The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1173: You must come back for our friends and audience

I am a good person.

You Ye Yefei said this, but also nodded?

You have almost destroyed the entire planet, and now you are still saying that you are a good person. Have you ever seen a few good people destroying the entire planet? If all the good people in the universe are like you, then the universe is long over.

So crooked and crooked do not believe.

However, he did not believe that Ye Fei was a bad person, because he had contacted Ye Fei, and he had also watched Ye Fei's previous live programs. Although he did not know what the meaning of Ye Fei's previous work was, he knew the person. Good for fans. For fans, this person can even have no life. A host can do this, can you ask him more?


Yijun covers all ugliness, as long as Ye Fei is a fan of iron, he is a good anchor.

As for the energy station of his black home, because he has reason to do so!

Not to mention Ye Fei, I believe that if I replaced myself, I would do the same as Ye Fei.

"Haha, Ye Shen, you are a good anchor, but you are not a good person." Wan Wan said with a smile.

Ye Fei also laughed and said, "Whether he is a good anchor or a good person, I only know that I cannot be bullied, and the earth people cannot be bullied." Then, Ye Fei patted his face gently, saying: " This is a question of face. "

"I rely on, I like this face problem, Ye Shen, I think you are getting more and more angry with me, you must come to our double star when you have time, I will take you to see our double star."

"Well, double star ~~" ​​Ye Fei pulled a long note, and then smiled bitterly: "If I still have life in two days, I will take the time to go."


After a long twist, I heard something in Ye Fei's words. What is the word of life in a few days? What does this mean?

"Yes, what's wrong?"

Ye Fei sighed and said, "Nothing. I might stop broadcasting in the past two days. I'm going to the cruel planet, something."


The twists and turns forced directly for a minute or two, and then howled: "What planet? Ye God, what planet do you say you are going to?"

"Cruel planet."

"Oh my god, Ye God, do you think your life is long? Well, why do n’t you go to that **** planet? Do n’t you know that people on that planet are going to die cruelly? The people above often die. Ah, especially the indigenous people above, I heard that when aliens are used as food, you ... you don't want to die? "

The twists and turns are crazy, if Ye Fei is going to other planets, he has nothing to worry about, but with so many planets in interstellar space, Ye Fei is going to go to the cruel planet, brother, do you have a brain pumping?

"Do you know the situation on the cruel planet?" Ye Fei froze and asked.

The crooked face was almost deformed, and said, "Of course I know. I have a good friend who is a cruel planet, and is still a small captain. Then I played with everyone every day. I heard that some time ago It ’s almost dead, and half a life is left. Ye Shen, the cruel planet ’s people do n’t have any good stubble. One by one, they are extremely fierce, but even if this is the case, they will die every day, especially when they are holding The Global Games will kill a lot of people. Although it is said that the Games, they are actually looking for the strongest and most brave brutal warriors. They are desperate to fight. You went ... What are you doing there? "

Ye Fei: "......."

This product is a little sweaty.

Yaya, it turns out that this is how the cruel planet holds the sports meeting. It is not better than the first or the second, but to find the brutal warriors. Do n’t even think about it, this sports meeting is definitely a brutal show. System Your uncle, you really pushed me into the fire pit.

Ye Fei's egg hurts, but I really want to grab the system to open the bow from the left and right and throw him dozens of slaps. Can you tell me if I can be a good anchor? You have to let me go to some ghostly cruel planet, if I really die there, I will not let you go as a ghost, I will tell you.

"This ... I know, haha, I just dealt with small things in the past, and will not conflict with them, try to come back as soon as possible." In order not to worry about twists and turns, Ye Fei smiled hard. He said panic.

Although he didn't believe it, he didn't follow up. He knew that Ye Fei didn't need to go to the cruel planet, because everyone wanted to stay away from danger.

"Let ’s go, Ye Shen, I ’ll tell my friend for a while and let him take care of you. You will report my name when you go to the place, but it ’s best to listen to him in all your actions. He knows more than you, what is dangerous and what is not dangerous, he will tell you, you must be obedient, or else ... who will show us live food to show us, so you have to survive, not for You yourself, for our friends, for our audience and fans. "

Ye Fei: "..."

He didn't expect to be able to say such a sentence, his heart was really touched, nodded fiercely, and said, "Relax, I have always had good luck with Ye Fei, I think I should be able to return to Earth alive Yes, you're right, I want to broadcast live food for your friends and those who like me to support me. "

"Uh huh, that ’s all right, that ’s all right, Ye God, you remember well, my friend of the cruel planet is called Duchen, and I ’ll tell you his contact information for a while, and you ’ll use me for you This communication device will be able to contact him, and he will pick you up at that time. "

"Thank you."

