The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1228: Shallow water swim

? Ye Fei came to the console, then opened a storage compartment, and took out a transparent basin from the inside. This basin is not very large, and there are three yellow cormorants in it.

Each scutellaria can be as thick as two candles, about a foot long. In fact, it is already considered a sacred sedge, which is generally smaller than this.

The three yellow cormorants kept twisting their bodies in the basin, and their slippery bodies were rubbing against each other.

Ye Fei placed the basin on the table and said, "This is the scutellaria baicalensis we are going to use today. Maybe many friends have also discovered that the scutellaria baicalensis we use is slightly larger than the ordinary scutellaria baicalensis, but this does not mean that they are the moon watching. Alas, the brother of the world has already introduced to us just now. Wangyue 鳝 is much larger than ordinary Huang Zhi. The thickness and length are beyond the standard. It is not unusual that even larger Wangyue 鳝 can grow to the thickness of an adult's wrist. As you can see, we do n’t use that much. It ’s just a common but superb scallion. It ’s normal, because it ’s edible scallion, and it ’s very good. Many friends know it, yes. It's related to our habit of cooking. I like to use the best ingredients. The same is true of the three yellow scallions. They also have a domineering name, called shallow water dragon ......... "

"What did you say? Ye Shen, you said that these three yellow cormorants are shallow water dragons ?!"

Before Ye Fei continued to speak, the low-sugar lemon tea suddenly blew a throat, which scared some people in the live broadcast room.

"Fucky thing, lemon tea, did you make Huang Zhi bite? What did you say?"

"Fuck, Lao Tzu just bought a bucket of popcorn. It's all scattered on the ground. Are you sick?"

"Unlucky goods, my grandson almost made you scared."

It can be said that a lot of people have started to send messages about this product. It's too imageless. Can you tell me what you are doing? Scary, not scary.

Even the scattered flower fairy Shen Yue was frightened and said: "Lemon tea, what do you call?"

Low-sugar lemon tea coughed twice and said, "Everyone, I'm sorry ha, I was frightened by the name of the scutellaria baicalensis said by Ye Shen, shallow water swim dragon, haven't you heard of such scutellaria?"

"Huh? Lemon tea, it's like you've heard of this Huangpi." Qingqing Peach said.

Low-sugar lemon tea: "Yes, it is because I have heard of this kind of yellow lotus, so I was shocked after Ye Shen said its name. Do n’t hide it, my ancestor was once an imperial chef, an imperial chef. A lot of viewers on the earth should know? No matter it is Huaxia or other countries, this position has been in ancient times, that is, a chef who cooks for the emperor's house. Although my ancestor is not a famous royal chef, it is a royal meal. An imperial chef who is indispensable in the house, because he will make a kind of ingredient, that is, Huang Zhi, I do n’t know how delicious Huang Zhi is, but we can learn from the genealogy handed down from our family that he serves The emperor would let him use Huangpi to cook a food almost every two days. This can already show that he is very good at making Huangpi. After he returned home, he wrote a recipe about making Huangpi. It said They are all about Huang Huang's food that he made in the palace. Among them, he focused on this kind of Huang Yuan called shallow water Yulong, saying that this kind of Yuan is simply the existence of the emperor in Huang Yuan. The taste and the nutritional value are second to none. Otherwise, you do n’t dare to call it a dragon. My ancestor said that even if you are an emperor, you can only eat it three times a year, one at a time, because this kind of scallion is really too difficult to find. Now, if anyone can find one, it will be rich, expensive and terrible. It was so hard to find in ancient times. It should be extinct now. Where did Ye Shen find it? And three, if it is sold. ....... Uh ~~ Just when I didn't say, Ye Shen, you don't lose money. "

Although the low-sugar lemon tea was introduced by his ancestor earlier, it is precisely because of his extraordinary identity that this ancestor explains the unusualness of this shallow-water dragon.

The audience in the live broadcast heard this article saying that the shallow water swimmer was so great that it was Huang Huang eaten by the emperor, and it was n’t something you wanted to eat, but only three pieces a year, which is even worse. Already.

"What's so special about eating glutinous rice, this is eating gold."

"Wrong, gold is not as valuable as this huang. The emperor's family can only eat three bars a year. Can you imagine how much that bar is worth?"

"God, I know Ye Shen always uses the best ingredients for cooking. I never expected that this ingredient would be so good. Is this too exaggerated?"

People were frightened by the words of low-sugar lemon tea, all by Ye Fei's handwriting.

Ye Fei laughed: "Yes, low-sugar lemon tea is right. The scutellaria auratus in shallow water was indeed a food that the emperor's family could only eat, because ordinary people couldn't afford it. After all, it was too expensive, but expensive. There is also an expensive reason, that is, it is very rich in nutrition, which is five to six times higher than ordinary scutellaria, but no matter how expensive it is, how good it is, after all, it is still a kind of ingredient or it must be used to make it. For food, today we have found three, so someone will definitely ask, why are the other yellow crickets called yellow crickets, and the yellow crickets are called shallow water swim dragons? It's very simple, because there are a pair of bulging meat crickets on the head of this yellow cricket. It ’s like the two horns of a dragon. That ’s why it has such a powerful name. Now, everyone in the audience and friends is very envious. We are going to kill the dragon today. "

Everyone: "......."

