The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1193: Believe in God, and have eternal life!

When Ye Fei met three super big pythons, everyone really thought he was going to explain.

But no one expected that this product would eventually deal with the three super pythons in this way, that is, smashing them with stones, teasing them, letting them chase him, and then ... then tired of the three super pythons Paralyzed on the ground, and even the two slightly smaller mouths were covered with white foam, to what extent was this tired?

It can be said that everyone is kneeling at Ye Fei at this moment. There is no way to not kneel. This is too fierce, and it is a total mess. The lightning python can make this goods tired and paralyzed. What else can you say?


A group of sports ca n’t be anxious one by one. The other athletes are over after a game of two or three. The beast is either killed or killed by the beast. The radish is crunchy, but what is going on with this leaf? It's been over two hours, why isn't it over?

Some people even waited to get mad, stood up and sat down, sat down and then stood up again, and finally there was no way to walk around the room.

"I'm drunk too. Is this still a game? How can there be a game that lasts more than two hours?"

"For the first time, this is definitely the first time this project has played for such a long time."

"You are enough, and you don't want to think about what opponent Ye Fei is facing. I dare say that this is okay Ye Shen. If you change to any of us, you will be killed in three or two minutes. It will be over. fast."

"What the **** is going on? Didn't the three lightning pythons eat Ye Fei?"

"Well, it really is able to kill the existence of the rock armor dragon and the unicorn tiger, and was able to fight the lightning python for more than two hours, and even if I lost, I also served him."

People were talking, exclaimed outside.

At the scene, after everyone screamed, all of them stood up again, and even Ye Fei's audience and fans all stood up. No, they have never sat down since the beginning and have been standing. It's been more than two hours.

But at this point, they were all a little bit dazed.

Because Ye Fei made an action that was unexpected to everyone at this time, this girl actually walked towards three tired paralyzed lightning pythons.

At this time, people are really not calm. Although the three lightning pythons are paralyzed, they are still lightning pythons. As long as you walk near them, they are still lying there, and only one mouth is required. Can also swallow the whole person.

You are even more deadly than just stoned someone.

"Specially, is Ye Shen crazy?"

"What the **** is going on? How did Ye Shen walk towards them?"

"God, aren't my eyes blind? The more you say Ye Shendan Erfei, the more vigorous he is. You have made people feel like this, do you dare to walk in front of them?"

"My brain, why can't I stop it? What is Ye Shen doing?"

Everyone was watching nervously, and many of them looked pale.

Ma Qingyun's group of people were so scared that they didn't dare to watch.

Sliding directly from the chair to the floor to the entire director, he slipped and said, "Stab ... stimulate ... stimulate ..."

Ma Qingyun was about to be finished at a glance, and hurriedly supported the goods to give him some medicine.

The air seemed to freeze, and the entire world and the entire sky were silent. Many people covered their mouths with their hands. Many people even had the urge to switch channels or turn off their phones and computers at this moment.

Because they didn't dare to look, because they didn't dare to look at Ye Fei and just put it into the mouth of the big python. As long as he walked in, he absolutely had to hang.

While everyone was watching nervously, Ye Fei was still slowly moving forward, and when it was even more speechless, the goods took two steps to hit the three lightning pythons with stones.

But these three lightning pythons are really tired, no matter how Ye Fei hits them, they just don't move.

In the end, Ye Fei finally came to the largest lightning python, and the whole person could not wait for the head of this lightning python to be tall.

He just stood close to the lightning python, and then carefully observed the lightning python, where he still commented.

"Well, it's ugly, but it's very powerful. I wanted to eat you, but suddenly I feel that if there are a few such superb followers around, it is also very good."

His voice was very low. No one heard him say anything, but only saw the mouth of the goods move. People thought the goods were nervous. What are you doing against the three lightning pythons?

Just as Ye Fei was talking, suddenly, this huge lightning python's head moved, and then he shouted and lifted up.

This scene screamed everyone in shock, because as soon as its head was raised, Ye Fei would be finished the next moment.

But just when the head of this lightning python moved, everyone saw Ye Fei suddenly stretched out his right hand and pressed the palm of his hand on the head of this lightning python, specifically the position between the two eyes. on.

Then everyone saw Ye Fei's forefinger and **** constantly bounce slowly, beating gently, very rhythmic, and the frequency was gentle.

