The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1160: What a lovely kitten

Home ugliness should not be advertised. You can only tell others to joke when you say it.

He Peng has collapsed now. The family is unfortunate. The family is unfortunate. There is a silly daughter-in-law. Can such things be said outside? And in front of more than five billion people, the key is that there is not only an earth audience, but also an interstellar audience, my daughter-in-law, do you think your husband is ashamed of me? This time, it's a good thing. It was directly thrown out of the earth and into outer space.

Everyone in the live room laughed crazy.

"Emma, ​​no, no, He Peng, I didn't expect your kid to be like this."

"Well, I don't know how your physique serves several wives, Xiao Pengpeng, pay attention to your body."

"Be careful, there are several wives around him. Can he pay attention? Didn't he look like a thin monkey when he came over?"

"Ah, that's pitiful for this guy all of a sudden."

"Poor man must have hate, who made him bother to find Ye Shen in the first place?"

"That is, Ms. Yi Mihua, I'm He Peng's boss, and I'll tell you a message. He Peng once found five women one night. The three of you are more than enough. He must be a slipper. He I know too well. "

He Peng: "......."

"Pharaoh? I rely, you you ... You are not human, you, I was not thin to you at the beginning? You ... how can you do this to me? When do I find After five women? You speak with conscience, do you know? "

"Ah, He Peng, don't hide your strength anymore. Although you are very thin, sometimes it ’s still a wild animal. Many people who used to know about DD technology here, are there people who do n’t have DD technology? Say it? "

Not to mention, there are a lot of people who used to be DD technology in the live broadcast room, all of them jumped out.

"Yes, Pharaoh followed He Peng before and was the manager in charge of the intelligence department."

"If this is what Pharaoh said, that's absolutely right, and I heard many girls from the company said before that He Peng tried to hit their attention every day, and this guy was completely dissatisfied."

"Ms. Yi Mihua, although I was under He Peng before, but now I have to betray him for your happiness. He is really strong. Once he took me out to play, and finally found a Taiguo Man / monster, you read it right. It was indeed a man / monster. Then he asked me to leave and wait to pick him up the next day. When I went to pick him up, I saw the **** holding on to the wall and walked back. He grinned as he grinned, and murmured beasts in his mouth. This is He Peng's true strength. Don't be deceived by him. "

African desert.

He Peng couldn't stand it anymore, and a spit of blood spurted out, and when he shook his body, his head fell into the desert, and he shouted.

"Asshole, you are all assholes."

The whole live room was almost laughing and spraying. No one expected that it was his group of old subordinates who finally gave He Pengyi a knife. To what extent did this product have to be harsh to these people before?

Shen Yue's face was a little red, and I was embarrassed. After all, the problem discussed was a bit unsightly, but she was indeed laughing, and her big eyes were turning into crescent shapes.

Ye Fei couldn't help crying or laughing. He didn't expect that he just talked about it casually. Eventually, things would turn out like this. He Peng, I was very arrogant. This is not what I can control.

"Okay, my friends, we have finished our food and we have finished eating, and our next live broadcast guest has also been produced, so today our live broadcast will be here, and we will see you next time."

After that, Ye Fei directly closed the video.

No way, he was afraid that if he didn't turn off the video again, he would laugh and squirt.

After closing the video, Ye Fei said nothing, lay on the table and laughed for a while, then waited for enough to start packing.

If you follow the rules of the past, you can let these guests leave, but not today, at least this time, because ... all of them are drunk.

Master Hui Neng snorted on the table.

Although the three aliens are slightly better, each one is also drunk and dim, the star milk tea has been squinting and his head is dangling.

The green skin was always shaking his head on the side, and the small hemp ropes all over his head flew up, just like the big windmill.

Pentium's quicksand has a pair of super big eyes, and now he is a little confused, sitting on a chair with his head bowed, and then tilted to the left and to the right.

Only Shen Yue was sober, she looked at a few people, and then looked at Ye Fei.

"What can I do?"

Ye Feidao: "You ask me, to be honest, I don't know what to do, only to wait for them to wake up, but this wine wakes up quickly."

With that said, Ye Fei took a few dishes under the faucet next to the operation table and started cleaning.

Shen Yue came over and said, "I help you."

Ye Fei turned his head and smiled, and said, "Farewell, let me do this kind of rough work."

"Laundry girls are the best at cooking. Besides, I'm not spoiled. These tasks are often done when I live alone."

"By the way, how is it in Yinzhou? I didn't go to that party in Jingnan, sorry."

"It's nothing, it's okay in Yinzhou. In fact, as long as you like a place, life there is still very good, at least you feel good."

"Oh ~~ I don't see how you like Yinzhou."

