The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1158: He hit me. I did not hesitate!

Wine is good.

Wine is food, the younger you drink.

Nothing can't be solved with one glass of wine. If it can't be solved, then drink two glasses.

Explain that wine is not only a communication tool, but also something that can promote a lively atmosphere and be good for the body, but no matter how good it is, drinking must have a degree. Drinking too much is really bad. It is a trivial matter for people to go abroad. The body is also not good, and sometimes people even do something that makes people laugh when they are drunk.

Just like today ’s live broadcast, a glass of 72-degree white wine, a large bottle, weighing two pounds, almost all of the three aliens of Pentium's quicksand were killed, Ye Fei drank a glass, and the monk drank two cup.

Originally, the three guys were okay when they drank, but they obviously got up after drinking, and the guy was a little drunk, after all, the degree of wine was too high.

Pentium's quicksand was emotional because he didn't let him draw the lottery, but Ye Fei finally let him draw it. He was drawing it here, and no one knew what was going on there.

Many viewers on the earth do n’t know the power of the weapons in their hands, but the interstellar viewers and Ye Fei know, let ’s not say that it ’s really a hit. This island with two shots is also enough. This cargo rushed over and called: Hit, what plane do you have? Are you still drinking with some wine? What's going on? "

Although a few guys drank almost, their brains were still a bit sober, and they still respected Ye Fei.

Qingpi glanced at Star Milk Tea and said, "He hit me."

Star Milk Tea: "I didn't hesitate."

Ye Fei: "......."

I rub, what the **** is this, why does he mean you?

He gave a strange glance at the green skin, and then another star milk tea, and said, "What the **** is going on? Everyone is a friend. Put your weapons away before you say it."

Qingpi hummed away the gun and axe, and Star Milk Tea also put away seven guns.

"He's banging my hair, is he addicted? Since he came to the present, he can twitch at every turn, annoying?"

"What's wrong with me? What's on your head is to make me good."

"Who said that, can I kick your leg?"


"I ... don't think I don't know. All the special things on your legs are barb. You want to hurt me."


Ye Fei completely served these two, Nima's, are they full? Is this interesting?

"Ahem, this ... Everyone is from a different planet, I don't know how far apart they are, they can come to me to meet ... according to our Huaxia, it is fate, they are friends, a little contradiction Do n’t take it to heart, right? Besides, I asked you to come here to be a live guest for me. If you talk about it, it wo n’t be a good thing to hurt anyone. Ye Fei wants to be famous. But I never really thought about being famous by this method, so everyone is calm, sit down and talk about something, and the contradiction can be resolved. Is it really impossible? Have a drink? "

Ye Fei ca n’t help it. He knows that for these two guys, you can only persuade them. You must not be overly aggressive. Otherwise, they are more aggressive than you. Then they are really finished. I know that there is no good stubble. I really want to fight it, and I may not be able to see what it will look like. At that time, it is a small thing to keep this small island. The key is that the earth is dangerous, and the earth is dangerous.

You talk about your aliens fighting the earth as a battlefield. How much wrong is this earth man?

Therefore, this rack must not be hit, it is really impossible, just make another bottle and stun the two guys.

Both of them snorted, and sat down angrily.

Ye Fei saw that it was all right, and he was quietly relieved. He said that as long as he did n’t fight, he could fight. You can fight after you go back or you can leave the earth to fight again. The space battlefield is big. It ’s okay to overturn the sky. .

The audience in the broadcast room was also relieved, and it was really bad that the alien was so hot-tempered, and you also talked about the milk tea of ​​the stars, you are always fine about what people do Fortunately, the green skin, if the temper is more hot, it is estimated that the war has already begun.

Ye Fei wiped off the cold sweat, Shen Yue also exhaled a long breath, Master Huineng ..... Huh ~ Huh ~~

Pentium's quicksand didn't even care about it, the goods eyes were staring straight at the lucky turntable.

The army around the island saw peace for the time being, and the fighter did not take off, because the order given above was to closely monitor the situation and not move for the time being.

Riceland White House.

Solova slammed his feet, and said, "Why didn't you fight?"

Eagle Country, Golden Han Palace.

The eagle queen was relieved, and said, "I'm sorry I didn't fight."

People in other countries in the world also say everything.

At the scene, the speed of the lucky turntable slowed down, finally stopped, and then the pointer flashed and pointed to a name.

