The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1165: Face is won by myself

When the whole world was excited about the film myth created by Ye Fei's film Dare to Die, Wu Fei, but Ye Fei was deeply stimulated by another number.

That's right, it's the results of his live broadcast today.

When that dazzling number appeared in front of his eyes, Ye Fei even forgot to breathe. He just sat in front of the computer and looked at the long number on the computer in disbelief like that. digital!

218,796,784 Chinese Yuan coins!

Yes, it is more than 21.8 billion.

This number can be said to have exceeded Ye Fei's expectations. He has thought that due to the addition of these interstellar audiences, his rewards will definitely have one peak after another, just like the previous episode, which is more than 10 billion. That's already fierce enough, but this period is much more fierce than the previous one, which is almost 10 billion more! This is definitely not a joke number.

Many internationally renowned large companies and large groups do not have so much profit in a year, and even many big companies do not have so much sales in a year.

This number is even a year of taxation in many countries, and for some countries in Africa, these can even be years of taxation.

And this is just Ye Fei's one-day live rewards!

This is definitely a very scary number, so scary that even many people can't believe it.

Because it is really impossible to believe, who can think of just a person doing live broadcast of food to the computer, he can get so many rewards from the audience, this is the rhythm of the sky.

In fact, the earth's anchor circle has already been smashed.

When Ye Fei's live broadcast was just over, Ma Qingyun hadn't returned yet. His first thing was to see Ye Fei's results, which has become a habit of these shareholders since this time.

They need to know how Ye Fei's performance is the first time, and they have to feel the excitement and surprise brought by the number becoming too many.

When Ma Qingyun brought a group of shareholders to the gourmet plate group, knowing this number from Liu Fei, a special statistic of Ye Fei, when he knew this result, a group of people were directly stupid, even better than knowing Qingpi gave The number of star-level aircraft carriers rewarded by Ye Fei is much more surprising.

"More than 2.186 billion? More than 2.186 billion? ........"

Director Liu couldn't believe this number had been murmured aside. He seemed to be sure if he heard it correctly. He seemed to be sure if he was dreaming.

The other director was also trembling with excitement. He rubbed his eyes hard, and then squeezed his thighs hard. Finally, he slapped two slaps against his face, waiting until When he really felt the pain, he knew it was true. This is Ye Fei's performance today.

"Chairman, we ... we seem to have really sent it." Director Liu responded, looking at Ma Qingyun.

Ma Qingyun looked at him, then looked at all the directors and the staff of the food section group, and suddenly laughed.

"Tell everyone, starting this month, everyone ’s wages will increase by 20%. In addition, this month's bonuses will all be doubled! Remember, what you get is all given to you by Ye Fei, I just Just a middleman! "

"Woohoo ~~"

Don't say that a bunch of directors are excited at this moment. It can be said that everyone in the Qiuqiu Group is extremely happy.

Double the bonus this month?

This month can be said that everyone's bonus is already considerable. Take Liu Ping as an example, his bonus this month has almost reached 100,000! That's it!

If it were to double now, it would be 200,000!

The bonus alone is 200,000!

What concept is this?

It can be said that this bonus is just a year's salary for many middle and senior companies, but this is only his one-month bonus!

In fact, this is not the most exciting yet. What makes them most happy is that the salary has increased by 20%. It is not a month, but it has been so much each month since this month. This is long-term!

That ’s what they ’re really excited about. Since Qiuqiu ’s platform has risen from Ye Fei, many people ’s salaries have risen a lot. Let ’s say Tang Xiaomin. When she was working hard in the food group, she paid a month ’s salary. Not even five thousand.

In the big city of Yinzhou, if your salary is not even 5,000, it is simply impossible to live a quality life, because it costs more than 1,000 to rent a single room of ten meters in the village in the city. Just as Ye Fei just started, he was more than 3,000 a month, and he had to borrow money every month.

But with Ye Fei's rise, Tang Xiaomin's salary soared to 15,000!

Yes, that's it!

It can be said that the wages of all the Qiuqiu Group have increased, but none of them have risen much, which is exaggerated.

Because they are the ones who excavate Ye Fei and care for Ye Fei, and they are the ones who are in direct contact with Ye Fei. All they do is help Ye Fei to help the platform, so they have the capital to take so much.

Now she is giving her another 20% increase every month, that is, 3,000 a month, which is almost faster than her previous monthly salary, which is more than 30,000 a year. What about ten years?

Who is upset that there are so many wages at once? Who is not excited?

Even Feng Tianlai was flushed with excitement. Now that this product is completely aware of the benefits of knowing Ye Fei, this is a benefit that I never dreamed of.

"Yeshen ... Yeshen, thank you." Feng Tianlai said flushed.

A bunch of Liu Ping shouted thanks.

