The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1235: I am here!

? Despair and hope always coexist.

For Gan Hong, there is no time in his life more desperate than at this moment. He has been forced into despair, and now his sister is also in the hands of each other, unless he can have enough money to pay back the day after tomorrow To sit on the ground dragon, otherwise, not only is he finished, his sister's end is unthinkable.

But at this time, he received a call from the Qiuqiu platform operator and told him that he had won Ye Fei's live guest award.

Yes, he has always liked to watch Ye Fei's live broadcast. When he was rich, he often gave Ye Fei a reward, but recently he just went in and watched it. He liked Ye Fei's work Food, like to watch Ye Fei and the audience between the live broadcast, Hu Kanhai chat, he thinks this life is life, the life he longs for.

But he knows that doing this business is a kind of hope for this kind of life. His boss is sitting on the ground dragon, and the days of sitting on the ground dragon are the days of worry and hard work, and ease and their lives are not at odds with each other.

He wanted to turn back, so when the dragons arrived a lot of goods a while ago, he secretly called the police, so that all the dragons' goods were checked by the police, which caused heavy losses to the dragons.

In the end, the Secret Dragon still found out who told him the secret, but to the surprise of Gan Hong, the Secret Dragon did not make people kill him, but let people tell him to make up for the lost money.

For the 30 million items, Gan Hong could not afford it at all. He also knew that even if the money was given to the dragon, the dragon would not let him go, and his final result would still be killed.

So it was impossible for him to find him, but he did not expect that his sister would be arrested.

Gan Hong's parents died in a car accident. In this world, only he and his sister are dependent on each other. It can be said that his sister is his biggest shortcoming, that is, his inverse scale. He would rather have something to do than let his sister eat. A little bit of suffering, not to mention being bullied.

Now, after knowing that the dragon had caught his sister, Gan Hong was completely desperate.

He just sat there with his mobile phone and stared at the ground. In fact, he already had a plan in his heart, but it was impossible. He went to sit on the dragon, even if he killed himself, as long as he could release his sister.

There is no money.

But at this time, he knew that he had won the prize, and it was Ye Fei's next live guest place award.

As an iron fan of Ye Fei, he certainly knows what it means to win the guest quota.

It can be said that it means everything! I have everything!

Because if this quota is sold, the price is definitely a sky-high price! Not to mention that there are still aliens involved now, and the price is a horrible sky-high price he couldn't even imagine!

"I won the prize? I really won the prize? Hahahaha, I finally won the prize! God, why do you have eyes!"

Like a lunatic, Gan Hong laughed in the broken house, yelled in the sky, tears of laughter came out, and his throat was dumb.

In the end, I was so happy that the goods fell to my knees on the floor, my phone was placed on the ground, and my hands were crying.

Nothing is happier than seeing hope in despair.

After venting completely for a while, Gan Hong hurriedly picked up his mobile phone, and he knew that it was definitely being discussed in the live broadcast room now.

When his eyes fell into Ye Fei's live room, he found that everyone was screaming.

"Well, this ghost has no tomorrow, why don't you talk?"

"Would you like to be so fucking? I can tell you that we can't get aliens to play this trick, we are all Earth people. If you are silent again, we can come out of you."

"That is, it's very shameful to be a gifted student and a wet man. Hurry up and talk."

Gifted brother and wet person: "......."

The two cargoes hurriedly dived. This is all black history. Now it's embarrassing to let others carry it out.

Ye Fei was also a little puzzled. It stands to reason that this one will be squeaked out of happiness or unhappiness. Why is this so calm?

Qingqing Peach couldn't help but said to the microphone: "I said there is no tomorrow, can you say a word?"

"I ... I'm so excited, I ... I sell! I sell this quota!"

Everyone finally waited until there was no news of tomorrow, and it was such a big news. It can be said that the atmosphere of the live broadcast room was pushed to an extremely high peak in an instant.

Because Ye Fei's live guest quota has not been sold for two sessions, the last time the quicksand of the Pentium was sold to Star Milk Tea, or because the prize was repeated, this is not the same as tomorrow, he just won a quota This guy is going to sell it. I don't need to think about it. The price of the 50 million Xinghe coin thrown out by Star Milk Tea last time was there. This place will definitely not be less than that.

"you sure?"

"I wipe, brother, don't fool us."

"I really made a bid if I really sold it. Although I didn't know I would buy it in the end, I was happy to be able to bid."

"Yes, I bid."

People are really going crazy, this is the time to fight for money.

