The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1187: You ate number two and number three, and now you start to remember number one ...

Ye Fei's specialty is cooking.

So whether it's a palace burst or braised pork, or rock meat dragon meat fried with other ingredients, it is definitely much better than those made by cruel planets.

Storm Dust secretly ate a piece of braised rock dragon meat. Although the burned fangs grinned, when the fragrant and pure taste broke out in the mouth, this beautiful thing was forgotten.

"It's so delicious. I didn't expect it. These ingredients from our cruel planet can make such delicious food."

Speaking, this product sucked the oil and water in his hand again, and hurriedly squeezed it towards the plate.

At this time, Ye Fei turned his head to look, and Baochen's hand stopped halfway, so embarrassing that he was discovered.

"Cough, Ye Shen, what the hell, I'll take it over."

Don't look at the five big and three thick, but the seeds in the head are flexible and respond quickly.

Ye Fei had known that this piece had been stolen, otherwise it wouldn't be possible to scream delicious, but fortunately two copies of each kind of food were made.

"Trouble." Ye Fei said as he washed his hands.

"No trouble, no trouble, I said to you guys, bring those plates too." Storm Dust ordered.

A few men rushed over, and each of them was excited and held a plate, so they carefully held their hands, as if holding their most precious and beloved things, and then ... carefully out again Go, it ’s slow to go, move forward, move again and again.

Ye Fei watched a group of four or five-meter-high guys play this kind of action, and he was happy.

"You don't have to be so careful? As long as it doesn't fall off, it's your speed, and it will be cold when you serve it to the table."

"Oh oh, Ye Shen is right, hurry up, look at your feet, don't trip over."

Several dishes were placed on the table. None of the group went out, all of them stood staring at the dishes.

Ye Fei hadn't come over yet, nor did Dust sit down, and the goods circled around the table.

After a while, I looked out and saw that Ye Fei hadn't come yet.

Not long after, Ye Fei came in with a smile and said, "Why not eat?"

"Yes, yes, eat."

Storm Dust had endured the pain for a long time. After Ye Fei said to let him eat, he was still polite?

The goods sat down directly, and as soon as he reached out, he brought a plate of Gongbaoyan Ankylosaurus meat in front of himself, grabbed a hand and stuffed it in his mouth.

With a full mouth, this food was full of oil, and Mei shook her head.

As I ate it, I kept calling, and pointed my finger at the food on the plate, then pointed at Ye Fei, and finally raised my thumb.

Ye Fei also sat down, then stretched out her hand, revealing a pair of ... chopsticks.

That's right, Ye Fei came here so late to make a pair of chopsticks, but this chopsticks are not very straight, but they can't be used.

A piece of braised rock dragon meat was sandwiched. Ye Fei first smelled it under the nose. It felt okay, so he chewed it in his mouth, and the eyes of this goods opened wide.

The taste of the meat was really unexpected. In his opinion, Yanjialong was so big and covered with hard scales. The meat should be rough.

This is not the case. The meat of this rock dragon is very tender, even tenderer than pork. It tastes very slippery when it is eaten. In addition, the glutinous softness that has been made is rotten, and it has a feeling of instant meltdown.

At the same time, this kind of meat has its own special aroma. Yefei is also the first time to eat this kind of aroma. It is very comfortable and beautiful.

He chewed it gently, and then felt that his mouth was filled with pure gravy. With the burst of these gravy, the aroma in his mouth became more intense.

"Bottom, really nice."

Although these ingredients are not the best ingredients provided by the system, Ye Fei also has to admit that they are all top-level ingredients. If it is on the earth, it is estimated that you ca n’t eat it without tens of thousands of dollars. The meat is really delicate. what.

I tasted a piece of rock raptor meat that was exploded in the palace. The taste is also top-level beauty, especially with a little spicy ingredient unique to this planet, and the taste is increased by multiples.

Ye Fei was so satisfied that he nodded.

After swallowing the rock dragon dragon meat in his mouth, he then clipped a piece of Qilin tiger meat.

Although this kind of meat is back-cooked, it has very little fat, and the lean meat is more red and bright, as if the color of red roses is similar.

After the top was greased, the oil drenched.

At the entrance of the Kirin Tiger meat, Ye Fei was a little bit calm, because this Kirin Tiger meat was even more delicate than the rock dragon meat, and at the same time the taste was even higher.

When the Kirin Tiger meat was chewed slowly in his mouth, this made Ye Fei couldn't help thinking of the pheasant on the earth, yes, it was almost the same as the pheasant, but it was more fragrant and pure than the pheasant.

"Extremely, I doubt whether the people who sorted these animals on this cruel planet are food. This is definitely based on the quality of the meat of these beasts. This Kirin tiger meat is too delicious. A little too much, right? "Ye Fei whispered as he ate.

