The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1212: I'm not nervous when I see your mother-in-law

At a very young age, it can be said that many people dreamed of having their own model of Transformers.

Whether it's a boy or a girl.

This is not only a trend, but also because of this kind of thing it really entered the childhood dream, the car becomes a robot, the robot becomes a car, it is a very amazing phenomenon for childhood, sometimes it has been Think about why this is so.

When you think more about a thing, the memory becomes deeper, and then slowly evolves into a feeling.

When the skyscraper appears in the video, especially now that the computer is online with holographic 5D dazzling projection technology, everyone can see a living robot in front of them.

But this robot is different from ordinary robots. His features are very three-dimensional, and he looks alive. His limbs are flexible, and he does not have the rigid appearance of ordinary robots. Although he is covered with steel, he feels these steels. As soft as a round finger.

This is the impression that the skyscraper gives to everyone.

At this point, it can be said that all the earth viewers in the live broadcast are excited to jump up. For them, this is definitely the first time in their lives to see an idol in a childhood dream, although knowing that he is also unreal, But at least he felt like it was here.

"Transformers? Really Transformers?"

"Ye Shen is so good, even this kind of person is his guest on live broadcast."

"In the final analysis, thanks to Ye Shen, if it were not for him, we would have no chance to see Transformers."

"Is Cybertron, Megatron or Decepticon?"

"Ah, ah, if only I could go to Cybertron. I want to take a photo with them. I want to find a Cybertron boyfriend!"

"... the beauty upstairs is so fierce that you can find it when you can stand it. No one is stopping you."

Crazy, the Earth audience is crazy.

Everything is said.

They were happy, but the skyscraper in front of the computer was aggressive.

He didn't expect that he would be so popular on the earth, but ... why is that? I seem to be here for the first time. Why are you so excited?

He turned around and looked at Ye Fei with a frown, and asked, "Yes, why is this?"

Ye Fei laughed: "You are handsome!"

Skyscraper: "......."

I believe you a ghost, you Ye Fei, it's bad.

"Hello friends of the earth, and friends of the interstellar, hello, my name is Ferris, from the planet Cybertron. I am very happy to be here with you and to get your likes. I am honored. One might not know our planet Cybertron ... "

As a result, he just said that the audience in the live broadcast room started to applause and flowers.

This shows that they like him.

This made Ferris's excited eyes narrowed.

"Thank you, thank you, although I can't say I'm handsome, but I personally think I'm pretty good."

Everyone: "......."

Well, the span of this thinking jump is too big, right? Did n’t you introduce your planet Cybertron? Why did you suddenly start to look good? Brother, you are good, but is it a bit cheeky to say it yourself?

Ye Fei next to Lao Han and Rhodes were also stunned, and then all laughed.

Especially the old Han kept pointing at Ye Fei, which meant that you lacked morality.

Ferris was laughed a bit, but this item is now excited, regardless of these, but continued: "Dear everyone, don't you say, don't you say, listen to me, our Cybertron planet is absolutely It is a planet with beautiful scenery and simple customs, so I warmly welcome everyone to have the opportunity to travel to our planet, rest assured, as long as you go, we do n’t need any interstellar passports, all visa-free, all visa-free know? Do n’t miss it when you pass by. Missing is a life-long regret. If you miss this village, you will not have this shop. So, let ’s do it. Friends from all planets, the vast people of our planet Cybertron welcome you with open arms. Finally, I Again, it's Cybertron planet, don't go to the wrong planet. "

At the beginning, people were happy to listen to the introduction of the goods, but they felt wrong after listening.

Brother, are you sure you came to participate in Ye Shen's live broadcast instead of advertising your planet? Are you not the image ambassador of your planet?

Qingqing Juicy peach smiled into the microphone and asked, "Terris, aren't your planets inward now?"

The skyscraper quickly shook his head and said, "What's inside? What's inside? We are the liberation war. Now that we have been liberated, we need to develop economy and technology. What does economic development rely on? Of course, it depends on opening up to the outside world. Tourism Industry is now a very important economic source for our planet, and in order for the tourism industry to flourish, our planet has invested a lot of human and financial resources, re-maintaining many monuments destroyed during the war, and rebuilding those landscapes The beautiful mountains and rivers have been developed again. It can be said that the planet Cybertron is a planet that you are worth visiting. If you do n’t go, you do n’t know. If you do n’t forget, it ’s a ... A home to travel, thank you, I'm done. "

The goods are literally spitting, the audience listened with a look of irritation and pain, which is not the case, brother, in our impression, the planet Cybertron is not the case, that is often War planet, you all have witches, okay, now how can it be a liberation war? Why did you start to develop tourism again?