No tomorrow said: "It's true, I ... I need money urgently, I ..."

Ok? Need money urgently? What happened?

Ye Fei frowned. He knew that there were audiences at all levels and all kinds of people in the live broadcast room, but it could be said that those who needed money urgently appeared for the first time.

And combined with this guy's name, this is definitely a person forced into despair by life.

"What the **** is going on? I'm not stopping you from selling this place. After all, it's you who wins. This place belongs to you. What you do with it has nothing to do with me, but I think you need to give the big guy a reason. I think everyone I also want to know why. "Ye Fei said to the microphone.

Some people who were just bidding heard Ye Fei's words and all stopped temporarily.

Yes, they really want to get this quota, but they also need to know what is going on with this person. After all, this transaction is not one or two hundred or one or two thousand. It is likely to involve an unimaginable number. If this person is a bad person, and they make a fool of themselves after they get the money, then they are aiding them. Even if they let them take this place to participate in Ye Fei's live broadcast, they will not feel comfortable.

"No reason. I just don't want this quota. I want to sell it. Why do you have to ask so much? Buy it quickly! I ... I beg you."


This time, do n’t say Ye Fei and these people, even the children in the live broadcast room know that there is no big problem tomorrow. This kind of words can be said. This is how desperate it is.

"If you don't tell the reason, we won't buy it." Eat all over the world said suddenly.

"Yes, we never asked why we bought a place, but today we must know why, you say it."

"This ... don't blame us for forcing you, because it involves a lot of money, and everyone is for your sake."

"Yes, unless you have an unspeakable purpose, otherwise ..."

The live broadcast was coquettish, and everyone all agreed that there was no reason for the auction quota tomorrow. This had never existed before. Anyone who sold the quota rushed up like a wolf, but this time it was not Similarly, it may be that the money is really large, so many people want to know a reason.

They were arguing, and Ye Fei came aside and took out her cell phone to make a few calls.

Gan Hong is going crazy. Before you sold the quota, you still rushed to ask me. I took the initiative to sell it. Why are there so many of you?

The rush of the goods is his only hope, if these people do not buy, then he really has nothing to do.

However, if he wants these people to buy, he must explain the reasons. It is not possible for the subordinates to sit in the live studio, or even the sublong dragon himself may be in the live studio. If they let them know that they are With the quota, it's not just a matter of swapping your quota for your sister. If you can't get anything, you can do everything like a dragon.

That's why he keeps on talking.

Just as he was in a dilemma, a phone call suddenly came in.

This is an unfamiliar number. For a long time, Gan Hong hasn't known if he should answer it. What if the people on the ground dragon's phone call? What if they knew they had won the prize?

After thinking for a while, Gan Hong didn't answer.

But after a while the number came in again.

Gan Hong felt that something was wrong, because if he was sitting on the ground dragon, he could not use the same number. After thinking about it again, Gan Hong was connected. Although it was connected, he did not put the phone in his ear. speak.

"there is no tomorrow?"

The other word came from the other party.

Gan Hong froze, there is no tomorrow? This is his name in Ye Shen Live Studio. How does this person know? Who is he?

"You ... who are you?"

"I'm Ye Fei."

"Ah? What ?! Ye ... Ye Ye?"

"Well, what the **** is going on? I know you may be inconvenient to talk about it in the live broadcast, you can tell me now, rest assured, no matter what, there is me."

I am here?

Gan Hong heard the last three words of Ye Fei, and he did n’t know why, he felt his throat seemed to be blocked, he knew that Ye Fei was good for fans, and he also knew that Ye Fei was even a fan for his fans Life can be spared, but he never expected that Ye Fei would say so to himself one day.

I am here? How aggressive and overbearing.

"I ......... oh ~~~"

Gan Hong just said a word of me, and then started crying. Who is he? He is Gan Hong ~ ~ He used to sit down and mix with Lingbo City. It can be said that only he bullies others, and only he watches others cry. When did he cry? But after hearing the three words Ye Fei said, he completely collapsed, as if a child who had been bullied for three years saw his parents, his line of defense collapsed completely, he just cried, tearing his heart apart.

Ye Fei just listened.

Wait until Gan Hong cried for a few minutes before telling her story again.

Ye Fei was silent. After a while, he said, "You can sell places, but I must see you coming to my live broadcast in the next episode!"

"What ?! Ye Shen, I ..."

"There is nothing you don't want you to, rest assured, I will go to Lingbo after the live broadcast."


"You are my audience. Although I didn't know you before, you are my audience after all."

".......Thank you."

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