Ferris wheel!


Seeing this name, Ye Fei felt that his breathing had stopped.

Although he doesn't know who the skyscraper is, he knows the planet Cybertron!

It can be said that for the people of the earth, no matter whether they are Huaxia or Mi people, or people in any other country, whether they are adults or children, I do n’t know if there is too little or too little on this planet, even if you Don't know the planet, but you absolutely know the people on this planet.



Optimus Prime!


That's right, the car metal people portrayed by these earth people are from this planet. It can be said that this is definitely a super powerful planet, with strong civil customs and good warfare, and they can fight one by one.

No one expected that the last guest of the day would be able to draw the Ferris column of Cybertron's planet. This is like a joke. Do these legendary planets really exist?

Previously this was only a question, but now people know that these really exist because the people of these planets are about to appear in front of their eyes.

"Cybertan? Cybertron! My god, is there really this planet?"

"Ahhh, I like people on this planet, my idol Optimus Prime!"

"Bumblebee takes a wave."

"The Decepticon is awesome."


People are really excited because they know the planet and the people on the planet. Although it is not clear whether this is the same as in the movie, at least these three words are still very familiar to people.

It can be said that these three words accompanied many people from childhood to juvenile, to adulthood, and then to middle age, and even old age.

Many people ’s childhood dream is to have a set of Transformers models. That is the best childhood gift. It is a set of essential toys that many people would rather buy for a long time.

At this point, let's not talk about the Earth audience, even the interstellar audience is uproar.

"My God, Cybertron? He was drawn to Cybertron?"

"You should say that the people of Cybertron also watch Ye Shen's show?"

"Fuck, this is a sturdy planet. The whole universe dares to do very little with this planet."

"How about the Planet of Beasts? That's Star Milk Tea their planet."

"Planet of beasts? Hehe, just smile."

In ancient building.

Seeing the guest quota, the Tin Man stunned, and then laughed.

"See, no one on our planet. I didn't expect that the people on our planet will also become Ye Shen's live guest. Old Han, you need to take care of it at that time."

Lao Han laughed: "Just to be a guest, there is nothing to take care of, go to that kid, do nothing, eat and drink is the most important thing."

"You're right, but don't drink like these three guys. You represent the face of our Star Broadcasting Association. Don't embarrass us."

"Haha, that's not necessarily true. You have to know that I'm also a very good drinker, and you should also know that our planet also has drinks, and it's the same as this little guy's drink, but it should not be as good as his drink, see Good wine, in fact, the wine bug in my stomach is also uprising. "

At this moment, the red-haired elf smiled and said, "In fact, I still agree with the sentence that the boy just said."

"Oh? Which one?"

"Although the wine is good, don't be greedy for the cup, but I did not expect that this kid will have such a thing at the end of today's show. Look at this show of today's show. The front part is wonderful and the last part .. .... black smoke. "

Lao Han and the Iron Man all laughed.

The red-haired elf **** is right, isn't Ye Shen's final part of this episode of the show just a black smoke? This is going to fight.

At this time, the live broadcast ~ ~ Star Milk Tea saw that the last guest turned out to be the Ferris column of Cybertron's planet.

"This ... how could he get him?" After a long time, Star Milk Tea said incredible.

Ye Fei was a few people, all looked at him.

"Do you know this skyscraper?"

Star Milk Tea Ceremony: "I don't know, but I know that there is a tradition when people on Cybertron take their names, that is, everyone who is called Tianzhu is not simple. It is said that they came out a long time ago. I've got a very powerful person called Optimus Prime, and I don't think this skyscraper will be bad. "

Ye Fei's eyelids froze, Optimus Prime? Is it really there?

"Let you say that, I'm really curious about this person, and I really hope to see you soon."

"Hehe, Ye God, you don't have to be afraid at that time."

"What do you mean?"

"People on this planet are still very famous in the interstellar, especially the way they travel, they ... they don't have a spaceship."

"How do you travel?"

"Just use your body to fly in space. Just punch this point. It can be said that the power is so messy, so few stars in the interstellar are willing to provoke them, because they are really powerful, and they are scary."

Ye Fei was sweating a little, and relying on his body to fly in space, it was really a powerful mess. Isn't it afraid that the friction is gone?

After the audience in the live room sighed at this time, they hurriedly looked at the other two names. These two names are the people who can get food from Ye Fei ...


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