The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1262: What to see? Haven't seen a handsome guy?

Every real celebrity will be chased down by fans on many occasions, not to mention Yuan Jielun and Lu Yinghong, two front-line superstars?

So when they first appeared at Yinzhou Airport, the whole airport was instantly messed up, and many people who had some time rushed to find them to sign and take a photo.

Of course, the two of them know more about this kind of thing, but after all, there are too many people and they can't handle it at all. Even if there are bodyguards and assistants nearby, they are still a little bit embarrassed.

Just when the two were about to be overwhelmed by the crowd, Ye Fei brought Fang Xiaohu's gang of people over and rescued them from the crowd.

As a result, these people were too enthusiastic. Yuan Jielun and Lu Yinghong ran in front, and a large group of fans were chasing behind for signature.

The two were really a little scared, but when they were planning to drill inside the car, they found that the people chasing behind were gone, and they all ran in the other direction, and there was a person standing there.

When they saw this person, Yuan Jielun and Lu Yinghong were completely out of temper.

"Ye Shen ?!"

"No, right? Ye Shen came over to pick us up?"

Two people, look at me, I look at you, and ... then the two rushed straight through.

Fang Xiaohu's group of people: "..."

Two bodyguards and assistants: "..."

"Jaron, come back quickly, you just got rid of those people, don't be surrounded any more." Yuan Jielun's assistant shouted in a hurry behind.

Lu Yinghong's assistant was about to collapse too, and hurriedly carrying the bag and carrying the box followed.

"Red sister, red sister, don't go."

Yuan Jielun and Lu Yinghong did not listen to the assistant at all, ran directly to the back of the crowd, then the two squeezed inwardly, and while they squeezed, they reached out and grabbed forward with excitement. After a while, Lu Yinghong took out two paper towels and gave Yuan Jielun One, then the two of them shook forward holding a tissue, shouting.

"Ye Shen, Ye Shen, I'm your fan, can you sign me?"

"Me and me too, ah ah, so excited, I didn't expect you to come here in person, Ye Shen, give me a signature."

The two bodyguards and assistants, and even a group of Fang Xiaohu, instantly petrified.

Whoops, let me go. Can this also work?

That's Yuan Jielun and Lu Yinghong!

Those are two front-line superstars!

That's the host who came to host their wedding!

But now ... why did all of them suddenly become fans of Feige (Yeshen)? Look at the momentum of the two people squeezing in, I'm relying on it, is this really good?

Yuan Jielun and Lu Yinghong are really about to collapse. In theory, it should be easy to go in as the two of them. After all, they are also celebrities. Just now these people also asked them to sign and take photos. These people smiled, and then reported their names. These people should give way.

But when they really squeezed in, the two found that this set was not useful at all.

"Well, Jean, brother, Jean, I'm Jay Yuan, and I'm a fan of Ye Shen. I want to ask him for a signature."

"Get out of here. Didn't you see me squeeze here for a long time? Why give you way?"

"Me too, don't squeeze you, I won't go out, what's wrong with Jay Yuan? I won't let Fang Jaylen."

"Sister, can I excuse me? I'm Lu Yinghong, yes, I have sung and tomorrow's song, you know."

"Go and go, what else is tomorrow? Not the day after tomorrow."

"That is, it's so easy to meet Ye Shen once, don't say that you are Lu Yinghong, and you are Lu Yinglu, and you won't give way, ah ah, Ye Shen Ye God I love you, just like a mouse loves rice. "

"Yeshen Yeshen, you are the most handsome. I will make a pig to you this Chinese cabbage."

"You're Fenger, I'm sand, don't sign me to your house."

Yuan Jielun and Lu Yinghong: "......."

Both of them are speechless, I rely on, we are also celebrities, okay? We are also super stars, okay? And this is still in the country, can't you give some pride to not let the gap between us and Ye Shen widen so much? Is this so sad?

"Jaren, are you okay?"

"Red sister, are you okay?"

The assistants and bodyguards of the two ran over, and saw Yuan Jielun and Lu Yinghong's faces were all white, and asked worriedly.

Yuan Jielun and Lu Yinghong both smiled and shook their heads.

Today they are really insightful, they are the real celebrities.

In fact, they have really inflated before. After all, there are too many artists in Huaxia, and not everyone can do it to become a front-line superstar.

They belong to the lucky ones, so they have capital inflation.

Every time a concert or new movie is released, when they go out to publicize, watching the crowds of fans, my heart is really a little bit fluttering.

They are the protagonists of this world!

But now?

When they saw these fans after seeing Ye Fei throw them aside, the two talents fully understood that they have never been the protagonists of this world. They are only supporting actors, at best they are one or two. The role is not even up to this level. The real protagonist is the younger man who is much younger than them. The one who did not sing a song or played a TV series did not shoot a scary life. Young man in the movie-Ye Fei!

