The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1215: Shen Wan3 doesn't play stocks

Like many people know, Ye Fei has done many kinds of banquets, big banquets, government banquets and other banquets during live broadcasts before. It can be said that each type of banquet is extremely classic and people can only watch it. There is an urge to eat.

During the last live broadcast, Ye Fei made a nine-dowl bowl feast.

This is a very famous folk banquet in Xichuan and other places. It is also called Baba banquet. It is used in rural red and white things. It is not only affordable, but most importantly, it has beautiful taste and fat meat. Not greasy, the original flavor of vegetables, every kind of taste in the mouth is a top-level enjoyment.

Today, Ye Fei also cooks a large bowl of dishes, but it is one bowl less than the previous one, called eight bowls.

Just listening to the name, some people thought that it was just one bowl less than the nine bowls. But when Chi said that the eight bowls of a nation actually entered the full seat of the Han Dynasty, people knew that these eight bowls were nothing ordinary. This is the food that was eaten by the royal family!

"Are there eight bowls in the Manhan?" Qingqing peach asked.

Eat all over the world and laughed: "Of course I do. I think this foodie and a lot of other people who study food should also know. The Manhan dinner is not just a lot of dishes. It also contains a lot of local dishes and banquets. . "

I was eating Zhang Junwei with a smiley face and said: "This is true. Many of the Manchu cuisine are actually very good. I have eaten their Ama Zun meat, also known as Nurhachi golden meat, whether it is pig head. The meat is still pigtail, or the heart and lungs. It can really be said to be a must. "

Eat all over the world: "Yes, so, guys, since Ye Shen said that he would make eight bowls, that would definitely not disappoint us, but I don't know which type of eight bowls he will make."

"Hey ~~ Brothers in the world, the eight bowls are the eight bowls. Why are there any eight bowls?"

"I'm a little confused, aren't these eight bowls the same as the Manchu eight bowls you mentioned earlier? Couldn't there be other eight bowls?"

Many people really do n’t understand it, because the food that I have eaten all over the world and I was talking about is the eight bowls of the Manchu family, which are royal food. How do you listen to what they say now? It seems that the eight bowls are not a kind.

I ate all over the world with a smile: "Yes, everyone, the eight bowls are just a collective term. Because there are eight bowls in many places in China, the methods are different, the ingredients are different, and the taste is different, so I said I do n’t know. What kind of eight bowls does God want to make today. "

"Is that so? Ye Shen." Qingqing Peach asked.

Ye Fei nodded with a smile and said, "The brothers in the world are not wrong. The eight bowls are just a collective term. Of course, if there is no specific explanation, they often refer to the eight bowls of the Manchu group, but I also said just now. Huaxia is very large, and many ethnic groups in many places will inevitably make the same cuisine. Even if the ingredients are different, the names will inevitably overlap. Just like these eight bowls, not only the Manchus will make them, they are available in many regions across the country. The eight bowls are also very famous. There are eight bowls of Zhengding in Zhengding County, Beihe Province, and they are listed as intangible cultural heritage. There are also eight bowls in Wuyi, Beihe Province, and eight bowls in Huishan Province, and Wutai Mountain in Xishan Province. Eight bowls, there are also eight bowls in Xuzhou, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, etc. This is according to the region. If the eight bowls are made according to the nationality, we just said the eight bowls of the Manchu, and the eight bowls of halal and the eight bowls of Buyi. Wait, there are also eight bowls named after people, such as the bowl of 1983, Shen Wansan, a super giant with a wealth of rivals, a super tyrant, a People's money can support the army of a country. It can be said that many people call it the **** of commerce. It is said that the bowl of thirty-eight is the feast of the family, so it is also called the family of three thousand bowls. It can be said that the eight bowls are in Huaxia. A very common feast. "

When Ye Fei said that the eight bowls, the eight bowls, the regional eight bowls and the national eight bowls, and even the eight bowls named by people, many viewers in the live broadcast room were directly aggressive because there were too many.

"My mind, Ye Shen, speak slowly, I can't keep up."

"Fuck, I've been confused, why are there so many eight bowls?"

"Yes, I'm from Wuyi, Beihe Province. Our eight bowls are delicious."

"The best in Zhengding County is the intangible cultural heritage."

"I want to eat a big bowl of thirty-eight, this is the special feast of Shen Wansan, the **** of commerce. If I eat it, I can touch his luck, so I can make a lot of money by buying stocks."

"............ Nervous, Shen Wansan doesn't play stocks!"

Ye Fei lacks everything in the live broadcast, so there is no lack of teasing ratio, and now Shen Wansan plays the stock.

In front of the computer, Ye Fei couldn't help crying or laughing, so what's the matter? This group of people are all masters.

"Yeshen, there are so many eight bowls. If you finish today, I guess it will be broadcast live until tomorrow, right?" Another audience who grabbed the microphone called low sugar lemon tea said with a smile.

Ye Fei laughed: "Sure, because our eight bowls in China are too many, so we can only pick one of them, and the others will have a chance. I will slowly present them in the future. In front of everyone's eyes, which one to make? So let's listen to everyone's opinions and see which eight bowls we want to eat. Let's make one. "

Be confident!