Now, he really wanted to see what the flesh of the first fierce beast in the cruel planet was like. It was absolutely top-class, but he didn't know where this animal was.

You take a look at this product, and then you have eaten a few mouthfuls of the cruel planet beasts, and they are still a bit addicted. Now they eat the second and third places, and start to remember the first one.

"Yes, Storm Dust, what is the fiercest beast on your planet?" Ye Fei looked up and asked coldly.

Baochen was eating happily. When he heard Ye Fei asking this, he didn't think about it, saying, "It must be a lightning python."

"Lightning Python? Do you know where to catch it?"

"Oh ~~ keke ~~"

Storm Dust did not expect Ye Fei to ask such a question, one of the goods did not respond, sprayed directly, then coughed and looked at Ye Fei like a ghost.

"Ye ... Ye God, what do you mean?"

Storm Dust suddenly had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, Ye Fei swallowed the unicorn tiger meat in his mouth and pointed a few plates of rock dragon dragon meat and a plate of unicorn tiger meat with chopsticks, saying, "The meat is very tender, and it feels very good in my mouth, I think The meat of this first-ranked Lightning Python should be even more delicious. I want to make a taste of it. Since it's here, you can't miss it when you encounter good food, right? "

"I ... yes, yes yes, Ye God you ... yes."

Storm Dust doesn't know what to say, I have been with you for a long time, everything else is right.

You meet such a fierce person, what can you say besides agreeing?

People have eaten a few mouthfuls of Kirin Tiger Meat and Rock Armor Dragon Meat, and they start to remember the meat of Lightning Python again. Brother, are you sure your brain is not bad?

The gang of storm dusters standing aside were all messy. You look at me one by one, I look at you, and then all look at Ye Fei by accident.

Damn, is this still personal? Brother, you killed Kirin Tiger and Rock Armor Dragon by killing a group of people who have frightened our planet. Now that the news has just gotten up, you start to pay attention to the Lightning Python, you you ... we are cruel The people on the planet are compared to you. We are babies. You are a cruel person. You are a cruel ancestor. You are really convinced.

"Do you know where it is?" Ye Fei asked persistently.

Storm Dust shook his head decisively, back, knowing that I can't tell you, is the Lightning Python comparable to this Kirin Tiger and Rock Dragon? Although it is called a python, it is lower than the level of dragons, but three or four rock armor dragons can't figure out a lightning python. You can tell by name, lightning python and lightning python. Finished, OK?

You said that you have won the obstacle course first, and the Kirin Tiger Meat and Rock Armor Dragon Meat have also been eaten. If the Lightning Python is miserable, where do you cry?

"I don't know," Storm Dust said.

"Oh, what a pity." Ye Fei said disappointed.

Storm Dust is about to jump up, what a pity? Brother, what a pity? It's not a pity at all, it's really a pity that you find it, but your life is a pity.

Ye Fei ate a few more pieces of meat. Just then, a younger brother suddenly stormed in.

"Boss, Shining Cloud Executive is here."

After a sudden storm, Duchen hurriedly asked, "Where have you been?"

"Just outside the door."

"Why doesn't he come in? '

"He ... he said he couldn't come in without Ye Shen's permission."


Storm Dust is a bit aggressive, I rub it, Shanyun, but the second highest official of the cruel planet, now you have to get in with Ye Shen ’s permission ~ ~ How is this so noisy?

He looked at Ye Fei and found that Ye Fei was also watching him.

"Who is Shanyun?"

"Uh, that's the last officer who passed by today, you've met."

"Oh, without asking the name, what is he doing here?"

"Ye Shen, don't you know yet? The first place in the Games is not only a place, but also a lot of rewards, I think it should be a reward."

"Did you give it?"

"How much is that, if it is really a reward, this time it is real, should he come in?"

Ye Fei added another piece of braised rock dragon meat and said, "Come in, come in here. This is your place. You have the final say."

"No no no, you must get your permission."

Storm Dust hurriedly waved.

Now he knows that Ye Fei is definitely the biggest here, because he is the first place in the obstacle course of the Games and the first warrior in the Games so far. On this planet, the name of the first warrior is better than anything. Easy to use.

Ye Fei nodded, it was agreed.

It didn't take long for Shanyun to come in from outside. Just now, the old man's nose smelled hard.

"What smell? How so fragrant?"

With a group of men already standing by, Duchen welcomed him, and Ye Fei stood up.

"Executive Shan Yun, Ye Shen made a few dishes just now."

"What? Ye Shen's food? Me ... is there still? Leave me a little."

Speaking, Shanyun looked at Ye Fei with a smile and said, "Yes, I'm your iron powder. Why don't you call me when you're cooking?"

Ye Fei: "..."

A storm of people: "..."

Damn, won't it?

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