The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1289: Deserve him

Genius remember the address of this site in one second: (Acupoint Chinese), the fastest update! No ads !? Before cooking, we need to know today's thinking live guest, I want to give you a surprise.

In fact, Ye Fei is also looking forward to what Elf God and Medusa can shake the audience in the live room, especially for the global audience, it is absolutely exciting and sour.

The audience in the live broadcast room would like to introduce the live guests. One by one is also looking forward to it. After all, there is a goddess Medusa. After listening to many interstellar audiences, the goddess planet can be called a goddess. Exist, how beautiful can it be?

And this is the elf god, is it really an elf?

Some people are even curious about the lack of tomorrow. Although this is an earth person, the reaction of this guy was too strange. It will be several days without tomorrow. Has he come to the live broadcast?

Skyscraper ... Skyscraper is not counted, I've seen it.

It can be said that many people are really looking forward to the several live guests today, and they all want to see what these guests are like.

So now Ye Fei said that they wanted to meet with everyone, and the audience was all quiet, watching them one by one.

Suddenly, a face appeared in front of the live broadcast video, which scared many people.

"Fall, I'll scare you, Ferris, you can get away."

"Don't you say hi when you come out? Grandpa is scared to death."

"What's so great about a big iron face egg? Flash away."

"Ferris, are there any broken tires? Can you give me one?"

As soon as I saw the reaction of the audience in the live broadcast room, Ferris's face turned black. He really beeped the dog. Even if he had met, could he not hit people like that? Anyway, I'm also an interstellar friend, right?

At the scene, Ye Fei was amused by the audience in the live room, and he patted Ferris's thigh with a smile to show comfort.

Skyscraper ... Skyscraper mercilessly directed a **** towards the audience in the live broadcast room, then ran away in dismay.

The audience in the live room was almost laughing, and it was hilarious.

But at this time, suddenly a face appeared before the video. This is a Chinese, very young, and good in spirit, but the skin is a little yellow.

After he came to the video, he smiled hard, and then beckoned towards the audience in the live room, but the movement was a little small, as if a little scared.

But he still opened his mouth very hard and whispered: "Hi, everyone, I don't have tomorrow."

Everyone: "..."

Seeing that there is no tomorrow, everyone did not know what to say at the beginning, because this was a person who did not have any hope for tomorrow, and did not know whether they have stepped out of confusion and will continue to be called without tomorrow. .

For such people, they must be careful when they speak and do things, because their hearts are fragile and they can't withstand any blows. It is likely that a sentence or even a word is used incorrectly, and they will be vulnerable to his fragile heart. Here comes a blow.

It's because people understand this, so the audience in the live broadcast did not know what to say for a while.

Gan Hong thought he had a low voice, and no one in the broadcast room heard it. His face turned red, then he waved again towards the camera and raised the voice a little, saying: "Hi, everyone, I don't have tomorrow."

The audience also knows that this person may have misunderstood them. This must be answered. Otherwise, people think that these people do not want to care about him, which is even more heartbreaking.

So many people started sending messages.

"You just don't have tomorrow?"

"Why so young?"

"Little brother, all difficulties can pass, only hope for tomorrow."

"Yeah, you are still young, as long as you work hard, I believe tomorrow will be better."

"Yes, there is no tomorrow brother. I am a waste. I think if you are an old audience of Ye Shen, you will know me. I used to be the same as you, but since I participated in Ye Shen's show, I have got many people. Care and help, especially Ye Shen, I am doing very well now, I am working for my orchard, if you don't mind, I sincerely welcome you to come to my orchard and fight with me. "

The waste was also famous in Ye Fei ’s live broadcast room for a while. At the beginning, he lost confidence in life and lost hope in life. Finally, Ye Fei and a group of big guys pulled back on the cliff. There is no tomorrow like him.

And as a resurrected person, waste is also very grateful, so he sincerely invites him to go to his orchard without tomorrow to fight with him, and it may be better for him to change the environment of green mountains and rivers.

I ate all over the world and laughed into the microphone: "The waste has finally stood up now. Can you say that we people are really pleased that there is no tomorrow. You are about the same age as him. Your future life is still long. Do n’t I'm too pessimistic, so let me know if you have any difficulties. If we can help, we won't stand idly by. "

Zhang Junwei also smiled and said, "Come to work in my company?"

I also laughed: "My company also welcomes you."

Qin Jianlin, Du Guohao, Chen Ziheng, etc. Even foreign entrepreneurs like Baby Matsui and Jin Zhuxian are welcome to work in their companies without tomorrow.

I am not really touched by tomorrow. This person who is often mixed on the road even tears are coming out at this time. He finally understands that there are still many people in the world. So many entrepreneurs grab themselves. Is this too good? Surely not, is it their company's confirmation? Nor is it that they just don't want to see themselves without tomorrow, they want to help themselves.