In fact, this is also a means of Ma Qingyun. He knows that as the Qiuqiu platform becomes more and more powerful, the platform's employees are becoming more and more popular in the entire circle, and many other platforms are hitting him. Some of these employees' ideas even doubled their salaries.

However, Ma Qingyun also knows that these people are the foundation of the company and the foundation of the platform, because all of them are old employees, this is the resource. Others want to dig, and he definitely won't agree, so after getting this wind, he gave the employees a breath. The salary has been tripled directly, and the monthly bonus is still an exaggerated figure.

Such a good treatment, it can be said that the employees of Qiuqiu Platform now leave no one even with a small whip, thinking that after you leave, you will never find such a good company, and you will never find such a powerful and arrogant person. The company, let alone the great gods from across the country and even the world, are increasingly coming to the Qiuqiu platform. Just one Ye Fei is standing here. It can be said that the Qiuqiu platform is the best platform in the industry. Ye Fei Without falling, the platform will not be finished.

Ma Qingyun had no need to conceal Ye Fei's achievements this time, so he released the news as soon as possible, as if throwing out a nuclear bomb, which instantly detonated the entire world's anchor circle.

"Xi Ba, more than 20 billion Hua Xia achievements? Have you all seen it? More than 20 billion Hua Xia results! All open your eyes to see clearly, this is your role model for learning, this That's the direction of your efforts. Don't know every day that I'll call Lao Tzu into the video one by one. Would you like some emotional color? "

A large platform in East Japan, the chairman of the platform is teaching the group of people severely. Due to different policies, the scale of their platform can be said to be very large. Many female anchors can even do video Something shameful to attract people.

But even so, although their scores are pretty good in the East Japan, they are not comparable to the Qiuqiu platform, not to mention Mao, not to mention the Qiuqiu platform, or even a live broadcast with Ye Fei alone. The performance ratio is also thrown a few streets.

"I am very angry. I am really angry. Our platform is also a super platform for the whole country. We have handsome guys, we have beauties, we have stars, we have internet celebrities, our scale is so wide, our The reward system is so good, but why are we and Qiuqiu Platform ... No, the gap between the achievements of Ye Shen and the God is getting wider? Please give me a reasonable explanation. "

A super platform of Miguo is also holding an online conference of the platform's responsible person and the anchor of the Great God. The boss has to flip the table. This bastard, holding money, using resources, but let alone catch up Ye Shen, it ’s okay to catch up to one percent, but not one percent! A bunch of useless rice buckets!

At the same time, it can be said that all the platforms in the world are jealous. The performance of more than 20 billion is just a live broadcast. What is money, Ye Shen ... This is a money-making machine. What kind of business can you have money for?

In fact, not only the earth anchor circle, but also the star anchor circle has exploded at this time.

The result of more than 20 billion is really nothing for the star anchor, because many people can reach it. The reason they really exploded is not this, but because of the speed of Ye Fei's promotion today!

It's just a live broadcast. The number of online fan viewers for this product has broken from 5 billion directly to 5 billion, from a supreme first-level anchor to a supreme three-level anchor!

Brother, are you kidding me?

You know that every promotion this time, it will increase the fan audience by one billion!

Do you know what the number of billions means to many anchors? It means that it can take many months or even a year or two or more to accumulate live broadcasts.

But you ... what day are you here?

The key is not one billion, but two have to take the lead, this time jumped two levels!

When I think of Ye Fei's too fast promotion speed ~ ~, it can be said that many interstellar anchors are not calm, and even some super gods can't sit still.

Green star.

Xibo is in contact with his cousin's North and South Gates. As the only top-level anchor on Green Mansions, North and South Gates can be said to be extremely popular in Green Mansions. This is why West Boss can be promoted to The reason for the supreme first-level anchor, because many of his fan audience were introduced by his cousin's north and south gates, and people saw him in the face of his cousin.

"Cousin, did you see that? This is Ye Fei, a ghost food anchor on the junk planet. This kid is crazy. Look, it ’s only been a few days since I entered the star anchor army. The rookie anchor directly rushed to the top three anchor, especially today ’s live broadcast, jumped two levels at once, cousin, jumped to play in the star anchor circle, you talk about it is still not human? I never heard I have said that there is an interstellar anchor so fierce. If he is going crazy like this, I guess it will only be a few days beyond you. "

The North and North Gates smiled and said, "Relax, he shouldn't be fast anymore. I have officially sent him a book of war through the Star Anchor Association, and he will know what is the true Interstellar Supreme anchor in the next episode. Gap. "

"Ah? Cousin, you ... you have a supreme level 5 anchor to give him a supreme level 3 anchor? This ... is this too much for him?"

"Face? Hehe, face is what he strives for, and it's worth his performance in this period."


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