When the people were aggressive, they saw the lightning python's head stop directly, then ... then closed his eyes comfortably, then ... and then ... Seeing it began to gently rub the palm of Ye Fei's palm with his head, like a good baby.

This is an incredible scene.

This is a scene that subverts everyone's understanding.

This is a scene that is overwhelming for everyone!

"Grass, what's going on?"

"Well, I'll go, what did I see?"

"Uh ~ you are a lightning python, is it really good for you to be so cheap?"

"Tame? God, don't tell me Ye Shen is going to tame this super boa."

"Ah, ah, why is there such a thing? How can Ye Shen have such ability?"

"Yes, my god, you, you ... what else do you not know?"

"Since then, I believe in God Ye."

"Believe in God, and have eternal life."

People have all exploded. There is no way to explode. It can be said that the scene in front of me is more exciting than Ye Fei's stoned lightning python just now. It also comes suddenly, giving people a much greater visual impact. .

Who would have thought that the ultimate goal of Ye Fei was not to kill the three lightning pythons, but to tame them. If Ye Fei wasn't doing it right in front of him, it can be said that everyone thought it was a fateful thing. it is good.

But Ye Fei did it, so this is true!

Bu Qing's entire body collapsed on his seat, and the other previous champions of this event also collapsed on his seat.

They are considered to be the most powerful group of people on the planet, but at the scene, they feel that they are the weakest chickens compared to Ye Fei.

It ’s not just a duel with the beasts, they have to tame them, brother, are you kidding me?

They don't believe it.

But the fact is right in front of them, and they cannot tolerate a little bit of doubt!

Ye Fei's hand gently stroked the head of this super large lightning python, and this lightning python enjoyed his face.

But while it was enjoying, Ye Fei did something that almost made everyone crazy.

I saw him slap into the head of this big lightning python, and blinked the big lightning python for a long time, then tilted his head and stared at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei faced with a tiger and said, "What do you want to see? Are you still addicted? Honestly, I'll go and see both of them."

Then ... then this lightning python actually sticks out its tongue and licks Ye Fei's hand very nicely. You look at it casually, I am not angry.

People's understanding is completely subverted. Grass, is there such a thing in the world?

People were surprised, people couldn't believe it.

But Ye Fei's hand has already landed on the heads of the other two lightning pythons, and then these two lightning pythons, like the one just before, have all turned into obedient babies.

Finally, Ye Fei looked at the three Super Lightning Pythons in front of him, nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Come back to Earth with me in two days. I have a few hard helpers on my island."

The three lightning pythons were all excited, one by one, leaning in front of Ye Fei.

As a result, Ye Fei gave each lightning python a kick.

"Don't make trouble, the game, you lose, I win."

Speaking, Ye Fei patted the head of the largest lightning python, and saw that the lightning python was lying directly on the ground.

Ye Fei said nothing, grabbed the guy's whole scales ~ ~, and then climbed on it like climbing a mountain, and then ... and then the goods were riding directly I took this Lightning Python's head and looked around.

He found that everyone seemed petrified, and they all stared at him open-mouthed.

He didn't know who to ask for the result of the game. He just rode on the head of Lightning Python and shouted, "Did I win this game? !!!"

Boom ~~~

Ye Fei's throat was like a soul song, directly hooking everyone's soul back.

The whole scene was thoroughly frypot.

Everyone screamed and jumped up, and many people climbed to the bench, so they screamed and screamed, anxious to mute their throats.

Some women even tore their clothes off with excitement, and then kept waving in their hands, their chests were choppy.

Fortunately, the planet's civil customs are sturdy, and this situation is not customary, or else it will not make headlines today.

The officials of the cruel planet, one after another, for a long time, yelled and jumped on the stool, waving their fists toward Ye Fei, and their excited blue faces turned red. Already.


At this time, if you still pay attention to the image, it is really Shiren, because this is a scene that has never been seen before, and seeing this scene is a blessing for a lifetime, what image is it?

In front of the computer, in front of the mobile phone, in front of the various live broadcast equipment, all people blew up.

Fans and viewers of Ye Fei excitedly wished to explode their lungs. At this moment, there are only two words in everyone's heart, and there is only one person, that is, Ye Fei!

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