have been here with relatives these days, and I can't drink Oh, Ye Shen, don't you say there are drinks? I can just drink them. "

Master Hui Neng also hurriedly said, "The poor monk also drinks."

Ye Fei: "..."

He really wanted to yell, and I wanted to drink something.

But he knew that no matter how hard he tried at this time, the wine had to be drunk a little. You can't just let the three aliens drink it, right?

Look at three aliens, one curious baby, all staring at the bottle of wine in Ye Fei's hands.

"Hmm ~~ Is this what you say in your mouth?"

"Well, he told me that he not only ate the unforgettable food of his life here, but also the thing called wine that he couldn't forget for a lifetime. He said it was very delicious. After drinking it, Fluttering, I also tasted the quicksand of the Pentium today. "

"Yeshen, give me a bowl first."

Speaking of this, the green skin didn't wait for Ye Fei to react directly, and then ran to the operation platform and took a bowl and ran back, and then handed the bowl to Ye Fei.

Ye Fei looked at the large bowl handed over by Qingpi, and with his hands folded, he almost dropped the wine bottle in his hand to the floor. Lying down, are you sure to drink with a bowl?

"This ... I think it is better to use wine glasses. Everyone is a civilized person. Sven nods."

Talking, Ye Fei hurried to the storage compartment and grabbed a few cups, and in addition he drank a large glass of orange juice drink.

After everything was ready, the crowd went straight to eat.

Nine dishes can be said to represent the supreme realm of nine steamed dishes, and each one is a rare gourmet.

Shen Yue didn't drink, and Ye Fei poured her a glass of orange juice.

Master Hui Neng also wanted to drink orange juice, but this guy saw that the good wine provided by Ye Fei was a little uncomfortable, so he finally asked for a glass.

Filling their cups with green skin, Ye Fei poured himself a cup.

Just after the drink was poured, it can be said that a strong flavor of the wine rushed out, and the audience in the live broadcast room also smelled it.

After smelling this wine, many people close their eyes and feel slowly. Although the degree of this wine is relatively high, the wine is really fragrant. This kind of perfume is the aroma of pure wine, even this The aroma of several kinds of raw materials can still be smelled in this kind of aroma. This is the best place for aging, the more aging!

Regardless of whether it is admitted or not, the liquor at 72 degrees is a spirit, and it is a super spirit. For many people who are not good at drinking, it smells dizzy.

There were a lot of children and girls and even some men in the live broadcast room, all of them were a little bit hot, their faces were redder, their eyes were blurry, yes, they were drunk.

For those who have good wine, this kind of wine is simply the best wine in the world, and even the real agar slurry!

"Beauty is great, this is good wine, this is good wine."

"I'm relying on it. I have no chance to take a sip, which is a big regret in life."

"Seventy-two degrees of wine, even with such a scent of aroma, is really incredible."

"Oh, hey, the wine bug in my stomach is starting to move again, a little bit unbearable."

"Spirits and cuisine, the best match, this is life!"

"Yes, this is what a man should do!"

"Cut, it's as if our women can't drink. Who dares to come and try it? My mother made you two and a half pounds!"


Ye Fei doesn't have time to watch the news in the live broadcast now either. He shoved up the 72-degree glass of white wine in front of him and stretched out his hand ... Everyone saw this hand This **** ~ ~ Just like getting sick, some of the drinks in that glass spilled out, and many people feel sorry.

Ye Feicai doesn't care if it's a pity. Specially, I can't wait to throw this cup on the ground.

"Well, as ... as the host, thank you again sincerely ... everyone can come in a busy schedule, we ..."

He wanted to say that we had a taste of it, after all, the degree of wine was too high.

But he didn't say it yet. The green leather over there held up the wine glass and said, "Go!"

Guru ~~

When I lifted my neck, a full glass of wine went straight down.

Pentium's quicksand and interstellar milk tea did not fall behind, and they drank along.

Ye Fei was crying, why did Nima's egg not understand the world? Brother, is it really good to drink liquor at 72?

He was carrying his glass of wine ... even more sloppy.

Next to him, the monk Huineng suddenly wanted to fan his mouth. What do you think you can do? This time I drank a cup directly, Amitabha, old man ... I can't stand it.

He looked at Ye Fei and found that Ye Fei was also watching him.

"Master, maybe we two ..."

Master Hui Neng didn't finish listening to Ye Fei and said, "Amitabha, my Buddha once said such a sentence, who will go to **** if I don't go to hell, Ye God, the oldest step ahead."

Then, the monk suffocated a glass of wine.

Then ... Then the monk smashed his mouth, put the cup in front of Ye Fei, and said, "Ye God, come again."

Ye Fei: "......."

I rely, is this wine so fast?

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