This is Ye Fei's confidence. He clearly told everyone that I can make any of the eight bowls. You can choose whatever you want, and let's make it.

If it was in the past, Ye Fei would definitely incur a mammoth when he said that. He would definitely say that this guy is not squinting above the top, but now that he knows Ye Fei's ability, everyone knows that he dares to say so It means that he will definitely make these eight bowls.

A chef, not to mention that he can do all these things, even if only one of them can be done, it can be said that he has nothing to worry about in this life.

But what about Ye Fei?

His plenary session, this is the difference between him and others, this is why so many people like to watch his show, because he can make what you want, and it is still very, very authentic, let alone Said the best ingredients.

The audience in the live broadcast room can be messed up at this moment. Ye Fei's question is undoubtedly a reason for them to quarrel, because there are all over the country, all over the world, and more of them are interstellar viewers.

Foreign audiences and interstellar audiences don't understand the eight big bowls of China, but someone introduced them.

When I understood it, the n faction appeared instantly.

That's right, it's n faction.

Because there are too many types of eight bowls that Ye Fei just said, regional, national, and even three or eight bowls, each of which has a large number of supporters.

"The eight bowls of Zhengding must be the eight bowls of Zhengding. They are intangible cultural heritage. They are absolutely delicious."

"Mao, we are dissatisfied with the eight bowls of Wuyi, Ye Shen, make the eight bowls of Wuyi!"

"Fuck, what did we say in the eight bowls of Wutai Mountain?"

"What is good about Mount Wutai is a monk temple."

"...... Specially, your family are all monk temples. Wutai Mountain is a national 5a tourist attraction. Why are they all monk temples?"

"Door, if you say that the poor monk has an opinion, what's the matter with the monk? My monk ate your house or drank your house? As a qualified monk, my aunt still couldn't help but want to insult you, you Turtle, isn't it discrimination? "


"Oh, I rely on, Master Huineng, you don't have to be involved, you see what it looks like now, people have not said that monks are bad."

"He means that the monk is bad, he discriminates against the monk."


Ye Fei's egg hurts, mmp, I just let you discuss what kind of eight bowls to make. How did this go to the monk and monk temple? What is this and what?

As soon as this product covered his face, he hurriedly said, "Stop! Stop! Everyone, I was wrong. I shouldn't give you such a difficult question. I was wrong. Now I'll make a decision."

Audience: "..."

"Well, haha, Ye Shen, don't be in pain, we will discuss it soon."

"Yes, yes, I will defeat these guys and it will be ok."

"Who the **** are you? Come on."

"Oh, I rely on it, I'll slap you, and I'll slap you, why? Are you still energetic? Ho afraid ho?"

Ye Fei: "..."

I'll go to your sister, you guys have no end? Brother, can you be as mature as me? Why did it start again, didn't you say it stopped?

"Dear friends, thank you very much for watching today's show. We're done so farewell."

All audience: "......."

"Yeshen, why didn't this end?"

"That is, Ye Shen, have we broken your heart?"

"Do you have a face to ask? If you continue this way, Ye Shen's heart, lungs and lungs will all be injured. Internal injuries, know? It's hard to get better."

"Fuck, whoever bb laozi cursed anyone, listen to Ye Shen, Ye Shen, goodbye, you say."

The live broadcast room was going to laugh, and no one thought that a bunch of bars could lift Ye Fei to lift the image directly to end the live broadcast.

Ye Fei sighed and said, "You guys, your thinking is really jumping so fast, I can't keep up, so if we continue this way, we won't be able to broadcast live, we can only end it. . "

"Yes, we don't even talk about it. Listen to you. Whatever you say, we just look at it. Anyway, whatever you do, it is very good."

"Yes, yes, they are a group of second goods, you don't care about them. When you are in pain, you look up at the sky."

"Yes, look at the sea."

"Look at the forest."

"Look at the monk."

"Nima's egg, isn't it? How did it get us to the monk again?"

Ye Fei: "......."


The video is black.

Everyone in the broadcast room: "........"

"I'll go, Ye Shenguan video."

"Lost live broadcasts, ah, ah, you bastards."

"Yeshen, we are wrong, come out soon."

"I want to see food, I want to see Ye Shen."

At the scene, Ye Fei's face turned green, sitting there motionless.

Rhodes, Lao Han, and Ferris, you look at me, I look at you, all of them are a little dumbfounded, I rely on, is it really closed?

"Yes, this ..." Rhode asked carefully.

Ye Fei said: "I'll take a moment first, it's too noisy."

"Don't you start broadcasting yet?"

"On, scare them, these guys are too happy."

Ma Qingyun's phone call came soon ~ ~ Ye Fei, how did you do it? Why is it closed? You are not broadcasting? "

"Do you think I can still broadcast this?"

"Khan, that's what I said, then I'll go and kick them."

"You've been kicked out of the studio forever. Who are you going?"

"I ......... Damn, you deserve it."

Ma Qingyun hung up the phone angrily.

One minute later, when the live broadcast room was about to explode, Ye Fei's video was opened again, and the goods hehe laughed: "Sorry, friends, I just lost power here."

Everyone: "........"

I believe you a ghost, you shameless guy, very bad!

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