"Thank you, all brothers, haha, okay, don't bother you, I'll hurry up and contact that guy after I'm disconnected, let's do this first."

"it is good."

Ending the tortuous conversation, Ye Fei's heart is warm. If there is a local guide on the cruel planet, he can really make himself a lot safer. Storm dust, listening to this name is not like a weak chicken. .

Sitting in front of the computer for a while, Ye Fei directly shut down the computer to take a bath and sleep.

the next day.

Ye Fei got up early and made some breakfast, but this breakfast was a little bit more, and the buns were made into more than 20 cages, as well as porridge and soy milk, and a basket of fried dough sticks was fried because there was impermanence In addition, a group of Lao Mo will also come to eat rice, so you must prepare more.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Lao Mo to come over with zero one two three four five.

"Oh, Ye Shen, you are really our parents, I like this breakfast."

"Yeshen, what do you eat at noon?"

"Guozi, are you still addicted? Ye Shen will broadcast live at noon. What are you doing?"

Ye Fei said with a smile: "It will not be broadcast at noon today, and we will take a few days off."

"Ah? Ye Shen, what's going on? Tired?" Lao Mo bit the fritters and asked.

Ye Fei drank his soy milk and said, "This is exactly what I want to tell you. I will go out in the next few days, and may come back in a few days."

"No way, go out again?"

"Yeshen, I didn't say you, I have never seen you so unprofessional anchor, and ran out for three days and two heads. How can you chill those fans and viewers?"

"That is, you have a bad habit and you have to change it."

"Yes, what's the matter? Should we do it for you? You still do your live broadcast."

Ye Fei shook his head and smiled, "You can't do it, I will be away from the earth for a few days."

"噗 ~~"

"Ahem ~~"

"I go ~~"

"Uh uh uh ~"

A few people in Lao Mo were overwhelmed when they heard Ye Fei's words, all of them were caught by surprise, all of them were stabbed and their tears came out.

Several people tossed for a long time before they came through the air, and then Lao Mo wiped his eyes and stared at Ye Fei in an incredible way, saying, "Ye God, have we heard that right? You ... what do you want to leave the earth? God? Isn't that going ... to other planets? "

Ye Fei nodded seriously, and said, "Yes."

"Khan, do you have a space suit? Do you have a spaceship? Have you ever carried out weightlessness training? Have you ever wondered what to do if your spaceship can't come back?" Lao Mo asked a series of questions.

Ye Fei had a black line and said, "I have nothing."

"I rely on that, how dare you go? Brother, I have read the news before. Those astronauts going to outer space and outer planets are all very scientific and professionally trained, even La Xiang has to pay attention to the direction." Zero Zero two jumped up and said.

As a result, the goods were backed up by slapping them one by one.

"Second, I found that you are Shinji. What did you say? Didn't you see anyone eating? Is it disgusting?"

"What I said is true. After all, this has something to do with Ye Shen ’s life after going to the alien planet. I have to care about it ~ ~ Does Ye Shen use you to care? Ye Shen has a lot of friends on the alien planet , Whichever planet you go to is as comfortable as on your own planet. "

"Hmm ~~ You're right."

Seeing several people about to fight, Ye Fei hurriedly stopped, saying, "It's not as serious as you said. You must know that aliens can move freely on our earth and breathe freely, and we will be the same when they come to them."

Lao Mo watched Ye Fei seriously, and said, "Yes, how do you go?"

Ye Fei pointed outside and said, "There was an interstellar courier who just happened to pick up the courier. I took his spaceship and let him take me over."

"Star Express? Where is it? Why didn't we see it?"

A lot of goods from the old Mo suddenly came to a spirit, and hurried to look around, Star Express, people?

Their eyes immediately saw the doorway, and they saw a super huge figure outside the doorway moving towards this side.

A group of Lao Mo didn't even see this head, they were all blocked by the door frame.

"Uh ~~~ Head?" Zero zero swallowed and asked hard.

Several of Lao Mo shook his head.

"I didn't see it."

Just then, impermanence bent over and came in from outside, then smiled at Ye Fei's habitual fangs, and said, "Yeshen, good morning."

Ye Fei: "......."

A group of Lao Mo: "........"

"Fuck, fight a ghost!"

"Nima's impermanence?"

"It's heavenly, isn't this special Hell gate closed? How come this impermanence?"

Suddenly ...

Da da da.......


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