Their weight in the eyes of fans is nothing compared to Ye Fei.

If Ye Fei is Haoyue, they can only be the light of fireflies. The difference is too far.

"Ah, suddenly I'm so sad." Lu Yinghong covered her forehead and looked at the crowds who were still cramping towards Ye Fei, grinning bitterly.

Yuan Jielun also spread his hand, saying, "I don't think we should come over this trip. If people know how shameless it is."

He had just finished speaking, and suddenly felt a flash of light in front of his eyes. He quickly turned around and saw that reporter took a picture of them with his mobile phone, then smiled and waved away at them.

"It's finished, it's hard to think of being famous." Yuan Jielun looked at the reporter who ran far away, weakly.

Lu Yinghong also didn't know what to say. Looking at Fang Xiaohu's group of people who came over, he said, "Don't you help Ye Shen make a siege?"

Fang Xiaohu laughed: "Understand, let that girl enjoy this treatment."

Dong Feihu nodded quickly, and said, "Would you like to call an ambulance? After a while, I'll get down and take me directly to the hospital."

Yuan Jielun, Lu Yinghong, and their assistant bodyguards all looked at Fang Xiaohu's group of people like ghosts, and then looked at each other, all of them grinning bitterly.

They can hear that if the relationship with Ye Fei is really iron, this group of people would not be able to say that at all. From this, it can be seen that Ye Fei's weight in their minds is extraordinary.

"Suddenly envious of God Ye," Yuan Jielun said.

"I also envy that he can have such a group of good friends. I have very few friends."

"Yeah, very few, let's go and get in."

As soon as they walked to the side of the car, they heard Ye Fei suddenly say loudly: "Everyone, everybody, do n’t crowd, do n’t crowd, you are too many people, I have only one person, I think so, let ’s take a group photo Is it good to take a photo? Okay ?! I ’m relying on, who touched my butt? I ca n’t touch it there, my hand, who kisses it? ... Do n’t squeeze, take a photo with me, or I ’ll I will be exhausted by you. "

Yuan Jielun and Lu Yinghong glanced at each other. They both laughed and hurried into the car.

As for Ye Fei ..... At the airport, there was really no way. I called the police directly, Gan Tiandi personally brought dozens of policemen, and this dismissed a group of people, and Ye Fei ran out of wretchedness from the inside. .

The clothes were crumpled, the pockets weren't known to be torn, the face was covered with lipstick marks, hair ... Fortunately, Ye Fei's hair was short, but even such a strong small inch was touched. The party was soft, with lipstick marks on both hands, and a drool.

"Ye Shen ..." Qiantiandi looked at Ye Fei, he was all afraid of the goods. It is a miracle that you can survive.

Ye Fei rolled his eyes and looked at the dry world, then waved his hands weakly, and said, "Send me back."

At 7:20 in the evening.

Tianhe Shang Palace, private room.

Yuan Jielun and Lu Yinghong both stared at Ye Fei excitedly and kept Ye Fei looking hairy.

"I said, did you two see it?"

Lu Yinghong giggled: "Seeing enough is enough, but not enough research."


"Research how you are so popular ~ ~ I also cook, why don't others like it?"

"Cut, your name is rice. My name is gourmet. It's different. Eat and eat, and it will be cold again."

"These meals have no appetite, if only Ye Shen could cook two for us."

"No time."

Talking, Ye Fei directly picked up the chopsticks and shook off his cheeks to eat, and ignored both of them.

This product is not picky.

Lu Yinghong is not depressed, but she is Lu Yinghong, a big star in China, and it can be said that people who crush on her like her do not know how many. If she says that she wants to find a chef to help her cook, even if she does not give money to estimate the team A few kilometers away.

But now she wanted Ye Fei to do it for her, but Ye Fei gave her no time.

Brother, it ’s a girl, can you give me some face?

Yuan Jielun looked at Lu Yinghong with a smile, then looked at Ye Fei, opened his mouth, and yet he didn't speak, Ye Fei directly waved his hand.

"I won't do it for you."

Jay Yuan: "........"

I rely, how do you know I want to say this?

Fang Xiaohu and a bunch of people on the side really wanted to kneel to Ye Fei, Fei, you are our god, dare to meet Yuan Jielun and Lu Yinghong in person, Huaxia ca n’t find a few, and even if you are Will give a bit of good or bad, you ... this is the rhythm of direct strangulation.

Yuan Jielun and Lu Yinghong's assistants and bodyguards completely hurt, but when they saw that Yuan Jielun and Lu Yinghong didn't say anything, they didn't dare to say, staring at Ye Fei one by one.

Ye Fei turned to look at them, and said with a stern expression: "What are you looking at? Haven't you seen a handsome guy?"

Everyone: "........"

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