Gan Hong opened his mouth and the tears flowed down. There was no way he could not hold it.

"Child, don't be nervous. We are just a suggestion. If you have a better place, we will not force you." Eat all over the world and said quickly.

Gan Hong wiped his eyes, then laughed again, and then stood up from the chair, bowed deeply to all the audience in the live broadcast room, and then sat down again, saying: "I am sweet Hong He De He can receive such help from everyone, I really appreciate you, but now all the difficulties have passed, Ye Shen ... Ye Shen has helped me solve it. "


"Football, Ye Shen?"

"I really kneeled Ye Shen. Is this too fast?"

"This ... How long has this been happening? Ye Shen helped others solve the problem?"

"Yes, I'm really convinced. On which fan is the best, the best person is in the East!"

"Haha, yes, no matter whether it is a singer or movie star or one of these Internet celebrities, one counts as one, if the attitude towards fans can reach half of Ye Shen, no, it can be one tenth, it is estimated that it can go now Higher and farther. "

"Yeshen is the benchmark for all the stars!"

At this moment, all the audience is kneeling to Ye Fei, including countless interstellar viewers and fans. They have learned about Ye Fei's attitude towards audience fans from previous shows. What is the foundation to set up a fund and help the poor by themselves? Fans are doing business, and pulling a bunch of big guys directly for the wedding of the fans directly scared the family, and even almost died for the fans ’heads. To be honest, they did n’t see them when they happened, because Qiu Qiu platform has not yet opened an interstellar live channel. Some people don't believe it very much. It seems that the composition of the show inside is relatively large.

But now when I hear such things in person, these people are shaking their heads one by one, especially some interstellar anchors. At this moment, they seem to understand Ye Fei a little.

"If he is sincere to the fans like this, then he has no opinion."

"Yes, if it is not a show, then it should be red."

"This Ye Fei ... seems a little interesting."

"There is a reason for madness, and a fork for a reason."

"You guys, I think we need to calm down and think about it."

"A broadcaster can do that, I ... I'm serving!"

Ye Fei didn't know it at all. It was just a few words from Gan Hong. His impression in the minds of these interstellar anchors has quietly changed. The situation that was previously regarded as the opposite side is slowly shaken.

"Yes God helped you solve it? Why so fast?" King Kong Huluwa couldn't help asking.

Gan Hong laughed: "Actually, Ye Shen went to Lingbo the same night after the live broadcast. Oh, I'm from Lingbo. Ye Shen not only helped me solve the difficulties, but ... ... and now let me work in his friend's company. My sister met Qin Zekai's son because of Ye Shen. Now ... they are in love. "

Everyone: "........"

Well, there is such a magical thing?

Ye Shen, did the good guys bring the month old together?

"Qin Zekai !!!"

Just after Gan Hong's remarks, Du Guohao and Chen Ziheng and a group of people directly called Qin Zekai in the live broadcast room.

"Fuck, no wonder this time I won't go back to Kyoto. I found a girlfriend."

"Qin Zekai is looking for a girlfriend again?"

"Hey ~ brother, what is it about finding a girlfriend again? You have misunderstood him. Although he has many Internet celebrities and stars, he just treats them as friends, and he has always been single."

"No, what about that ~ ~ I heard that he has fifteen girlfriends, OK, from first love to now, sometimes change a few a year."

"Ha? So crazy?"

Qin Jianlin couldn't stand it anymore, as Qin Zekai was his son.

"Oh, guys, let me say a few words. This child, Zekai, wanted to have an elder sister or a younger sister, so he would be very good to any girl. Sometimes you may be misunderstood. The fifteen girlfriends are actually recognized sisters or sisters. I ’m his father. I can testify to this. Zekai ’s child is still very kind. Guohao and Ziheng Helping friends should be very clear. Ze Kai's kind people didn't even have the heart to step on an ant. I think that since this friend's sister is a boyfriend and a boyfriend with my son, my son will treat her well. Here I also give everyone a stand. If he bullies Gan Hong's sister, I will never spare him. "

Everyone: "......."

Suddenly, in order to wash your son in vain, Qin Jianlin, you are a bit too much, can you say that? Also your son's kind can't bear to step on an ant with one foot. How about you being a fool? Who can step on an ant with one foot? Huyou people are not as foolish as you.

Qin Zekai also quickly jumped out and said, "Everybody, everybody, my dad was right, and Ye Shen knows about me and Ping Er, and I also take a stand here. If I am sorry for Ping Er, then I In the future, he will be killed by the food made by Ye Shen, will it always be okay? "

Everyone again: "......."

Nima, you want to be beautiful. This messy vow is not what you think, but it was also killed by Ye Shen's food. Do n’t you know that this is the wish of everyone in the live broadcast room?

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