The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1189: despair

Shuangyun and Storm Dust did not expect Ye Fei to be satisfied with the current results, he will continue to challenge the next two events!

This is a bit scary.

Not to mention Ye Fei, even local people on the cruel planet, few people dare to continuously challenge the next project, after all, these two items are placed behind because they are much more difficult than the first one.

Take this beast challenge, the level of beasts that are likely to come out is not high, but there are a lot of them. If the beasts that come out are one or two, then congratulations, these two beasts are definitely the number one on the cruel planet row. Beast.

It's no exaggeration to say that the Beast Challenge is a race to deliver rations to the Beasts, unless you can survive everywhere, unless you can have the power to really crush everything, or it will all be finished.

Not to mention the war **** sacrifice, it is even more difficult.

Now, at this moment, Ye Fei is not only going to challenge the Beast Challenge, but also the God of War Festival. What's wrong? This is crazy!

But looking at Ye Fei's serious face, Shan Yun and Storm Dust knew Ye Fei was not kidding.

"Yeshen, now that you think about it, I'll go back and arrange it. You can rest assured that when you play, I will let them try to arrange some weak beasts to play." Shanyun said.

Ye Fei waved his hand and said, "No, everything works just fine. If you give me a green light, it will be unfair to others, and it will lose the meaning and fairness of the game."

"Uh ~~ but just in case ..."

"What if it fails? That failed, that's life!"

"This is life?"

"Yes, many of us on the planet believe in fate. In fact, sometimes I also believe it, but most of me do n’t believe it. I believe that my destiny can only be in my own hands. I want to die. No one can stop it. I want to live, but no one can stop it. "

"Want to die? Want to live? Ye God, I understand. Don't worry, I will arrange it, everything will be done according to the rules of our cruel planet."

"it is good."

Shanyun is gone.

Baochen looked nervously at Ye Fei and said, "Yes, do you really want to participate?"

"Of course, wasn't it just now?"

"But do you know how difficult this beast challenge is?"

"Oh, it's hard to face it since you participated."

"I didn't mean that, I mean, do you know what kind of beast you are facing? The previous year, yes, the last year, one of the most powerful warriors recognized by our cruel planet, he participated in this beast challenge, but who I didn't expect that in that session, it was a single person who challenged the five forest leopards, one person! The warrior did not even have the power to fight back, and was just torn by the five forest leopards as soon as he played. The challenge, and judging from the situation of this first event, the next two events must be a lot more brutal than before. Ye Shen, participation is equivalent to death. You must consider it carefully. If you regret it now, I can go to see Shuangyun's executive and ask him to cancel your game. I think he will be very happy. "

Looking at Baochen's anxious look, Ye Fei patted his ... thigh, and said, "It's okay. Since I said I'm going to participate, there is no reason to repent. There is another word on our planet, called a car. There must be a road to the mountain. The boat is straight to the bridge, and there is no way to go. Besides, my luck is not necessarily the same. "

Seeing that Ye Fei had made up his mind to participate in tomorrow's game, Storm Dust didn't advise him any more, but after Ye Fei fell asleep, he summoned all his men and told them to pay close attention to Ye Fei's game tomorrow. If Ye Fei was in danger, they all rushed in to save me.

After everything was arranged, Storm Dust also fell asleep.

At nine o'clock the next morning, Storm Dust took Ye to the arena of the Beast Challenge.

Said to be a stadium, it is actually a field surrounded by a high platform. There are countless benches around it. This is the auditorium, which can seat more than 100,000 people.

The whole scene was very, very big, and looked magnificent.

When Ye Fei came over, someone found them, and then slowly everyone started to look here.

The first thing they saw was Storm Dust, and then Ye Fei, because Ye Fei was walking in front of Storm Dust, but it was too small and too small for many people to see at first glance.

But after they saw Ye Fei, about 100,000 people, almost all of them stood up unanimously.

No way, this is the prestige of the Games!

No matter whether you are an aristocracy or a poor man on the cruel planet, whether you are the highest official or the lowest soldier, you must respect him, and you must also respect it, because such warriors are their idols of their lives.

"Ye Shen ?!"

"Yes God!"

"Hello ~ Ye Shen!"


Suddenly, Ye Fei's name sounded directly in the whole scene. Everyone was shouting. The men were blushing excitedly, while the women were excited and anxious.

Ye Fei did not expect that the worship of idols on this planet would reach such a point, which is far more crazy than on the earth.

He smiled and beckoned around, and then shouted out loud: "Everyone, I have time to welcome everyone to watch my live broadcast. I am a food anchor, thank you."

