The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1176: Ye Shen is called Little Bird Yiren

The words are impermanent, and they really go all the way, and they all fall asleep.

That is, at this time, the spacecraft shook a bit, and Ye Fei was awakened. He thought he was hit by something, and the impermanence of the planet was mentioned by the impermanence.

Looking out through the transparent bulkhead in front of the spacecraft, Ye Fei saw that it was quite lively outside. There were many people, but these people were a bit horrible. Although they were human, they were at least three meters high. The skin is blue, and there are many patterns on the face. I don't know whether it is natural or natural.

"This is the cruel planet?"

Ye Fei was curious and sat in the spacecraft for a while.

"Yeah, this is the cruel planet. You look at these people. One person looks so small and fierce."

"so small?"

Ye Fei pumped at the corner of her mouth, didn't she? Although these people are more than three meters, they are too short compared to the impermanence of five meters.

"Okay, thanks a lot, I'll get off here ... no, get off ..."

Ye Fei felt awkward how to say it, and finally didn't say anything. He smiled and asked impermanence to help open the spaceship door.

As a result, he hasn't gone down yet, something happened.

I saw a person who was almost as tall as impermanence, and was hit by a person about three meters directly with a punch, and landed in front of their spacecraft.

At this moment, I don't know how many meters it smashed. The smashed person lay directly on the ground and pumped. His mouth was covered with blood, and he couldn't get up at all.

Like a cheetah, the person about three meters rushed over quickly, then rode on the big man's body, raised his fist to face the person's face and slammed.

After standing two or three times, she stood up and saw that the person who had been beaten had long lost her breath, and her entire head was smashed, like mud.

"§Θ 〖¥ ◎ ......"

The alien who stood up didn't know what to say, and then spit on the ground fiercely, and left slowly, and soon a group of people rushed up and robbed the people on the ground. In the end, people were even torn apart, and this was a rush.

Ye Fei, who had just stood up and wanted to go down, hurried down and sat down again. At this moment, he wanted impermanence to send himself back to the earth quickly. It's too violent, right? Too scary, right?

"Guru ~~"

He sat there and swallowed, feeling dry.

That was a giant with a height of four or five meters. I was beaten to death by a guy of about three meters and was robbed by a group of people. If it was myself ... I guess that first punch myself It exploded.

Impermanently glanced at Ye Fei and said, "Yes, have you seen it? I don't know why you have to come to this ghost place. This is a relatively light fight. Have you never seen dozens of people or even Hundreds of people are fighting, just like fighting a war. After the end, it can be said that there are very few complete people on the ground. It is so powerful. "

Ye Fei's heart almost scolded the system's ancestors for eighteenth generation. Could you tell me if this **** is full? Wasn't this pure death? How can I be famous in such a ghost place?

"Hey ~~ What's going on?"

Ye Fei was scared. Suddenly, there was a group of people in front of them, howling in elation, as if welcoming something.

He looked at the impermanence and said, "Athletes, if there is another kind of people on the cruel planet that can be respected, they are athletes. In their eyes, athletes are the people most likely to become great warriors, so athletes are very popular. It ’s also very respected. Do you see the man with his arms in the middle? It's him. "

Ye Fei saw a four-meter-tall strong man in the crowd, his arms kept moving, and then he held his fist to show his muscles, causing people to cheer.

"Athletes are popular?"


"Is the unknown athlete popular?"

"Of course, being an athlete is something to be proud of, and not being famous is also a courage."

"Khan, not being famous is also a kind of courage, that way, I get off the spaceship."

"Ah? Really? Ye Shen, you think about it, I don't know what you are going to do here, but if you want to go back now, I can send you away."

"It's okay, thanks a lot, and I'll make more delicious food for you in the future."

Then, Ye Fei got off the spacecraft and waved his hand towards impermanence.

Impermanence smiled and shook his head, then drove away and left.

Ye Fei stood there, feeling that the air on this planet was a bit hot, which may be one of the reasons why people here are prone to anger.

He looked around, and ... then he saw a lot of legs.

No way, his height of one meter seven or eight is already high on the earth, but here he has a minimum of three meters, and he is stunted. He does n’t even have a leg height, and he does n’t see it. People's legs are strange.

Bang ~~

When he was looking left and right, he was struck by one leg and flew out.

With a thump, Ye Fei fell more than two meters away and almost lost his breath.

Lying down, don't you have eyes? Don't you see a living person in front of you?

This good jumper got up from the ground, then looked up and looked at the person who had just touched himself, and he was just stunned.