"Fuck, Ye Shen can really pull it. Killing Huang Huang is killing Huang Huang. This is also related to Tu Long."

"Which Huang Huang isn't Huang Huang? This is called shallow water swimming dragon. Now what does Ye Shen kill it without calling Tu Long?"

"That is, this person has no level of speaking. Ye Shen said that it is a dragon but it is a dragon. It must be a dragon if it is not a dragon."

"Khan, brother, it's true to chase the stars, but be rational. Ye Shen is not all right."

"As long as it's about food, Ye Shen is right, what do you think?"

"This ... I really don't think you say that."

People started to quarrel directly.

After Ye Fei introduced the three shallow-water swimmers, he started to clean up directly.

First, use a right **** and index finger and thumb to pinch a piece of Huangpi's head 15-16 centimeters away, then Ye Fei took a hardwood thick cutting board from the tool holder with his left hand, and dropped Huangpi's head twice on the cutting board. Then, everyone saw that Huang Fei was entangled in Ye Fei's hands for a while and then released. Ye Fei threw it on the cutting board. Huang Fei had no movement and was dead.

Then killed the other two yellow crickets in the same way. Ye Fei then took a sharp-pointed tool from the tool holder, took a yellow cricket, pointed his abdomen upward, and then directly pointed his head with the sharp cone. He was nailed to a wooden chopping board, and then he took a sharp knife and started to insert the knife from the back of Huang Zhi's head.

A long mouth appeared, and Ye Fei took out his internal organs, then chopped off his bones with a knife, and then pulled them out with his hands.

While processing, Ye Fei said, "There are many ways to use Huangzhi. Braised stew is just one of them, and there is also stir-fry, and stir-fry can also be used with many other ingredients, but no matter what you do, try not to. Matching the following ingredients with me, because it is not good for the human body, the first is red dates, the yellow rice with red dates, after eating, it will damage the human hair follicles and cause hair loss, and the second is dog meat. This is our ancients. It is known already that there is a record in the compendium of the famous Chinese medical god's book, "The catfish is not suitable for the blood of dogs." This is because the nature of the two is different. The meat is mainly supplemented with warmth. Mixing the two will increase its warmth and fire-resistance. Although it will not die, it may cause other diseases. It is also not eaten with spinach, easy to have diarrhea, and yellow rice can not be. Eating with pumpkins is prone to stagnation, and people of different constitutions sometimes ca n’t eat them. For example, people with skin diseases ca n’t eat them, and their stomachs are not good, so they ca n’t eat them. Always remember, food is good, but health is more important. "

"Finally, let ’s say that Huang Zhi eats it as soon as possible after it is killed. Some people say that I do n’t, I do n’t, I have a refrigerator in my house, a very cool refrigerator. After I kill Huang Zhi, I store them for a while. Ca n’t I eat? I think when and when ca n’t I eat? It ’s okay, but you ’re afraid that the refrigerator at home will be damaged, and the scutellaria baicalensis you kill will be wasted because scutellaria baicalensis produces histamine after it is killed. Something in the human body will relax the blood vessels, and at the same time, it will increase the permeability of the walls of capillaries and venules. If it is too serious, it will cause blood to leak into the tissue and cause local edema. We eat Good food eats food to keep it healthy. If the food is eaten but not healthy, it won't make a difference. "

After speaking, Ye Fei also cleared Huang Huang over there.

The yellow bun was cut off, and he had to make a bun, which was useless.

In addition, the Scutellaria baicalensis blood was also treated, and it was rinsed several times under the faucet until the scutellaria blood and the mucus on the scutellariae were washed away. Just before washing the mucus on the scutellaria baicalensis, Ye Fei rubbed the body of three scutellaria with salt On both sides.

In the end, the yellow cheekbones were also thrown away ~ ~ Although these things are also treasures, it is useless for Ye Fei to make this food. For Ye Fei, what is temporarily useless is waste Just throw it away.

This made a lot of viewers in the broadcast room grin straightly, silently thinking of the word "prodigal son" in their hearts.

Even if Huang Huang was ready, he cut it into a four-centimeter cymbal tube with a knife on a cutting board, which is what we call a cymbal section, and put it on a clean celadon plate for later use.

Immediately afterwards, other ingredients were also taken out, peppercorns, green and red peppers, garlic and **** and so on.

After preparing everything, Ye Fei cleaned the wok and put it on the fire, and opened the fire directly.

With a bang, the blue flame rushed straight up, licking at the bottom of the black pot ...


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