"Yeah, I like a place because of one thing, or because of ... one person."

Ye Fei smiled.

He understands what Shen Yue means. If it was before, he might really have shot it, but now ... someone is ahead of you.

Packing things in silence, Ye Fei looked at the four quicksands of Pentium, one by one completely fainted, all lying on the table.

He pointed outside, and said, "After a meal, if you walk a hundred steps, you can live ninety-nine and go out for a while?"

Shen Yue smiled and walked forward.

This island, to be honest, Ye Fei has not observed it seriously.

The two people walked along the road in front of the building, kept walking and kept talking, and rarely spoke. Occasionally a small beast rushed out of the woods by the road, and fled after seeing Ye Fei them.

"The environment in this place is really good." Shen Yue said with a smile on his back, walking and jumping.

Ye Fei also laughed: "You can come often when the environment is good, rest assured, I'll pick you up on the phone."

"In the future ~~ I'm afraid I will be busy."

"I'm busy."

"That's a good idea, Ye Fei, if I fell into the sea, would you save me?"

"Surely not."


"I can't swim, but I can throw you a life buoy."


"Hey, kidding, it will save you. Although I can't swim, I can't bear to see you soaking in the sea."


They talked and walked forward, but they didn't go far in a while.

But suddenly, two people came out of the woods next to them. Both of them used a black hood to cover their heads tightly, leaking only their eyes and nose, and even their mouths.

After the two rushed out, the guns in their hands were aimed at Ye Fei and Shen Yue.

Ye Fei: "........"

The goods are a bit confusing. I rely on it. Isn't there a group of Lao Mo on this island who are on guard? Why is there still a robbery?

Shen Yue screamed in fright, hurriedly approached Ye Fei, and looked pale at the two people on the opposite side.

"Who are you?" Shen Yue asked in horror.

The two people across from you looked at me, I looked at you, and suddenly weirdly smiled: "Little girl, who do you say we are? Those who can appear in front of you with a gun are of course bad people. "

"Yes, we are bad people. I am worse than him."

"Get off, you aren't as bad as me, and a beautiful woman was brought down the day before yesterday and you didn't dare move."

"I don't move lying beauty."

"........ I'm sick. Then there's someone standing in front of you. Come on."

The other person stared at Shen Yue with light in his eyes, then took a step forward, pointed Shen Yue with the gun in his hand, and said, "Beauty, come out."

"What?" Shen Yue leaned to Ye Fei and asked carefully.

"Why are there so many? Why am I here to rob? By the way, should I bring you 100,000 copies? Why? Hurry up."

Shen Yue looked at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei looked at her.

The two were watching. Suddenly, a person on the opposite side raised his gun at the woods next to him.

The sound of the bullets disappeared, and when I saw a few birds dropping down in the tree next to it, it showed that the bullet was real.

"So what, or do what they say." Ye Feidao.

Shen Yue shook her lips, then slowly came out, carefully looking at the two people on the opposite side, and said, "Don't mess around."

"Missing? Hey, you still say such things at this time, really a cute kitten." A gangster said.

Another gangster took a strange look at his companion, and then sucked his nose ~ ~ also learned something like: "Yes, it is a cute kitten."

Ye Fei's eggs hurt in the back, but he really wanted to give these two guys to Fei Fei, **** stuff, did the idle eggs hurt?

But he also wanted to see what the two of them wanted to do.

Shen Yue stood up, another gangster pointed Ye Fei with a gun, and said, "Past, stand face to face with her."

Ye Fei: "......."

"Hey, hey, do you guys play?"

"Nonsense, it's true, don't hesitate, we are professional in robbery."


Ye Fei passed and Shen Yue stood face to face.

Face to face with Ye Fei at such a close distance, Shen Yue felt that her heartbeat was accelerating. Although she knew it was dangerous at this time, when she smelled the masculinity emanating from Ye Fei, she was still red with red ears.

After the two stood up, one gangster pulled out a rope and said to the other gangster, "Past them, tie them up."

"Ah? So tied?"

"Crap, do you have to tie them separately? The rope is not enough."


Another gangster came over and tied Ye Fei and Shen Yue face to face.

This sinking month was even more embarrassed, and he was afraid to look at Ye Fei with his head down.

Ye Fei was even more painful. He could feel the temperature and softness from Shen Yueshen, and his faint body fragrance kept drilling into his nostrils.

He was a normal man, and if he didn't react, it would be abnormal.

"Uh ~~ Sao Rui, can't help it." Ye Fei smiled awkwardly.

Shen Yue's face turned redder.

Wait until Ye Fei and Shen Yue are tied up, the two gangsters make two rounds around them, and then ... the two leave ...

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