A giant more than four meters tall, Ye Fei had almost no leg height.

He suddenly felt like he was a dwarf mixed in a giant country, and still playing against others? How about conquering others? Well, what do you think of the system?

"No, it won't work like this. Let's find the crooked friend first. After all, it's really dangerous here. It's better to find a local person as a guide."

After thinking about it, Ye Fei directly contacted Baochen with the watch-like communication equipment that he bent to himself.

It didn't take long for Ye Fei to hear a roar above her head, and then a round spacecraft landed, and the people below hurried out to hide.

Ye Fei ran to the side too desperately, which avoided the reach of the spacecraft landing.

He gasped and looked at the spaceship. After seeing that it was stable, the hatch opened, and a big man about four meters away jumped from the inside first. The big man stood on the ground and looked left and right, then moved aside, There were more than a dozen men of almost the same height, and finally one came out of it ... a person about five meters away.

After this person came down, he made a few tumbles on his arm, and Ye Fei felt that the device on his wrist was sensing, and then a sound came out from it.

"Yeshen, where are you? I'm a stormy and winding friend, and I'm also a fan of you. Why can't I see you?"

Ye Fei: "..."

The other person can understand himself when he speaks, which means that he has made things clear to him, but he did not expect this fan to be his own.

"Ahem, I'm in front of you." Ye Feidao.

Storm Dust: "........"

"Why didn't I see you?"

"You look down." Ye Fei said depressed.

Baochen looked down and saw Ye Fei looking up at himself.

"Wow ha ha ha, Ye Shen, is it really you? I thought Xiaowanwan was joking with me. So you have come to our cruel planet? Welcome."

Speaking, Storm Dust squatting down ... well, squatting down and talking to Ye Fei is more convenient.

Ye Fei smiled hard and said, "I mean, I told you everything?"

"Say, so I've been waiting for you to come, walk around, let's go back and talk."

Then, Storm Dust went to the spacecraft.

Ye Fei followed.

However, he found that some people around him were pointing and pointing, and even some people were still excited, Ye Fei turned his head to look at these people, and then waved his hands.

He found these people excited, and then some people howled at him, but he couldn't understand a word.

He walked two steps, and patted the dusty thigh ... "What are they shouting?"

Storm Dust also looked at those excited people, and said, "Call your name, these should also be your audience, hey, Ye God, did you think you would be so famous on our cruel planet?"


"Really, come, you'll know when you bring this."

Speaking of which, Storm Dust gave Ye Fei a communication device similar to that of Wanwan, which also has an automatic translation.

He didn't understand these people until he put them on.

"Ye Shen? Is that little man Ye Shen?"

"Ah, ah, why did Ye Shen come to our cruel planet? It was really surprising."

"I rely, just now I seemed to see a guy kicking Ye Fei on one leg."

"Who is it? Who is it?"

"Ye Shen ... why is he so small?"

"What do you know, a bird like Ye Shen is called a birdie?"

Ye Fei: "......."

This product really wants to take down the communication translation equipment and throw it away. He might as well understand it as he understands it. What is so small? What is Little Bird Yiren? Are you a birdie? ~ ~ Your family is a birdie.

But these are their own audience and fans. Even if they talk a little bit, they are the resources to stand up here, so Ye Fei waved at them.

These people also all beckoned towards Ye Fei, but did not come here, because their eyes showed a hint of fear when they looked at the storm dust, it seemed to be afraid of this guy.

Ye Fei muttered in his heart, what exactly was this storm dust doing? It made these people scared.

In the end Ye Fei followed the storm and returned to the spacecraft.

Storm Dust asked, "Yes, why do you have time to come to our cruel planet? Travel?"

Ye Fei almost fell off a tall chair, traveling? I'm pumping my head before coming to your cruel planet tour. I was forced to do this, and I didn't want to come.

"Uh ~ No, I heard that Cruelty Planet is going to have a sports meeting these days, come here to participate in the sports meeting."

"Ugh ~~ keke ...... Sorry, Ye Shen, I didn't mean it, what, what did you just say?"

"I'm here for the Games of the Cruel Planet."

"Yeshen, are you sure you didn't talk nonsense? Do you know how the Games of the Cruel Planet were held?"

"Be clear. For example, in the 10-kilometer obstacle course, there will be many kinds of messy beasts or other things during the long-distance running. The contestants not only must pass smoothly, but also clear these obstacles.

"Ah ~~ Do you really know? Do you know that you are still participating? Do you know how many people will die in each sport?"

"How many?"

"Sixty percent of the participants ..."


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