Everyone: "......."

All speechless.

Storm Dust led a group of people behind him. After hearing this, the group almost fell.

Brother, do you think it's appropriate now?

As contestants, there are specific gathering venues.

This is a very large room. There are already hundreds of people in it, all of them are five big and three thick men.

At this point, everyone was playing with the armor in their hands.

Yes, you need armor to participate in this sport, because after all, the opponent is a fierce beast, without humanity, and will bite everywhere. Armor is better.

The room was noisy, and some people who knew each other were still joking.

"Bu Qing, this time it's up to you. You are our recognized first warrior. It is yours to be able to challenge the five beast champions."

"I will do my best, but you are also good. As long as you have confidence, I believe that everyone will succeed."

"Hey, it's great to be first. Did you hear that? The little fart who won first place in the obstacle course yesterday heard that the executive officer of Sanyun personally gave him countless rewards. Get rich. "

"Fuck, this is secondary. It will definitely be received by the first executive officer after the game is over.

"Everybody, come on, as long as we can get the number one this time, we can do the same."

A group of people were talking, all of them suddenly became quiet, and then looked at the door like ghosts one by one.

At this point, I saw a person coming in from the door, a very small person.

Ye Fei!

After the goods came in, she smiled and said, "Everyone, are you busy?"

Everyone: "..."

Damn, who knows you?

Although they are unfamiliar, they know Ye Fei. This first place in yesterday's obstacle course can be said to be already famous on the cruel planet. It is an idol of many people.

To be honest, many people still respect Ye Fei, and quickly nodded and responded.

"You ... Ye Fei? No, Ye Shen?" Said the young man named Bu Qing.

Ye Fei nodded and said, "It's me."

"Why are you here?"

"Oh, match."

"Ah? You ... you also participated in this beast challenge?"



In a word, no one knew what to say.

Brother, you are so **** dead. You can take it when you see it. What are you doing here? Is this comparable to the obstacle course?

"Ye Shen, this obstacle race is not easy."

"It's about participation."

"Uh ~ the key is to take your life to participate."

"not always."

"Where's your armor?"

"Ah? Do you still need armor?"


Everyone almost crashed into the wall at this time. Do they need armor? Brother, is this especially facing a beast? Doesn't this need armor?

"I didn't." Ye Fei spread his hands, said.

A group of people didn't know what to say. They all looked at Ye Fei as if they were strange. Then after a while, they started to pack their things. They knew that this man had a problem with his brain. Yesterday's first place. Don't know how to get it yet.

Ye Fei saw no one to take care of himself, took a lottery, and found a place to sit down and rest himself. The storm did not let in a bunch of people, and they all looked for a place outside.

It didn't take long for a middle-aged person to walk in with a serious look and roared, "Ready to be the first one!"

A young man shook his fist, raised it, and said, "I."

"follow me!"

The young man went out with the middle-aged.

It didn't take long for a tsunami-like shout to sound outside, but the shout was only a momentary moment, and soon disappeared.

A moment later, a message appeared on a large floating screen in the room.

"I'm very sorry, Jiuyang failed to challenge the five Senbaos and died!"

The news is short, but the shock to everyone is indeed incomparable.

When I saw the rest, I was in a mess.

"I rely on ~ ~ Is there anything wrong with this? Was this the first five Leopards?"

"Specially, is this game too fierce? Don't say five Senbao, one is enough."

"It's over. You don't want to participate in this competition. It will definitely go back."

"Five Forest Leopards ..."

Suddenly, everyone looked at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei just smiled and didn't speak.

But it was his relaxed movement that made everyone dim, because they all heard that the little fart in front of him killed the two Leopards yesterday. Although there are a few more Leopards, if If you are cautious, you are not without hope.

Soon, the middle-aged man came over again and then took another young man out.

But not long after the news came, the young man was torn directly in the face of the five forest leopards.

Then the third, the fourth, the fifth ...

Until the ninth person went out, they all ended in failure, all died, and became the rations of the beast.

The rest of the people in the room were panicked at this time. They didn't expect that this time the game was so difficult. Several of the people who just went out were fierce men who could be counted on the cruel planet. But they still failed. How many survive?

No one knows.

Just then, the middle-aged man came in again and said, "Go out on the 10th!"


Who is the number ten?

Now, people are sensitive to every number, and hurriedly look around.

I saw the young man named Bu Qing slowly stood up. He waved his hands and smiled at the crowd with a smile on his face and said, "I'll compare first."

After that, Bu Qing left with the middle-aged man ...

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