Ye Fei and Rhode also listened to black lines, and they found out that this article of Ferris is a word, this is a **** stick, so you asked him to introduce himself, and as a result began to sell them directly The planet ’s tourism industry is here, should n’t you be your planet ’s tourism minister?

The audience in the live broadcast completely let the Ferris wheel talk for a while, and even didn't know how to react.

People didn't react until the skyscraper stood up and left.

"Ugh ~~ Mercury ... This is a funny one too."

"God, this, this ... How is this not the same as the Transformers I imagined?"

"The planet Cybertron? Tourism? The Liberation War? I rub, is this really a Transformer?"

"Forgive me for smiling indifferently, isn't this coming over to us?"

"Terris, you admit your mistakes and we will forgive you."

"Terris, you come out for me."

Qingqing Juicy Peach: "Mercury, do you have to pick up and drop off for your planet tour? If you do, you can contact me. I am the chairman of Juicy Peach Travel Agency. If you can, we can cooperate. You know, Earth It was only recently that I learned about other planets through Ye Shen. We are also curious about other planets. We also hope to have more contact with friends on other planets. "

Everyone: "......."

Well, is this really good?

How come Ye Shen hasn't started broadcasting yet, just started doing business here?

Ferris wheel just got up and didn't take two steps. After hearing the words of Qingqing Peach, he quickly sat down and said, "I like you, really, leave your address and contact information, and wait until I participate in Ye Shen After the show, we discussed specific cooperation plans. "

Ye Fei and Rhodes stared out from behind.

The viewers of the earth during the live broadcast were all surprised that their jaws were about to fall.

Well, that's it?

However, if this matter can really be solved, it will be a very important news for the global audience. I believe that there will be many rich people going to Cybertron through this peach travel agency.

If it develops further, it may be possible to travel to other planets.

Thinking of this possibility, the earth audience was thoroughly excited.

This is definitely a business opportunity with unlimited super potential and super potential.

"Yeshen, thank you very much. Really, you can rest assured. If this thing can be done by our Qingqing Travel Agency, Da En Dade will never forget it. You have to collect one hundred star-level aircraft carriers and return them later. There are many. "

Speaking, Qingqing peaches directly brushed Ye Fei's one hundred star carriers!

Everyone knows that this product is for real. If he can really succeed, then this reward is nothing.

Ye Fei didn't expect that the introduction of Ferris wheel would give him a reward of a hundred spacecraft carriers, and he was very beautiful.

In fact, Ye Fei discovered this business opportunity very early, but he did n’t do it because he did n’t have the energy and time to do it. Besides, his main job is to do live broadcasting, and if these sideline businesses can do it, if there is no time Just don't do it.

Now that this Qingqing Peach wants to do it, then do it, if you can, even he is willing to help him, and wait until the end of the live broadcast.

After the introduction of Ferris, the live broadcast room was quiet again, especially the earth audiences all know who this person will be next, which is definitely more for them than looking forward to the skyscraper ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ Because this person is likely to surprise everyone.

Kyoto, the Northeast Sea.

All the big brothers were nervous.

Rice Country, White Mansion.

Solova was nervous with a bunch of people.

Eagle Country, Golden Han Palace.

The queen and the prime minister were all staring with a band of people.

Colossi Palace.

The emperor and his men all waited in silence.

China, East Japan, Han, Vietnam, and so on. It can be said that at this moment, almost all people in all countries are paying attention to Ye Fei's live broadcast room. They All are waiting, waiting for a result that surprises or loses them.

"Isn't it? So nervous."

"Oh my heart, I'm starting to jump crazy again."

"Is it another civilization or are we whimsical? Wait and see what happens."

"Hanbo Party? This really looks like our Huaxia name."

"I rely on, seeing mother-in-law is not nervous now."

People were talking and suddenly they saw a person sitting down in front of the computer.

Everyone's breath was suffocated, and they knew that the time had come.

But ... but then all of them almost jumped up, one by one, they started crying and laughing.

"Yes, you are enough."

"Emma, ​​Ye Shen, don't bother, and let Hambo party come out quickly."

"Uh uh uh ~~ Ye Shen, believe me to kill you?"

"Yes, Muddy Kai!"

That's right, Ye Fei sat down in front of the computer.

The goods sneered, and said, "Next, we have our third live guest, Hanbo Party!"

After speaking, Ye Fei stood up and ran away.

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